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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year ago
    Me dino has been reading about how deep pocket fat cat Democrats are donating gobs of money to Haley because they think she's a GOP RINO has a better chance of bating Trump better than any Jackass Party candidate.
    Yesterday me dino was disappointed to hear of Judge Jeanine Pirro endorsing Halley. Having bought one of her books about 4 years back, I thought she was a lot sharper than that.
    Oh, well, for a short time I was swayed toward Ron DeSantis for having heard too many fellow Alabamians complaining of Trump saying too many mean things about him, but I swung back fully MAGA way long before I heard he is out of the race today.
    America needs a big time Trump rescue. PERIOD!
    Not long ago I thought of using that Babylon Bee satire complete with an "article" about Trump appointing him to a 7-Eleven job, but I thought, naw, that kinda casts Trump in an unasked for poor light with snowflakes, though I doubt any has been attracted to what is written in The Gulch.
    Still, you never know who in Fake News or the weaponized DOJ may be tracking us in cahoots with The Swamp.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year ago
    Nice collection pointing out reality again! Started my day right. LOL! All that chaos leading up to the last one. I've sat in an Adirondack chair looking over a smooth as glass river on a summer morning, just like Trump. It's a wonderful experience.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year ago
    Up here in Cow-Hampshire, the Trump rallies are going wild. Enthusiasm is off the charts.
    My cousin went the Manchester rally, what a ride!
    But don't get cocky people, the cabal is going to pull out all the stops to stop Us, We, President Trump
    This has to be a tidal wave of support or we are screwed.
    This is for all the marbles kids.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year ago
    LOL. HALEY is perfect. All are great.

    BTW, I love how Vivek LAUGHED at the 7-11 meme. PERSONALLY, I want Vivek in the Trump Orbit, I agree he would make a Great VP, but might not bring a state along for the ride.

    BUT, the debates with him vs. Kamala? Popcorn Worthy and I am a lowcarber... LOL.

    Well... At least I am entertained...
    As my country burns...
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 year ago
    A shame there are so many rino politicos out there. The good news is they're coming out of the woodwork like termites after pest control. At least now we can see some of them, making it a mite easier to expose more. Thanks Carl. Making it real and putting a good spin of humor on it really makes my day!
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  • Posted by $ DriveTrain 1 year ago
    Someone seems to be forgetting the Reagan Principle. To wit: Is Trump campaigning against Biden and the Democrat-Socialists, or is he campaigning against Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy? I'm all confused here. And as a Reagan Republican (who once stood in the same room with him, as a snot-nosed 14-year-old,) and more fundamentally as an objectivist, I'm also completely disgusted with this uncritical, unreasoning rah-rah cheerleading I'm hearing from people (who ought to know better) on behalf of this anti-intellectual pragmatist-on-steroids Donald Trump.

    Yes, he'd be better than any Democrat. Not a high bar to clear, that. And yes I do hope that the Demo-Socs are defeated decisively in November. So putting that no-brainer aside, am I the only one remaining at GGO who can see through this pathetic - yet nonetheless dangerous - textbook-classic personality cult and identify Trump as a political wrecking-ball - not primarily of Republican opponents but primarily as a wrecking-ball of Republicanism and Americanism?

    Am I the only one who noticed last night that Trump spent more time in his "speech" - around ten full minutes - lobbing bitter, vindictive, seething invective at Haley than he did talking about illegal immigration and the border or any other issue? That other than the border issue and something like three sentences about drilling oil to eliminate inflation, he did not say a thing about... anything else at all, except... ad hominem trash-talk at Haley for having the audacity to compete as a GOP primary candidate against him? Can any one of you, in your wildest imagination, see Reagan standing up there and spewing that shameful, petulant, juvenile, character-devoid display?

    What is wrong with this picture?

    And for the record no, I am no particular fan of Haley - though I think she'd make a perfectly acceptable President, at least as good as that cipher GWB or that cipher Romney or that cipher Dole or that cipher GHWB - or as good as Donald "Lockdowns and forced vaccinations? Durrr... what lockdowns and forced vaccinations?" Trump. I'm just a bit stunned - as familiar as I am with Trump's B3 (Big Talk, Braggadocio and Belligerence) - that the man who takes the GOP nomination for granted spent the vast majority of his NH victory speech on a rant against one of his Republican - that's: Republican - opponents. As an advocate of reason it is difficult for me to take this man seriously as a candidate, for anything. I don't think it's arbitrary psychologizing to note that the man clearly has some issues. This is the same Nikki Haley that he, Donald Trump, appointed as UN Ambassador, and he's going on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on about what a Big Fat Stupid and Great Big Gob of Greasy-Grimy Gopher-Guts she is, to dare to continue as a GOP primary candidate against him. Where is this rage coming from? Where is his maturity? Where is his character? And what is he afraid of?

    And with all due respect Carl, Haley... as Dolores Umbridge-Clinton? As "Dem-Lite?" As a Republican in name only? Really? Just because she's competing against Trump?

    The digs against Ramaswamy are a full order of magnitude worse, because in terms of principle and of activism VR is a better candidate than Haley, and arguably a better candidate than Trump. I've heard a whole lot of withering trash-talk from Trump's personality-cult about how proud they were, to have retained that tunnel-vision of theirs and skipped watching the debates (skipping along with their hero,) but here's the deal: Though VR's personality is borderline abrasive and obnoxious enough to be a Presidential disqualifier all on its own, I will take any one of his brilliant, kick-arse, short summary speeches in those debates over the entire output of Trump over the last year, in a heartbeat. But then we do not know a damned thing about what Trump thinks about any particular issue (except border, drilling, and I Hate Haley,) because His Highness couldn't be bothered to show up for the debates at all.

    Which aside from the kick to the crotch of Republican voters, as in "I take for granted you're all voting for me, so don't worry your pretty little heads about issues, I will magically SaveTheDay and you do not need to think much about it, or at all," was tantamount to an attack on the entire Presidential primary process. On a fundamental level, his debate-no-show stunt has done incalculable damage to the Republican cause above all - in that debates, even as pathetically-produced and run as 1, 2 and 4 were, are invaluable and utterly free platforms for Republicans to get their positions right smack in the faces of the whole of the United States voting population. Not just Republicans - real Republicans - are watching, but Demo-Socs, Independents, Libertologists, fence-sitters, whatever.

    At best it's an opportunity to teach Republican principles directly to the country on nationwide TV; at worst it's free nationwide advertising for the Republican cause. And Trump is apparently too stupid to realize that in trashing the entire institution of primary debates, he also trashed an absolutely vital tool of the Republican cause. But his rah-rah cheerleaders are as blind to that little detail as is Trump. And Trump doesn't care in any case because it's all about him, not Republican principles. And Trump supporters have the audacity to wonder why the vestigial collectivist crowd are managing to advance their evil when they should be moldering on the Trash Heap of History. WTH

    At any rate, if Trump wants people outside of his rah-rah personality-cult to vote for him, he's going to have to drop the knicker-twist juvenile rage against his fellow Republicans and start acting and sounding like a viable and mature candidate for the Presidency of the United States of America. Which would mean - at minimum - identifying a whole laundry-list of aggressive, vital agenda issues, the bulk of which comprised of all of the sh#% he did not bother to lift a finger to address between 2016 and 2020. And just don't get me started on his first-term performance record. How can anyone with a functioning cognitive apparatus give him a grade above something like a C- for that four-year do-nothing snoozefest? Why is election fraud still a catastrophic danger to America? Why am I - and each of you - still getting 1095-C forms with the annual tax garbage? Why wasn't the plug pulled on the Wuhan Hypochondemic Government Power-Grab as of late March 2020 when the "15 days to flatten the curve" had expired? Why were the Talibantifa allowed to take over an entire section of midtown Seattle, 1871 Communard style? Why were the BLM Marxists allowed to do their multiple facsimiles of Kristallnacht in the cities of America through the summer of 2020 when _____ was sitting idle in the White House?

    Scratching my head here.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year ago
      Nice post, +1, but...

      I wouldn't say most Gulchers are "...uncritical, unreasoning rah-rah cheerleading..." Trump supporters. I believe all of us know he isn't the perfect one for leadership, but after sorting and sifting through all that has happened he still comes out as the best offering the GOP or maybe the whole country has that is willing to stand up and address some of the nations problems and has a chance of getting elected. I suspect he is fully aware of the mistakes made in his first term and I equally suspect many of them will not be repeated if he gets elected again.

      Side note: If I recall, the states and localities who voted for leftist politicians and were enjoying the antics of Talibantifa (love that!) and the BLM Marxists voted for and nurtured what they got and told that "mean tweeting dictator" to stay out of their affairs even though he offered to help clean it up, so he did. They got what they wanted. If I also recall, the Main Stream Marxist Media was virtually on the side against Trump every chance they could.
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    • Posted by $ 1 year ago
      "And with all due respect Carl, Haley... as Dolores Umbridge-Clinton? As "Dem-Lite?" As a Republican in name only? Really? Just because she's competing against Trump?"
      Laughing, Haley, to my chagrin, is: dem lite, rino. Think, war through proxy Ukraine and everyone in the middle east. Unfettered, unvetted immigration and not to mention, disbelief of voter fraud, killer vaccines, human/child trafficking, trans everything, etc, etc, etc . . . you know, general cluelessness.

      Politely: She doesn't have what it will take to straighten things out.
      History is littered with the least perfect persons that came along at the right time and did the right things to get humanity back on track.
      (I live right next to New York and many invade my screwed up state to fondle our treasured New England Sound: so I am used to verbose male and female figures that actually do care for our country and those of us that build and repair it everyday.)

      Note, These were the memes generated in the last couple days in response to everything going on. Each is either truthful or is humorous with an element of truth.
      Most have Laughed their ass off and to me, that is the best way to mitigate the stress these leftest create.
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    • Posted by $ DriveTrain 1 year ago
      Addendum: No guts from anyone here on, again, that whole "rational debate" thing, but the zero-effort Beavis-Butthead drive-by of the thumbs-down click - which is only an electronic variant of a vacant ad hominem when you think about it - serves as confirmation of... apparently no viable answers to the simple questions I have put forth here on:

      a.) personality-cult bandwagoneering versus a dispassionate, reasoned evaluation of Presidential candidates, and

      b.) the sheer quantity of issues - absolutely vital issues - which Trump left utterly untouched during his do-nothing 2016-2020 term.

      My whole point in making these criticisms of Trump - and it looks like I will need to sit down and do a full-blown independent post on the subject rather than trying to get some rational discussion of it from a humor thread - is not to create division within the anti-collectivist faction of the 2024 election. Given that Trump is a virtual shoo-in for the GOP candidacy and that he's (marginally) preferable to the frothing Democrat-Socialists, that would be counterproductive. My intent here is: To dislodge people - who again should know better - from their uncritical cheerleading for Trump, and prompt for something both the Republican Party and Trump as a candidate have desperately needed for the better part of nine years: Republican voters holding these politicians' feet to the fire and demanding some aggressive pushback against the militant Left; demanding an end to the dual failed practices of either reactive pragmatism or (in Trump's case,) complete inaction; and demanding an agenda at least as radical in the direction of core Americanism as the collectivists' agenda is in the direction of totalitarian serfdom.

      Grabbing your ball, going home and sulking behind a keyboard ain't gonna get this done, sad to say...
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      • Posted by $ 1 year ago
        Don't know who 0ed you out but it's not my style. Mac, Freedom and I spoke to your posts queries.
        I'm guessing no one else had anything to add.

        The three of us read the "Q" threads and observed the many things Trump did publicly and behind the scenes.
        We all realized the "Swamp" (demo's and rino's burrowed in the cracks) had already taken most of our system making it harder to clean up.

        Seeing that Trump is the only one to tackle this task , the only one that wants to and the only one that has any idea as to how to do it effectively. The creatures that need to be dealt with are worse than a termite/ant/worm infestation
        They and their crap goes way back in History. I had some sense of it when I wrote: The Fight for Conscious Human Life©

        I and many others think he deserves a shot, now that much has been learned.

        What few know about the future is that we have a limited time to get this done before it all caves in, before nature takes it's cyclical course and it sure would be easier having only nature to deal with instead of nature AND Evil to deal with.

        PS, there will be some hint of this in Monday's IN THE MEME TYME: From the Shadows.

        This next 9 months will be about awakening those that have yet to do so.

        After that, everyone must learn about the cyclical nature of natural catastrophe's and what will happen imminently.
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    • Posted by freedomforall 1 year ago
      Fellow Republicans????
      Has Trump ever had any actual allies in the GOP?
      The GOP is as corrupt as the Democrats.
      Why should anyone give ANY of them any respect whatsoever? They are gutless looting Deep State conspirators.

      Haley"she'd make a perfectly acceptable President,"
      What irrational world do you live in? One that keeps the Deep State in charge and turns all Americans into despairing, manipulated slaves?
      I wouldn't trust that lying neocon war-monger and looter to be dog shit collector in central Africa.
      Put her on the same wall with all the rest of the Deep State tools like Obama, Buydem, Clinton, Bush to be shot for treason.
      The sooner the better.
      Talk about setting the bar low.
      Why were the BLM and others allowed to riot? Because it's not the federal government's job to override state and local government.
      Trump is the first potus in the past 100 years that actually tried to follow the constitution in some ways instead of imposing federal power where it was not requested.
      (And then when he should have stayed hands off in the PLANdemic, he let 'expert' treasonous advisers ruin his presidency.)
      I don't know if Trump has what it takes to destroy the Deep State and bureaucracy, but that is what must be done.
      No other so-called candidate has shown even the inclination to do what is needed.
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    • -1
      Posted by $ DriveTrain 1 year ago
      I pretty clearly compared Haley to GWB, Romney, Dole and GHWB. But to further clarify: If we're going to settle for a four-year placeholder - which is what Trump's do-nothing '16-'20 term was, and which we have little reason to believe a '24-'28 term would not be - then Haley is as good a placeholder as any other, including placeholder Trump. That was my full meaning, which should've been an obvious inference from what I posted above. But just to be clear.

      Hiding behind the question of Federal vs. State jurisdiction is a cheesy cop-out, and I think a legally invalid one. (Ditto hiding behind "treasonous advisors made him do it." Umm, who, specifically, picks these advisors? Blank out.) When you've got militant radicals taking over an entire section of an American city, you have textbook-definition sedition. I'm not a scholar of Constitutional law, but if the President is not authorized to put down a de facto rebellion with some branch of the Armed Forces (I'm thinking the National Guard under Title 10 of the U.S.C.,) then at the very least he should maybe just maybe get on television and open his ziplocked mouth on the subject - if for no other reason to confirm that a.) he's alive and b.) he's cognizant of what's going on in the country over which he presides. A President who is actually a leader... leads, and there are more ways of leading than using the direct powers of the Executive Branch and the Federal gov't.

      I keep coming back to the example of Reagan - probably because he was the last U.S. President worthy of the office - and at the very minimum he would've been on the tube addressing the American people directly and repeatedly, as he did in every crisis that came up during his '81-88 term.

      From Trump we heard: Not a peep. Dropped pins were doing The Wave. He was guilty of a 100% dereliction of duty IMO, on both the violence in American cities and on the entire Wuhan Hypochondemic. At precisely the time when the American people desperately needed decisive leadership from the Oval office, they got zero - rien - soon - zen - zippo - nada. Just a gaping void where a leader was supposed to be. Again I am scratching my head here on the roaring question of how people who are presumably at least at a surface-level familiarity with Rand's philosophy are able - or worse, willing - to blithely evade this catastrophic dereliction of leadership.

      As for the Libertologists' blanket "warmonger" epithet, Trump lucked into four years without war, and then ducked the debates so he would not have to... debate the two wars which began after he lost and exited office: Russia's invasion of Ukraine and Hamas' playing catch with the severed breasts they hacked off of women - while they were still quite alive - which they raped violently enough to shatter their pelvic bones. So we had DeSantis, Haley, VR, Scott, Christie, etc on stage and diligently debating these wars, while His Highness sat at home. ∴ not only was His Highness relieved of the burden of going on record as to where he stands on action vs. inaction on these conflicts - to say nothing of the burden of undergoing cross-examination from his competitors on them - we the viewers (once again,) got zilch in the way of information on where, exactly, he stands. His acolytes, not missing a beat, leap onto the advantage of this fusensho and reflexively label his opponents as "war-mongers."

      Slick. Also blatant intellectual fraud. The opposite of reason is irrationalism; in context of a Presidential election another enemy of reason is: the refusal to discuss issues. Such as: the refusal to participate in debates.

      Along with the question of how people who should know better are capable of evading Trump's significant shortcomings - in favor of the apparently overwhelming narcotic that is his "B3" - I'm also curious as to why and how some people can get so emotionally invested in a particular political candidate. Heroism is an undoubted positive in life but only up to a point - particularly where the whorish crowd we call "politicians" are concerned.

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      • Posted by freedomforall 1 year ago
        Dt, I didn't see this post until today as it wasn't posted as a reply to my post. ( I didn't down vote you at all either.)
        I don't agree with much of your post but I do agree about 'politicians.'
        The constitution doesn't give many powers to the fedgov, but previous presidents have taken them anyway and meddled where they have no business, and I disagree with nearly every instance.
        I recall that the state and local governments in Oregon and Minnesota (where the large "peaceful demonstrations" occurred) didn't ask for federal assistance, and iirc, in one case specifically said they didn't want any federal cops or military involved. The state and local governments have the power in this case as specified in the US Constitution. Trump could have sent in federal troops and he would have done so against the wishes of the state and local government. He would have been wrong and he did what was right.
        I'm not a Trump booster. He made mistakes during his term especially the Plandemic. But he didn't do anything to deserve the impeachment proceedings that dominated and distracted his actions for most of his term. imo, the con-gress people who did it are traitors and should be executed for treason. Trump was naive when he took office. I don't think that is the case now.
        There is no one that I trust to run the fedgov and I think the People would be better off if the fedgov was dismantled and replaced with an agreement between the states similar to the Articles of Confederation.
        Ukraine and Israel's wars are not a threat to Americans and not a single penny should be wasted on either by a US government that is flat broke.
        The above are my opinions.
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