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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 1 month ago
    Xiden doesn't support independence for Americans, either. I despised Carter for throwing the Taiwanese under the bus. I had just finished reading AS the first time before that and could see it was a bad move. Forcing America into the sack with the CCP is one of the worse things in our country's history.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 1 month ago
    Of course, Xi told him not to. Quid Pro Quo Sell-Out Traitor Joe "Big Guy" of the Biden Crime Family knows it is only practical business to acquiesce after you've been paid off.
    Besides a dirty deal still being a tit for tat deal, what other enemy country would want to bribe him if he did not?
    Countless independence-loving Taiwanese soon getting killed for being thrown under the bus by a country whose Forefathers wrote The Declaration Of Independence is just acceptable collateral damage when you've been influence peddling in oodles and oodles of obscene for completely treasonous dirty riches.
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  • Posted by VetteGuy 1 year, 1 month ago
    When I first saw this, I thought I mis-read the headline. After re-reading three times and giving it some thought, I came to the same conclusion you did.
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  • Posted by EastMeetsWest 1 year, 1 month ago
    Taiwan is heading for another classic cia coup. The newly elected DPP won with only 40% of the vote. 60% of the Island voted for some form of the status quo and not "Independence". The newly elected president is a zionist "christian". and his newly elected vice-preseident is a duel citizen Taiwanese/American zionist "christian" in a nation that is 99% Buddhist! .

    If China does land, there will be an instant civil war on the tiny island.

    asian quagmire.

    Why does a constitutional republic go around the world promoting democracies? Is it because democracies are weak and easily manipulated to their ends?

    Millions more innocents are going to die for the MIC in Taiwan. Only this time, there will be no borders for them escape over. So 100% slaughter rate is possible.
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    • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
      Allow me to correct your religious breakdown of Taiwan. According to the US State Department (
      28% Traditional folk religions
      20% Buddhist
      19% Taoist
      24% non-believers/atheists
      7% Christians

      That being said, being independent of Mainland China has been a unifying factor for decades. They have a robust business engine and they know all that will come to a screeching halt if China becomes belligerent.

      As to a religious civil war, that's quite the unfounded hypothetical. The problem is that none of those religions are militant; Taiwan doesn't have the same problem that Western China has or Indonesia or Sri Lanka where the majority are Muslim. You also have the prohibiting factor that there is no private ownership of firearms in Taiwan, so any resistance by the populace is going to be makeshift weapons. And I'm sure that this factors highly in China's plans because an armed populace would be much more difficult to deal with.
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      • Posted by EastMeetsWest 1 year, 1 month ago
        China certainly understands the dynamic in Taiwan 1000% more accurately than any westerner. China is bating the DPP to declare because it would make the Island erupt from the inside. In very much the same way Hamas now has millions around the world gathering support in the streets of global cities. An oppressed Chinese population in Taiwan by Taiwanese bent on revenge would create an international outcry.
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        • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
          Taiwan has been separate from mainland China since the end of WW II - and especially since the Chinese Civil War between Chiang Kai-Shek and Mao Tse Dong - so this notion of an "oppressed" population... No idea where that is coming from when there is three generations of separation there and the Taiwanese have seen their own prosperity in comparison.

          As to the Taiwanese voting for "independence" from China, they already have it with the status quo. China doesn't rule them - even though they'd like to. I'm just really not seeing this whole notion of a civil war in Taiwan...
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          • Posted by EastMeetsWest 1 year, 1 month ago
            The "status quo" in Taiwan is

            1. 90% free trade of Taiwan comes from China.

            2. Cross strait investment creates millions of factory jobs for mainlanders under Taiwanese leadership.

            3. Taiwanese are welcomed to universities and work opportunities on the mainland to send remittances back to Taiwan unhindered by western and dpp interference.

            If the DPP disrupts the status quo it will cripple Taiwan and then the world economy in turn.
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            • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
              And? Most of the rest of the world similarly relies on China for cheap goods. The real difference is physical proximity which makes Chinese goods pretty cheap in Taiwan. Doesn't hurt that their similar cultures make it easy to do business and create products for both markets. The real question is how easy it is to get substitutes. Unless China blockades Taiwanese shipping, they can go to Indonesia, the Phillippines, Vietnam, or Singapore for cheap goods.

              2. Which is a disincentive for China to go to war just like the US and Mexico. But there's the interesting thing: you don't have Taiwanese citizens going across to China to look for jobs. Why? Because Taiwan has a free market system which has resulted in both industry and commerce. If the Chinese take Taiwan, it will be another shutdown just like Hong Kong.

              3. Sure, because the Chinese benefit. But again, do you see many Chinese going to Taiwan for education? No - because they don't have the same opportunities. And let's not forget that the Chinese try to recruit the Taiwanese who go there to spy on their home nation to the benefit of China. The relationship is anything but neutral.

              "If the DPP disrupts the status quo it will cripple Taiwan and then the world economy in turn."

              A little hyperbolic, don't you think? I'm not going to deny that Taiwan declaring its total independence from China right now would be politically and militarily a bad idea, as the resulting war would put a major dent in Taiwan's economic output even if it survived. And if you're implying that China would cut off trading to the rest of the world once such a war started, that's possible, but it would be extremely unwise for China. Trade is a two-way street as much as China would like that otherwise. Their economy is already on the rocks and if they started a war with Taiwan, it wouldn't be very difficult to get a coalition of nations to embargo China - as painful as that may be to some industries like electric vehicles. And if there was anything President Trump proved, it was that China really cares about its trade. The tariffs Trump extracted on China had a profound effect on their ambitions around the globe - ambitions that are being pursued heavily under a complicit US President.
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      • Posted by EastMeetsWest 1 year, 1 month ago
        You completely misread my general sentiment.

        1. Taiwanese voted against "independence" mandate 6 to 4

        2. Taiwanese Buddhists have successfully incorporated all of the folk religions ceremonies and Taoists regularly incorporate beliefs with Buddhism in Taiwan. Taiwanese are very proud of being the last location of traditional eastern Buddhist temples and practices. Buddhism absorbs Gods and share Ancestors, not murders them for all time like with Christianity. Buddhists will fight crusaders that wish to destroy the last of the cultural shrines that withstood 5000 years of wars.

        3. Civil war would be based on old grievances between those that see themselves as Taiwanese, those that see themselves as Chinese and those that seek a third position. And owing to the fact the majority of the people do not wish to be ruled from Washington through the dpp and want the status quo to remain and/or return.

        Arming Taiwanese would create genocidal conditions instantly. Old KMT warlords would be crowned overnight.

        I hope that your understanding is more clear?
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        • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
          Yeah, because most Taiwanese know that they already have nominal independence and don't need to poke the dragon. At least not until they know they have significant military backup...

          2. How the various religions worship is up to them. If they choose to take the Roman stance of absorbing all other gods - and effectively having none - I guess that's up to them. No idea where you are going with "not murders them for all time like with Christianity" however.

          3. Where are you seeing these kinds of divisions except in Chinese Communist Party propaganda? Taiwan has been its own nation for three generations now and they can clearly see what life would be like under the thumb of the Communists. They paid much closer attention to Hong Kong than did Westerners because that would be the future of their country. And most of them are terrified of it.

          "Arming Taiwanese would create genocidal conditions instantly. Old KMT warlords would be crowned overnight."

          Again, I'm really questioning where you are getting such notions. The Chinese haven't been in control of Taiwan since WW II and the US left militarily in 1979. That's three generations of change plus them watching tens of millions of their relatives in China getting slaughtered by the Communists. And you think they still have such strong ties to that that they'd be willing to start a civil war?
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          • Posted by EastMeetsWest 1 year, 1 month ago
            The Taiwanese are very oppressive to kmt elders their children and grandchildren. They are all treated as second class or "deplorables". There are government policies in place that subsidies Taiwanese families directly from kmt ancestors for crimes of the father. Vengeance is constantly in the air, whether it is from the ruling dpp political powers, the ancient Chinese Triads powers and/or the Bamboo Union that keeps old blood feuds alive. There are only "pure" Taiwanese and " mainland invaders and their children".

            The ruling zionists media does not inform you of the realities of Taiwan.

            You're misinformed. The Western perspective is very limited in these matters.

            The western powers are creating yet another quagmire in which they do not have realistic perspective nor historical understanding.
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          • Posted by EastMeetsWest 1 year, 1 month ago
            Christianity has killed off all of the original European religions. It has also genocided several native american religions. Christianity is the most genocidal religion on the planet.
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            • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
              Religion is a war of ideas. Those religions which persist do a better job of capturing minds and hearts. This is no different than the marketplace. What should be looked at there are the ideals of each religion. Buddhism and Taoism are peaceful religions as is every sect of Christianity I am aware of not to mention Wiccans or the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or Scientology or any number of others. I draw the line when a religion takes that war of ideas into the physical realm, such as with Islam. That's the same quandary Thomas Jefferson recognized when he was the President of the United States fighting the Barbary Pirates.

              The problem I have with your statement is that it isn't supported. Islam and communist atheism both have far more blood on their hands: Islam since the 800's AD and atheism in the past ~120 years. Christianity - even if you aggregate all the various Christian sects together - doesn't hold a candle to either of these even if you add in the Inquisition, the England vs Ireland conflict, or the so-called Crusades (which were fights against invading Muslims).
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  • Posted by starguy 1 year, 1 month ago
    Quid Pro Joe: "I wanted to congratulate the President-elect of Taiwan, but Winnie the Pooh told me not to, so I didn't. After all, he's my boss."
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  • Posted by term2 1 year, 1 month ago
    I remember nixon complaining that we gave contradictory signals to IRAN when the shah was in power. We are doing the same thing now. At least with Biden no one actually listens to his demented rambling.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year, 1 month ago
    Biden is a POS. Hope this comes up in the general election, although all the gay hamas supporters would be happy if a country with no welfare was taken over by one with 100% welfare.
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