Unbelievable Realtiy

Posted by UncommonSense 1 year, 4 months ago to Culture
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Greetings Gulchers! Been nearly 3 years since I've been here. Who here loves being stuck in the Twilight Zone? Hence, the superb article to think about & ponder over...
SOURCE URL: https://off-guardian.org/2023/10/07/unbelievable-reality/

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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 4 months ago
    Nice article expressing similar thoughts I've had regarding what happens when tech reaches the point where "proof" of almost anything can be fabricated. I figure common sense should come to the rescue. But then what happens to the "common sense" of a people that have been exposed to such fabrications all their lives? For common sense to work there has to be some kind of base line in ones mind connected to reality. So what happens when that connection is never established or is permanently corrupted during the formative years?
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 4 months ago
    Welcome Back.

    I learned of these things back in 2012 as I finished my first book, later to be called: Deep Fakes. I am sure some productions were near flawless but most not. Recently, a big joke as the outline of someone put into another setting buzzed and fuzzed as if it was electrified.

    I am no longer overly fearful as I've learned what nature has in store for us. Turns out Nature will make it very difficult for these demented creatures to successfully create these deep fakes.
    Our magnetic shielding is 30% weakened due to the North and South magnetic poles excursions beyond the polar regions heading toward each other. This causes trouble for all species on this planet, mentally and physically. It also allows untold amounts of cosmic radiation and proton bombardments that will cause all types of havoc with our modern way of living. It is Electromagnetic, as is everything in our modern society.

    Brings new meaning to the phrase: "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature" Or the "Conscious Human Race".

    Thanks for the article. it's an important one. It will be fun to watch their demented creations go up in smoke. (which eventually, they will.)
    In The Meme Tyme: we best remain highly skeptical.
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  • Posted by GaryL 1 year, 4 months ago
    We all already know that "Eyewitness Testimony" is often flawed. Show 5 people the exact same scenario and they will often see a much different accounting. Now, with tech advancements and AI able to fake just about anything, imagine being on trial for murder and they go to the videotape that has been doctored. Can artificial Intelligence place your fingerprints in a place you have never been? But of course. Can it use your own words and your voice to produce things you have said but you never said them in the same sentence. Supposedly we all have our very own DNA shared by no one else, good luck with that these days. We should all be very cognizant that it is illegal for you or me to lie to law enforcement, courts and even congress but it is completely legal for all of them to lie to you or about you. As we speak the government is going hard after 2 of the wealthiest men in this world, Elon Musk and Donald Trump. Even if they don't get them, they are damn sure getting lots of their money.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 4 months ago
    Hello UncommonSense. Good to see your excellent post. That article hit the digital nail on its holographic head. When the msm can tell people that they didn't see over 130,000 votes suddenly drop from Trump's side and magically reappear on Bidoom's side, and the fools believe it, this country is ripe and ready for AI/digital duplicity of the highest order. They'll swallow it hook, line and sinker without so much as a blink. Thanks for joining the gang again.
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  • Posted by $ Snezzy 1 year, 4 months ago
    The pony rides that I provide for children become ever more important. There is no way to provide fake ponies that will even begin to be like the real ones, although kids occasionally ask, "Are they REAL?" The fake horses in Disney-style videos are all too anthropomorphic. Real horses have remained basically unchanged for thousands of years. They will remain. Cockroaches, too, will persist.
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