License to kill... because I want to
Gotta admit this author has a point: when we allow people to prejudicially commit acts of violence under the premise that they will stop later acts of violence, they will use this as license to invent any and all reasons to continue to be violent. There is a reason the US Constitution enshrined a right to trial and conviction prior to punishment and these extremists try to turn that on its head to justify their delusions.
The other interesting point was that some eagle-eyed patriot noticed a couple of BLM people standing on the sidewalks away from much of the hubbub with pens and clipboards, noting down the responses of the people and police. (Probably looking for a sympathetic leadership.) When these people were approached by common citizens, they quickly left. We've never seen them back again.
That Antifa mob quickly went bye-bye, since very few if not none of them lived in Auburn. I would not be surprised to learn if none of them even lived in Alabama.
One has to ask: "Who is providing the logistics/financing of transport and housing of these dirtbags?"
This is not an insignificant question.
Recently read that George the Jabba the Hutt look alike is stepping back to let his just as bad or worse son to take his place for bankrolling treason.
From what my cousin told me, for every firearm out in the open, 10 more were laying in-wait, my cousin included. Another friend some 10 miles out said he and all his neighbors dusted off their home defense plans... just in case.
This war could be stopped in a New York Minute.
Why is this not happening? Follow the money.
Time to all start singing the "Fish Cheer" (I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-to-Die Rag) -Country Joe MacDonald and the Fish, 1967.
These are people I don't talk with about politics because they will never listen
to anyone who thinks the BLM "peaceful demonstrations" were actually riots by criminals.
Suddenly, the 'demonstrations' in NYC against Israel are actually riots by criminals.
I'm becoming convinced that NYC has a majority of irrational hypocrites.
If I could figure out how to make the Left absolutely hate each other I would. In a heartbeat. Some may say that I’ve lost my principles. I say we are well past the time for principles. Whatever it takes to win is what it takes.
As I’ve said before. The GOP has never had a better chance to fracture the DNCs voting base. And I am confident that they will F It Up on principle.
These useful idiots are, in a more lengthy description: envy-intoxicated, painfully-unaccomplished, self-immolating, failed children.
This is the reaction that I have whenever I see them destroying something that they cannot, even remotely, match.
Watch as the slow, fat, inarticulate monster climbs a statue of Jefferson or Lee and attempts to tie a rope to tear it down.
Witness the mongrels pour like orcs out of a looted store, carrying whatever physics will allow, they have no concept or cranial material to touch an understanding of the requirements and effort necessary to build a business.
Stare in amazement as they brandish their big mouths inarticulately screeching about some imagined transgression.
When the hard times hit -- as in survival-level depletions of food and energy -- these idiots will be washed away like so much feckless dross.
We can only hope. The WEF may have their “Great Reset”. I’m cheering for the GREATER Reset. I know which ideology comes out on the other side. The same one that ALWAYS does when reality is allowed to take it’s course.
It was designed to keep me from standing outside of the ladies restroom, with a gun on my hip, while the wife was inside.
Concealed doesn't count...