Australia's Bureau of Meteorology predicted a hot dry summer right before the flooding rains came… Oops, They Claim Short Term Weather Forecasting Is Not Easy, Yet Claim 50 year Forecast Are Perfect?
Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago to Science
"Australians are angry the BOM didn’t see the flooding rains coming
Worse, we’re betting the nation on the BOM’s ability to predict the climate.
The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) tells Australians that record breaking extremes are getting worse because of our cars and our air-conditioners (that’s “The State of the Climate“). But when the BOM can’t predict record breaking rain a month in advance, or even the day before, we know the BOM doesn’t understand what drives the climate.
Somehow the BOM expect Australians to spend trillions and rearrange their economy based on their fifty year prophesies, but not to mind when “this summer” goes right off the rails."
More proof of the hypocrisy and lying regarding CO2 and "Climate change" aka "Global Warming".
Trillions Wasted on Politicians Gaslighting the People
"Australians are angry the BOM didn’t see the flooding rains coming
Worse, we’re betting the nation on the BOM’s ability to predict the climate.
The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) tells Australians that record breaking extremes are getting worse because of our cars and our air-conditioners (that’s “The State of the Climate“). But when the BOM can’t predict record breaking rain a month in advance, or even the day before, we know the BOM doesn’t understand what drives the climate.
Somehow the BOM expect Australians to spend trillions and rearrange their economy based on their fifty year prophesies, but not to mind when “this summer” goes right off the rails."
More proof of the hypocrisy and lying regarding CO2 and "Climate change" aka "Global Warming".
Trillions Wasted on Politicians Gaslighting the People
Doing away with all government backed flood insurance would eventually save as many lives and trillions wasted on property damages of people foolish enough to build in flood (and storm surge) areas.
Ok, probably some wealthy foolish people would still take the risks, but they'd also have to accept the fiscal responsibility instead of forcing it on others who are less foolish.
An excellent recent example is NASA now admitting that water vapor is the most significant Greenhouse gas, but it is precipitated by CO2!!
Imagine if this was the story Al Gore told. No one would have listened for a minute. However, after the totalitarian scum used Goebbels' lying technique to get the idiot-lemmings to believe in CO2 monsters, they come around and quietly cover their exposed bullshit story vulnerability.
Since their votes are meaningless, they should be tested and encouraged to learn to think if they want to participate in government action.
Being robbed by government made powerful by idiots is not acceptable.
But the sheep don't care, they keep on thoughtlessly grazing and reproducing.
The fedgov etc are fixated on "bigger is better".
Got to have more! More! More!
Otherwise the federal reserve Ponzi scheme collapses and the rich (and the politically corrupt) get poor, too.
Without lots more GDP (created from nothing via financialisation of fake industry) there will be no more debt and without more debt there is no fiat to pay the banksters the interest on the debt they created from nothing in the past.
But nowadays, my phone has a lock on the weather. And I accept that a 15% chance of rain is more or less a POSSIBILITY of rain. Too many variables.
And those models for Hurricanes. Because they are COMPETING with each other... I think they produce some interesting data. (The problem starts when the data is narrated, and the Climate Crap is LAYERED on top of it).
But those Hurricane Forecasts... I think they save lives. And to the degree that I have a feel for how the High Pressure getting pushed down into FL helps drive the Hurricanes away from the coast... I think there is a bit of science here that is working.
It's just all HIGHLY probability based... As it needs to be.
But the ENTIRE CO2 thing is a HOAX of EPIC Proportions. We are far closer to the EXTINCTION LOWS of CO2 than we are to the HIGH CO2 Levels that were present DURING ICE AGES!
WHY did they rename Global Warming to "Climate Change". Besides being able to claim Extreme Cold as a side-effect of Climate Change without sounding like utter idiots?
How useful is a weather forecast that says 'today might be different or the same, but be afraid, just in case'?
That is what 'climate change' is saying and doing so with no reliable evidence whatsoever.
In this case it may be appropriate to 'kill the messenger' after a serious interrogation.
One belief is that as long as the models forecast within some imagined boundary conditions, that one can get an average somehow being a valid forecast. That is delusional, especially for chaotic system like weather.
There is no value in long term climate modeling predictions.
Turns out there was a monkey (Chester) trained to throw darts.
They hired Chester to forecast the weather by hitting a paper target marked "rain", "snow", "cloudy", "clear", "windy" etc.
After about a week, Chester the Monkey was more accurate than the "professionals""
It wasn't long after, Chester got his pink slip.
True story.
THAT'S what those sly computers are trying to tell us...
AI is fooling us into not preparing for the sudden takeover that is coming, hah, hah, hah!
With that said, 2 things spring to mind here. First climate change is real. We can see in the fossil record that the climate has rarely been stable for more than a few centuries. Second, short term weather prediction is much like short term stock market predictions. Nothing more than a reasonable guess based on the quality of your input data. The problem here is that we can say with certainty that the stock market will go up on the long term, based on over 100 years of evidence. While we have a similar amount of weather data it seems that they are intentionally misreading the data to manipulate the citizenry.
When you say "the stock market will go up" keep in mind
(1) that over the past 110 years the federal reserve has been manipulating the economy and inflating the currency which makes everything with at least stable 'value' go up when measured in USD, and
(2) that the DOW 30 index must go up over time because any company in that index that doesn't perform better than the market in general is removed from the index and replaced with a company that is performing better than most of the other public companies.
In this way, Wall Street also intentionally uses data to mislead the citizenry.
At the very same time, half the Jets are flying a parallel course, same height, same direction emitting normal contrails.
As further evidence, one or two of the Chemtrail emitting jets will cycle the spryer on and off (perhaps adjusting the flow rate?).
Now one could sarcastically speculate they are shutting their engines off to coast a few miles to save fuel, like you do driving down a long mountain road! LoL
But what is crystal clear is that powers that be are spraying something. And a lot of it.
There is your Mann-made climate change in a nut shell.