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Finally I'm reminded there were once a type of a trans that I did not find repulsive.
I'm also reminded of the time I took my (now grown with families) three little kids to a Hooters beside our Panama City motel, telling them that the girls inside wore more than the girls on the beach. Food was very good.
Hey, if you have a big lawn and only an electric mower...
Oh yeah! Those are the only trans in my book. Back in '72 I dragged one on Rt. 259 near where I live and it didn't have a prayer against my 440 GTX. All good fun in the days of my misspent youth.
If I had a dog... LOL
Lord of the Ringo, LOL. The last two are wonderful! I wish that's all it took to fix the world.
Great bunch. I look forward to getting a few chuckles on Friday.
Green technology -- even some of my smarter friends still think it is a new Energy Utopia... I help them connect the dots.
Now enjoying my 3rd cup of mud [coffee] (25 cents a cup, amortized from hardware and input costs).
Thanks for the Welcome to December 2023 memes, Carl.
The only thing I love more than Rock itself is Rock bass, and yeah, as an acolyte of The Master himself (Mr. Sheehan) and Masaki Kurata (maybe Billy's long-lost kid brother?) picking is lamelamelame.
If you're not familiar, have a listen to Billy in his prime:
And Masaki (doing "Flight of the Bumblebee" with Liv Moon's band):
However, comma...
It is possible - extremely rare but possible - to find a picker who's freakishly talented despite the handicap. As evidence I submit... Misaki Fujiwara - though she mixes picking, plucking, slapping and tapping. Still jaw-dropping. (Fair warning: Soko ni Naru is pretty hectic - you'll prolly need to be a fan of Rush/Yes/Crim to get into this - and their lyrics are deterministic in the extreme.)
"Dancing on the Palm of the Hand" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n7Myo...
"Burning in Work": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nl4Z5...
Whoa, TGIFunnies prompted a blast from the Rock past (have never seen that particular clip of Billy though I saw him on that tour too,) so thanks for the surf-trip OUC!
Great job OUC. You covered a wide area today.
- Trans-Am for nostalgia.
- Fixing the world, more than my local gov does.
- Clown shortage, those we see divert us by entertaining, those we do not see are destroying.
And "organic" is derived from a Greek word meaning "way overpriced".
And the little girl fixing the world - were that was all it took!!
Thanks for the great collection!!
BTW, the girl on the left was put that way by the teacher for not standing still...
It was either that are Ritalin... LOL