While showing some problems associated with “prepping,” the alternative pictured by J. Thomas, lying on a beach somewhere, doesn’t confront the issue of being a foreigner in a very likely hostile land
Posted by bubah1mau 11 months, 3 weeks ago to Government
If the US becomes an all-out police state, suffers the economic consequences, what makes Thomas think other nations where his beaches lie will be that much better off as retreat locations? What makes him think that a conspicuous foreigner will prosper in a land suffering what is likely to be a very global disintegration?
in either law enforcement or war. I want to live out my natural life if possible without having to get into a firefight. I am as prepared with various supplies as well as possible, my protection is in just two calibers for simplified use, and I have some contingency plans in place. But I will not survive an all-out assault by a large armed group. My safety is my responsibility, my choice has many facets. I shall retreat to my Lady Lair, thence to ponder the new information as it arrives (may I say that it arrives each day, including Equador pondering the step of outlawing firearms.) Info overload aside, there is a course I can follow to best effect. The trick is to find it.
As a case in point, those who set out to establish “Republic of Minerva”—what was supposed to be an island retreat in the south Pacific back in the ‘70s—didn’t have to wait for an economic/global collapse to arouse the ire of the local population(s). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republi...
With so many nations either partially or totally dependent on American financial health and largess.
When this nation fails, (and the red flags are flying folks) skipping off to a remote island paradise is a temporary reprieve at best.
Even the deepest woods of the northland, you face the same perils. You have to pop your head up at some point for supplies.
Rare is the bird who is absolutely positively independent from greater society.
The closest this nation ever came to that ideal is the The Iroquois Nation, for which Ben Franklin used as the model for the, our, Constitution.
Needless to say that ideal is dead and buried along with old Ben.
For the vast majority of us, we make our stand Here. Now. Today.
I'm guessing a lot of you fellow Galts are older, in retirement or close to it. We don't have decades and decades to hash this thing out.
"Give me Liberty or give me death" -Patrick Henry, 1775 And he was a young man when he spoke this.
I am old. I will not spend my "Golden Years" under the boot heels of a bunch of commie bastards. It's not in my DNA.
A sneaky bunch of thugs calling themselves "swat police" might capture a house or two before the word gets out as to who they are and where they live. They got to sleep sometime.....
I don't see such a relatively small Gestapo overcoming 100,000,000 armed and thoroughly pissed off Americans, not for long anyway.
I also don't see our boys and girls in the armed forces obeying illegal (and unconstitutional) orders putting a gun to their grannies and gramps head in direct violation of the oath to that very same Constitution they swore to uphold.
Most of us are likely have at least some training in the safe and elective handling of all manner of weaponry, be it a baseball bat or a stone.
I am sure many will put their shackles on voluntarily (hint: they voted for Buy-Dumb)
What is the most dangerous animal?
A mama bear protecting her cubs.
The question come down to how you want to live?
This is my country.
This is my home.
For Those who would take it by guile or force: Molon labe M.F.
"...the The Iroquois Nation, for which Ben Franklin used as the model for the, our, Constitution." Is actually an urban myth, IMHO, started in the 1980s (or thereabouts) as a politically correct pander to anyone not white. A lot was written about it (the myth) without much context or background or even so much as a quote from the so-called "Iroquois Constitution", which was actually a peace treaty between tribes and wasn't even written down in the 18th century for Franklin or anyone else to cite. The US Congress even read the myth as it was understood at the time into the Congressional Record in 1987. The eventually written (early 19th century?) version of the Iroquois Constitution is only seven points long and hardly bears any resemblance to the US Constitution and Bill Of Rights. Both Constitutions can be found on the Internet for anyone who cares to actually compare them.
For various reasons Ben Franklin held an admiration for many cultures that were not English and some Native American cultures, including the Iroquois, were among those he admired. That does not mean Franklin or anyone else used the Iroquois treaty, unwritten at the time, as a "model" for the US Constitution. The attribution to Franklin (rarely actually quoted) usually offered as proof the Iroquois confederacy was used as a model was actually an admonition towards the petty squabbling of Constitutional delegates to start acting more civilized. Here is the Franklin quote:
“It would be a strange thing if Six Nations of ignorant savages should be capable of forming a scheme for such an union, and be able to execute it in such a manner as that it has subsisted ages and appears indissoluble; and yet that a like union should be impracticable for ten or a dozen English colonies, to whom it is more necessary and must be more advantageous, and who cannot be supposed to want an equal understanding of their interests.” - Benjamin Franklin
According to the book “Benjamin Franklin” by Carl Van Doren, copyright 1938 (page 209). I have this book in my library.
Of course, anyone reading this can believe whatever they want.
stop by the former USSR and buy a few old warships they no longer use...
Fitting in as a native and making friends (in a country with far less central government power) is essential, imo.
Note: In my experience, the places you'll fit in easiest are the ones that the governments are strongest and want you as a resident the least.
With as integrated as the world's supply chains are and as specialized as they are, it won't take much for everything to cascade and fall apart because no one has enough generalization to survive. That means that most jobs are going to end and people are going to be starving trying to just survive. Bad news.
And during covid, my jaw dropped at how my TOP 3 escape routes were WORSE than America. (We know about the collusion, now)... But it painted a bleak picture.
Suddenly I noticed many rich people owning property in Puerto Rico (A place that was over represented by the "For" family: For Rent, For Sale, and For Lease... On my last visit)...
As much as I hate Peter Zeihan, once the international trade drops off, most countries that are NOT the USA will suffer. China... Will likely suffer the most. But any country that lives on exports or survives because of imports over long ocean routes...
They will suffer as well...
We are living in the Cream of the Crap...
Going Rural will be the new thing...
For a category that includes some here, the solution is another jurisdiction where you can live off your existing wealth.
A warm climate fits with cheap living. A 'bit' of corruption may help, it may be impossible to avoid, if a place is cheap then there is cheap labor, why are the people so poor? You know. You keep quite and hope they leave you alone.
Housing, home help, are cheap, other things may cost the same, eg motoring, health and medical need careful investigation, legal assistance and protection is another thing again.