The Great Taking... What's really going on!
Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 4 months ago to Politics
Free Book.
Well documented.
This is the 3rd source that brought this to my attention, the sources do NOT know each other.
I saw this after 2008 Crash, when the Mortgage Documents were changed to include "Strange Verbiage: Owner of Record, and Owner In Fact"... If you stop paying your mortgage, the bank is already the Owner In Fact... You stop being the Owner of Record... And become a RENTER...
THIS goes further. Over 80% of all stock is owned by CEDE. You have "RIGHTS" to it. Your rights can be subordinated.
Do you THINK "YOU" own stocks in your 401(k). Nope. You think you do. You bought them. But, it's all just easier if CEDE manages the ownership...
WHAT could possibly go wrong with CENTRALIZED ownership of almost all stocks?
Could they do a bail-in?
Well, that was setup, then Dodd-Frank made it so that YOU don't own your deposits... That was technically a LOAN to the bank, and you FALL behind other lenders...
If you do not own your house outright. Be prepared. If you do, you might want to setup some protection where you hold a lien on your own house. Because THAT LIEN must be cleared before it can be transferred.
We live in crazy times...
But this has been in the works for 70+ Years. Once again... Rockefeller's were involved.
Find Ivor Cummins on YouTube. He just did a deep dive into this, as well...
Well documented.
This is the 3rd source that brought this to my attention, the sources do NOT know each other.
I saw this after 2008 Crash, when the Mortgage Documents were changed to include "Strange Verbiage: Owner of Record, and Owner In Fact"... If you stop paying your mortgage, the bank is already the Owner In Fact... You stop being the Owner of Record... And become a RENTER...
THIS goes further. Over 80% of all stock is owned by CEDE. You have "RIGHTS" to it. Your rights can be subordinated.
Do you THINK "YOU" own stocks in your 401(k). Nope. You think you do. You bought them. But, it's all just easier if CEDE manages the ownership...
WHAT could possibly go wrong with CENTRALIZED ownership of almost all stocks?
Could they do a bail-in?
Well, that was setup, then Dodd-Frank made it so that YOU don't own your deposits... That was technically a LOAN to the bank, and you FALL behind other lenders...
If you do not own your house outright. Be prepared. If you do, you might want to setup some protection where you hold a lien on your own house. Because THAT LIEN must be cleared before it can be transferred.
We live in crazy times...
But this has been in the works for 70+ Years. Once again... Rockefeller's were involved.
Find Ivor Cummins on YouTube. He just did a deep dive into this, as well...
I had been meaning to share this on GG for awhile -- thanks for posting.
I have read the book twice. I am tracing the references now ... it is a compelling narrative. I am working out the timing for its full implementation.
Correct -- you are an unsecured creditor in terms of your bank deposits. Fun part -- this is written on a placard that appears on the wall as you enter your bank, credit union, savings and loan... In Plain Sight.
For the record -- I personally have no debt other than my revolving credit card.
90% of all my assets are now physical -- mostly farm / ranch land and some of that is productive.
I do ask folks about their preps -- food, etc ... I only ask once... if they understand, then we talk about preps ... otherwise, I change the subject.
Essentially, I am moving my ark further up the mountain in preparation for the flood.
For TPTB, it is now just a matter of timing and execution.
But I think you got it. (I KNOW you got it).
Please share it.
They are dividing us right now. At some point I am hopeful that people see it is a VERY SMALL handful of ELITE that have done this. And when we act... We must act against them, first and foremost.
This looks like a very interesting read and I have saved it once I get through my stack of technical reading assignments. Thanks so much.
I don't go out of my way to educate others any more. They are incapable of understanding. Once they get it, like you, I am here. Not to do the work for them... But to point them in directions that they might find helpful...
It's interesting how long this has been in the works. The Federal Reserve was the first BIG misstep. Then I believe the 1950s. Kennedy was the end... It just took us time to realize...
I remember life in the SF bay area in the 70s and 80s. It's all long-gone now. Now, I rent an expensive house on the beach for a week each summer. That house includes a key to the beach, as though the beach is private. I bring this up to my friends and explain that my working class family when I was a kid...We'd just drive over with our picnic basket and have dinner on the sand. No fence. No paid parking. No key. Just one very basic example. I'm trying to teach my kids to get out in nature with me now that we're in our Gulch state and they seem to get it and enjoy it. Taking my boy fishing on a lovely lake today. Harkins back to my past. There's a beautiful bald eagle that lives at this lake and soars over us. Always makes me smile...
When I put it into laymen’s terms which is “Everything is FAKE….ALL of it!” this is why.
It’s like all of the alleged economic growth. Government spending rarely counts as actual “growth”. My own state claims to have a “budget surplus” if I pulled a cash advance on my credit card….air could have that kind of surplus too.
If you setup a proper structure (more complicated).
And you live in a state where someone can sue you for your house (not Florida).
Then you "divest control" of that lien, and when they win the house in the settlement, they have to pay off that lien to get the title. At that time, your LLC can let them know the lien amount is 4x the value of the house...
basically the title company would have to call to clear the title. You'd have to provide those details, which of course NOTIFIES you something fishy is going on...
Florida has a FREE service where they will email you if anyone tries to do anything with your title. From the county. trying to stop the fraud.
But we have Judges "Allowing Lawsuits against Trump" that should not see the light of day.
Meanwhile, MANY Voting lawsuits were tossed out "Because even if you proved your case... WE HAVE NOTHING to offer you..." And most people thought it was because of lack of Merit.
Meanwhile EVIDENCE was DESTROYED in these cases... Please tell me who went to Jail for that?
As if we are a nation of laws today...
But this is scary stuff!
That said….perhaps he is allowing someone else to carry the ball into the end zone. Based on the reviews from all of you I’ll begin reading this. I have more respect for your opinions.
He was the reason I bought a spare freezer and stocked up.
He had people on his show in JAN saying "These pieces came from a lab".
He was in front of the lab stuff.
BUT he did push the panic a bit, and he changed his mind, but that was about the 5-6 month mark.
Lately, he has been on the ball. BTW, he did not write that book... He read it, and published it.
Anyways, it's one of those things where he might not be right... But he's not lying. And in todays world. That alone is refreshing...
Through him, I heard about the FLCCC (Dr. Kory, etc). And he is now on their board of directors. They are now moving FULLY into trying to be a source of truth against what the FDA/CDC/and corrupted medical journals are trying to sell...
I think he has better inputs now. (FWIW, I do NOT believe we've hit Peak Oil, he thinks we have, and they are hiding it by reporting "Oil Like Substances")...
Regardless, I think it's worth learning... It explains a lot...
At the heart of it, actions were taken to change the "definition" of ownership. So that we would own nothing.
The hard proof is the "Government Created" CEDE that "Owns" all of the "tradeable" stock shares for all such companies. (Think everything BlackRock Owns).
So, when you buy a share of stock, in your 401(k) for example. Or some Fund... Who "owns" stock.
What you find is that the ownership of the stock NEVER CHANGED. But you have "RIGHTS" that were assigned to you. And those rights are Subordinate to the rights of others.
For example, you have $1 Million worth of stock in a broker. That Broker has a client LTCM. LTCM makes bad bets, and loses money. The Broker can't cover the losses. No worries, they BORROWED against YOUR STOCKS.
Their "rights" to your stocks to pay off their debtors comes before YOUR rights to your own stocks.
The concept of a buyin.
But the CORE concept was that they changed the laws, and the meanings of things... So while you THINK you own shares. NO. You PAID to have RIGHTS to trade those shares... But MANY groups before you have RIGHTS to them as well...
And "The Courts" will have to decide (IF something goes bad), whose rights get handled in what order.
BUT the bankers have insured they are ahead of everyone else.
We ALREADY OWN NOTHING we can't hold down.
The challenge is in "Definitions" of ownership.
You BOUGHT something.
Do you OWN shares?
Or do you have "RIGHTS"?
And are your rights subordinate?
Suffice it to say. I don't think our governments like us very much!