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Anyhow, You made a new word!: Memerable, have to put that one in my Memeory.
I prefer 34D memaries, One must squint to see 32Ds and 36Ds rarely stand on their own . . .
Nope, the younger generations will NEVER be as cool as their grandma! "I'm special" cracked me up!
Trump does have a sense of humor. Can't say that for lefties.
Hope the mouth doesn't close in rigor mortis while aiming one's throw.
I could see that played out on Monty Python's Flying Circus. The pagans holding up score stones rating the roll!
Too bad the "beheaded" will never know the score . . .
During the late Sixties I was an usher to an Ohio cousin's wedding in New York City during a hot summer.
Not only did I see a lot of miniskirts on the city's sidewalks but my cousin Paul's bride's wedding "gown" consisted of a miniskirt too.
Paul's father was a Lutheran preacher and the bride was some kind of an Unitarian. Paul's family wanted a Trinitarian wedding and the bride's family wanted an Unitarian wedding.
End result? The compromise was Paul's father marrying the couple standing beside a Unitarian preacher dressed up kinda like a bearded rabbi marrying the same couple at the same time.
As I left Alabama for that wedding, I looked forward to flying north to escape the summer heat. It was just as hot in New York when I stepped off the plane!
My family wanted to go from A to B by subway. I thought it would be somewhat cooler underground. Wrong. It was way hotter down there!
Oh, just recalled another experience. Stepping by myself out of the hotel, I happened to make eye contact with a middle-aged gentleman coming the other way.
Acting like I was used to doing in Alabama, I said "Hey" for "Hi" like most Bama Southerners back then.
Gentleman became afraid of me and gave me a wide berth. That is how I learned not to act like a freindly Southerner in New York City.
Yep, young dino found that trip to be very educational.