Tolerance is Overrated

Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 4 months ago to Culture
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Growing up a westerner I remember all the rhetoric that was shoved down our throats about being "tolerant". Tolerant of the fat guy with a beard walking down Market Street in SF wearing a dress. Tolerant of the teacher at my kid's school who put up a poster of Mao. Tolerant of the Persian guy in one of my offices who'd punch some of the guys and harass the young women because, "I guess that's part of his culture". All those years that little voice in your head might be saying, "Why tolerate? Why not just get along? Why not be able to openly state your opposition?" Maybe the bearded guy in the dress needs help. Maybe Mao killed too many people. Maybe the guy in my office needed to be set straight by whatever means necessary (guess who did that...). As I watch this news clip I remember that. Now that I'm older it's clear to me that one can tolerate themselves right into their grave. One of my buddies here in the area is retired Israeli special forces. He's...a little angry. The other night when he passed by on his evening walk he just said "the nukes are armed". I hate war and I don't like violence, but I know where I'd stand if a group came into my area and took and tormented the women and children. I think that these attackers did more than poke the bear in Israel. And now all around the world I'm seeing protests in support of the terrorists...wow...

I know I'm not the only one here who regularly imagines a world where people get along and respect each other. What a concept.

SOURCE URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Bn20jGQW5w

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    Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 4 months ago
    These children were not indoctrinated into a death cult, unlike what's happening to the youth of Gaza. Israel needs to ignore any criticism and set aside being civilized just long enough to clean out the evil in Gaza in a biblical way. I know I'm sitting here in a safe place arm-chairing a bad situation, but I've watched this crap for decades and know it will only stop when the perpetrators of the evil are put down.
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      Posted by JohnWesley 1 year, 4 months ago
      I see Gaza as a rattlesnake den. If the Daddy Rattler bites you, do you say, "Well the Momma and the kids are innocent." No, if you survive, you are going to destroy the den. No survivors. We already know how dangerous young Palestinians are. Also, the Palestinian champions in America need to be eliminated.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 4 months ago
      All a sick and twisted plague despoiling this planet, murdering, raping and hostage taking terrorists need to be exterminated. Period.
      Their hateful supporters are beyond despicable. Tolerated? Hell, no! I'd like to see their brains washed~~literally!
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  • 11
    Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 4 months ago
    From my "new" perspective. HAMAS declared war on Israel. Therefore, Israel has the ONE GOAL of devastating their enemy UNTIL they get an UNCONDITIONAL Surrender.

    And I don't care if they drop NUKES to do it!

    The way I see it. The Terror ALWAYS starts from one side. Then they scream "proportionality". Sorry. This is now war. And Israel should fight like their lives depend on it.

    BTW, I do NOT think the USA should offer either side any aid. In fact, all foreign aid to the region should be turned off (and the Ukraine funding stopped), until HI, OH, and numerous other places in the USA are recovered! (And our borders our secured)
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  • 10
    Posted by mhubb 1 year, 4 months ago
    my concern, the usurper in the Oval Office just does not have what it takes to manage this.
    he has already made this worse and will continue to make this worse

    people in the biden admin are on the side of the terrorists
    that is clear

    prepare people
    prepare as this is going to get much, much worse
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    • Posted by JohnWesley 1 year, 4 months ago
      The usurper is managing as directed. He is a traitor. He has succeeded in his goal to destroy America. We will experience far worse than what has currently happened in Israel.
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  • Posted by bobsprinkle 1 year, 4 months ago
    Why the fuck should I care about America any more at all. The republican party is D E A D!!!!!!
    We were able to give them an admittedly razor thin majority...B U T that includes the Speaker position to preside over things. Now we got a bunch of preening pussywhipped dumb asses that cannot elect another one.This could result in some democrat asshole Jeffries becoming the speaker giving control of the house to the democrats.
    Does anybody want to try and tell me why I should even bother voting any more????
    The above language is to express my disgust with the current idiot republicans.
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    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 4 months ago
      Bobsprinkle, you snatched the thoughts right out of my head. Your expression of the subject is very close to my own, along with eye rolling at the circus in DC. Dobrien in the Gulch here keeps my hopes up that the white hats will eventually prevail, but it's looking tougher and tougher. There IS an awakening going on, but it's not in DC as far as I can tell. I smile every time I see freedomforall's: "DC NIFO"!
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      • Posted by bobsprinkle 1 year, 4 months ago
        There is some comfort in knowing I am not alone. With all the vote stealing etc. America gave the repugs an admittedly small majority. BUT, it was enough for a majority and the speakership so as to allowfor getting legislation thru. NOW, ALL of the work Jordan and Comer have done to uncover the Biden crimes will just die. It is now possible that this democrat turd Hakiem Jeff could become speaker and just KILL any legislation.So....why bother
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 4 months ago
      Well...America is in bad shape, looking into the future. We're like the drunk uncle who's broke because he gambled all his money away....But, he's drunk and he's walking down the street "makin it rain up he heeeaa" as he throws his last dollars from his pocket into the air for the rug rats to pick up.
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  • Posted by GaryL 1 year, 4 months ago
    You can say that again, "Tolerance is overrated"!
    We tolerate these fools in all branches of our government and they can't get anything right, done or for the people while the world all around us is burning.
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  • Posted by mshupe 1 year, 4 months ago
    You've identified a huge issue. Tolerance, like the abstract concepts of justice, love, truth, do not have a concrete meaning in today's culture. They've become disconnected from reality and become subjective. They are floating concepts that can be used for any nefarious purpose.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 1 year, 4 months ago
    You cannot negotiate with someone who wants to kill you. The only possible response is to kill them first. I believe that Israel should clear Gaza and rebuild and repopulate with their own. Make it a Jew only area and if any around them don't like it. Israel should take as much land and make it theirs as they can. To HELL with Islam and their Satanic ways.
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  • Posted by $ 1 year, 4 months ago
    I just thought back about my grandpa...the one who fought against Japan in the Pacific. Remember how that ended? I thought - What if he was an Israeli now? Well.....I don't think I need to tell you how he'd want that to end.
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    • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 4 months ago
      My dad was on a light cruiser and a destroyer in the Pacific during WW2. His group came under kamikaze attack, just as suicide bombers attack today. The only difference was that kamikaze hit military targets during a war. Today's version hits anything civilian to spread terror and death. This isn't a war we're fighting--this is a deadly plague that has no vaccine to cure it. Find the source of the infection and burn it out, then sear all the loose ends. This will go global whether we go after the infection or let it spread unchecked.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 4 months ago
    Can’t say I majorly disagree with any of the opinions presented. The situation is just that messed up. I’m not seeing a clear “good guys” in this fight. I’m seeing two really bad guys. It boils down too unless THEY have the stomach for Palestinian Genocide this is never going to stop. I don’t know of a more blunt way to put it. The Palestinians are in a no win situation. The only way they dislodge the Israelis is too bring in a 3rd party and at least 2 G7 nations on their side. And then it will be WW3. Those are the only ways this thing ends definitively.
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