Look for ultimate slow-roll build for Bribe’m’s 20 miles additional border wall as it’s all PR for poll numbers. If Briebe’m (or Trump) was serious, shoot-to-kill would have been in effect years ago
Posted by bubah1mau 1 year, 2 months ago to Government
With shoot-to-kill (preferably by armed drone patrol) no wall or fence is necessary, just a painted, plainly visible red line
I suppose now he can buy them back at a premium price from his cronies. He may be a stupid as post but someone associated with him knows how to make a buck.
This poor excuse of a Deep State puppet is killing us.
Like King Midas in reverse, disaster-by-disaster, screwup-by-screwup, everything this idiot touches turns to shiite.
And it's all by design; not his, his puppet masters.
That means Buyme would have no problem buying back or replacing those wall segments for even mega-billions of bucks and maybe also taking ten percent for "the big guy."
remote Aleutian islands with no American taxpayer support whatsoever other than manuals
for building a housing structure using local materials and raising food by farming and
hunting with local materials for weapons.
Use the US military and FBI to capture the 15-20 million illegals already in the lower 48
and immediately relocate them all.
Broadcast this to the world and see how many invaders still come.
2) Too much collateral damage for the millions already in country illegally.
After that the ground-level agents would likely be trying hard to keep
from going to the Gulag (or gallows) themselves. ;^)
1) Immigrant applicants must be sponsored by an existing American citizen - one per applicant and no citizen can sponsor more than one at a time.
2) The sponsor is on the hook for ALL costs and must post a minimum bond of $5000 from which their fees and processing will be deducted. In the case that the immigrant/applicant commits a felony offense, the sponsor is liable for any costs and the immigrant/applicant is immediately expelled from the country and banned from ever entering the country again on pain of death. Misdemeanor offenses don't automatically disqualify an applicant but may.
3) The immigrant/applicant must live in the US for a minimum of three consecutive years, two of which must be spent gainfully employed and self-sufficient. Again, the sponsor is on the hook to oversee the employment of each applicant.
4) No immigrant/applicant shall be eligible for government welfare benefits of any kind.
5) Immigrant minors "birthright" citizenship is revoked and they must apply for citizenship as normal. "Birthright" citizenship is permanently banned by statute. (No other nation on earth accepts this policy. Neither should we.)
6) Every immigrant/applicant must undergo a background check from their native country and provide positive identification. Those who fail the background check are disqualified and barred from future entry into the country on pain of death.
Separate the boys/girls.
Send the girls to the middle east. Video tape them being sold at auction...
Then take the males, and drop them via parachutes into North Korea. I hear they get free health care! All the grass they can eat!
That will make the 'camps' formerly at the border (and now on the streets of LA and SF) seem like heaven.
What was taken by brute force must be kept by brute force--and extreme vigilance.
Solution would be to convert Mexican states into counties and to turn the whole shebang into one state. Why not? Alaska with counties is very big and a state of all Mexico would make our flag look better with just 51 stars.
And maybe me dino the retiree has too much time on his hands.
That was My solution.
Take our Homeless Vets.
Give them border housing, guns & ammo, and pay bonuses for reducing the "foot traffic" if you will...