Andrew Bridgen's Speech on Excess Deaths (in Many Countries) in the British House of Commons

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 3 months ago to Politics
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Note that this speech was scheduled in advance after MANY requests.
Note that in spite of the schedule announcement, that the representative of the British people have chosen NOT to attend.
The people's representatives apparently do not care a bit that their people are dying.
SOURCE URL: https://youtu.be/97qRUqYLNu0?t=147

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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 3 months ago
    "The people's representatives apparently do not care a bit that their people are dying."
    Not if it is intentional...
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    • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 3 months ago
      England under the Saxons actually had an interesting government: it was a representative one. Then the French (Normans) invaded and imposed feudalism on everyone. The Saxons never recovered - and neither did representative government. It was only when Locke and the new colonies revolted against the immiscibility of fuedalism and representative government (which continues today under the guise of Parliament - look no further than the House of Lords and House of Commons) that lines were one again drawn and the People rejected Feudalism in favor of representative government. (One more cheer for George Washington who could have turned everything back to feudalism by accepting the Kingship of America!)
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      • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 3 months ago
        The city of London incorporated. 1 square mile.
        From its own website, it declares itself a sovereign “square mile” that sits within the United Kingdom. Roman Emperor Claudius invaded Britain in the early 40s AD. Initially, Londinium was used as a military logistics base for the Roman military stationed on the island. However, its location on the Thames allowed for easy travel of ships from all over Europe to come and go from the outpost. It was not long before Londinium proved to be a profitable trading port and a thriving business center. Even 2000 years ago, it was clear this little square mile could be seriously profitable.
        London suffered many ups and downs throughout the next millennia, but it always remained a favourable place for trade. In 1066 AD, William the Conqueror was victorious at the Battle of Hastings. One year later, he recognized the commercial importance of the “square mile” to the broader English kingdom. William provided the City with a charter that guaranteed its freedom.
        The Charter that was granted by William the Conqueror was by no means a permanent guarantee of sovereignty to the City. The Charter needed to be renewed periodically:

        Why would the British Sovereign continually acquiesce to the residents of a tiny piece of land? The answer is simple; money.

        The freedom granted to the City by the British Crown allowed for international free trade to blossom on the banks of the river Thames. Goods could be traded without the burden of taxes, tariffs or duties. Wealthy merchants scrambled to set up a base in the City, and take advantage of “free trading”.

        In return, the Royals who were issuing the charter received several benefits. These included direct payments from the City, which expanded the wealth and power of the British Crown. More importantly, the vast amount of wealth and economic activity generated in the City naturally spilled over to the broader kingdom. The kingdom’s subjects benefited from the spending by the City’s wealthy merchants. These subjects included servants, tradesmen, publicans and whores. The “trickle-down effect” provided the British people with jobs that would otherwise not exist if the wealthy merchants were unable to trade freely within the City walls.
        Put simply, the deal made between the City of London and the British Crown was mutually beneficial. The City received complete autonomy from the Crown’s jurisdiction, and in turn, the square-mile attracted the wealthiest families in Europe to establish their trading and banking houses. The City became a hive of economic activity.

        However, within this “free trade zone” was a dark secret that only the European royal families and the merchants understood. The immense concentration of wealth that was accumulated in the City was always seeking the highest returns from the lowest risk. It started out with the goldsmiths holding gold and silver on behalf of wealthy merchants and royal families, but it soon morphed into a trans-national loan-sharking operation to desperate kings, queens and eventually, other nations. Any State that was desperate for access to credit could be manipulated and controlled by the City of London Corporation, and ultimately would be swallowed up within the walls that the Romans built over a thousand years prior
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 3 months ago
    Same shit we noticed here . . .
    I am beginning to think that 60% of the worlds population not being introspective is way to low a percentage and by the same token, 40% of the worlds population being Consciously Introspective is waaaaay to high a percentage.
    Actually it seems there is far less people with a conscience than people with out a conscience.

    It truly comes down to: "The Haves and The Have Nots"
    At any point in history if one would have said that governments, doctors, nurses, the entire health care industry could act so coldly without conscience to purposely kill off major portions of our population including some of our very best people would be unfathomable, unbelievable and an outright lie.

    But sadly, it's the unvarnished truth . . .
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 3 months ago
    Great speech. Sad that Britain and so many governments are complicit in these deaths. They WANT a return to feudalism, but it will be a feudalism of a kind the world has never known. If they win, freedom will die.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 3 months ago
    FFA the genocidal maniacs fooled many many folks. This event clearly shows the danger in blindly following leaders. Especially the ones that doggedly censored discussion and dissent.
    We saw this coming from the very beginning.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 3 months ago
    Huckabee said he isn't all that sure our country can recover from the situation it's non-thinking population has put itself in. To hear Mike Huckabee say that is a surprise. He has tried to be positive for so long, but even he can see the writing on the wall. He has yet to extend that realization to the entire world, however. We as a worldwide civilization have about reached our ceiling. Now, as the filth and scum flood the room, we have just moments to find a way out before we are sucked into the maelstrom. For society, there is no escape hatch. Welcome to the opening act of the NeoDarkAge.
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    • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 3 months ago
      For a few years now I have been using a term "New Dark Age". That's where we are at and I agree with Huckabee. It's clear to me that we're over the edge, sliding toward the big fall.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 3 months ago
      Hello Katrina,
      I hope you are well in your care giving. Positive attitudes are not what the enemy wants. Their actions are the polar opposite of love, growth, admiration, brilliance , insightful, creative , logical ,reason. They control the main stream media and most of social media all to paint a fear and rage emotion ,certainly negative narratives .
      Stay your loving ,positive, rational and logical, self. We know life offers zero guarantees. Q has said “scare event necessary” . We are at war ,whether we like it. Or not. We are being shown the abyss and what good and evil is. The battlefield is between our ears .The Great Awakening.
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      • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 3 months ago
        Dobrien, the care giving I do is just for me now. My husband passed on oct.12. I am able to keep a positive attitude while still acknowledging reality. The abyss is real. The lies and obfuscation are real. The evil that permeates our world cannot change my inner being, no matter what it does. I remain true to myself. Thank you for those words to live by.
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      • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 3 months ago
        You say "we are being shown the abyss" like that's the purpose of their actions. I see it as the bad people uncloaking, just showing their real desires. I actually appreciate the honesty. Are you personally close to any leftists? I am close to a few and it's very interesting. When they open up they say things that are so out there I can't hide my shock. The stuff being said by the thugs holding ARs outside of peeedo tranny shows are not unpopular views. A lot of people really believe the crap that makes you and I shudder. A lot.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 3 months ago
          “Alot of people really believe the crap .”
          Yes that is why The Qreat Awakening had to occur. The brainwashing has been very thorough. I happen to like to learn on my own and have been aware of the manipulation most my life. Never until now have I seen so many that now think my way.The majority are now awake as polls indicate
          . I predict that we will be brought to th verge of nuke warfare . At the precipice people will demand change.
          Trump will broker peace and the future will be blue sky. No one will remember my prediction but it is written and dated here.
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