Note to Readers: On "Project Amy"

Posted by saucerdesigner 1 year, 5 months ago to Humor
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Love the conclusion. Belly laugh.

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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 5 months ago
    Being from my local area, his mention of Joe Morelle is spot on. However, Morelle began his political career from the tragedy of his daughter being snatched off the street and killed by a criminal with a gun. He then was asked to run on the commie (D) ticket with a strong gun control platform while the iron was still hot. The publicity in a commie district made him a shoe-in and away he went. As I understand it, the criminal was brought to justice partly by the fact the daughter was able to pull out her phone and dial a 9-1-1 call. Too bad she couldn't have pulled out a 9mm and made a bang-bang-bang call.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 5 months ago
      My very first permit to have in my possession a handgun was issued in Cambridge, MA of all places. I got my training from the instructor of the MIT shooting team at the range under the campus basketball court.
      I, a native Texan, a shooter since childhood, was dismayed that I could only travel with it from home to the practice range and back, and if I used it in self-defense at home, I would have to prove that I couldn't escape the assailant. That's just nuts.
      I've owned a couple of 9mm pistols. A Browning and a Taurus.
      Alarmed by the reputation around 9mm rounds going through the intended target (assailant) and continuing its trajectory to possibly injure innocent bystanders, and wanting something in a larger caliber, lower velocity for the knock-down power (round delivers all its momentum, stays in the intended), but not wanting to lug around a 45, my next purchase, based on what an Oklahoma state trouper friend was carrying, was a 40 S&W Sig-Sauer.P229
      Probably not that much lighter than a 45.
      When I shot it for the fist time to get familiar with it before going to get my Texas License to Carry I exclaimed SWEET!
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