No changes in global droughts since 1902 when horses and carts were common. Human Caused "Global Warming" and "Climate Change" are Complete Frauds, Created By Deep State Liars To Enslave With Fear.

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 1 month ago to Politics
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"Any which way you look at global drought measures in the last 120 years this is not the CO2 doom scenario of the IPCC prophesies either in rainfall patterns or in water supplies. The graphs below show rainfall trends shifting slightly due to unknown forces and looking for all the world, like CO2 is irrelevant. Despite the scare campaigns about floods and droughts, and the threats of climate wars over dwindling rivers, there has been no trend in hydrological droughts since the Wright Brothers first flew a plane.

Kenneth Richards at NoTricksZone reported on Shi et al, a paper which looked at trends from 1902 to 2014 in all nine climate zones of the world.

The bottom line is that if we had climate models with any understanding of rainfall they would be able to predict wet and dry seasons, and trends in droughts, floods, streamflow, and rivers. Instead, like stone-age heathen victims, we wail and lament any time a flood or a drought happens anywhere. We blame camels or cows, trucks and planes. We change our light globes and hope our houses don’t get washed away on the same floodplains that were inundated 100 years ago."
SOURCE URL: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/08/no-changes-in-global-droughts-since-1902-when-horses-and-carts-were-common/

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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year, 1 month ago
    Technically ignorant fools (an overwhelmingly huge majority in the US and world) listening to compelling made up BS, and then a one or two decades of gothic, totalitarian “scientific” funding. A masterful scam, far beyond any telemarketing.

    Now they are so brazen to admit it was never CO2, but water vapor, and assert they knew it all along.
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  • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 1 month ago
    The point is to cull the population.
    Once you figure that into the equation, it all makes sense.
    For 2 million years of evolution, man ate meat. That's why we have the big brain and have become the dominate species.
    So what do our elite tell us? Stop eating meat?
    FU Herr Cluase. I'm a carnivore who drives a big ol' pickup truck to the meat store.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 1 month ago
      I think cooking the meat (over open fires) was also a factor that contributed to the density of
      the brain since the energy and nutrients are more available to the body after cooking.
      Love the grill and smoke. ;^)
      I recall seeing a Ted Talk years ago on that topic:
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      • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 1 month ago
        Oh yeah baby!
        Seared on the outside, bloody red on the in.

        A friend went on a old fashioned rendezvous. After a big hike, the guide asked "who wants a big ol' steak" All hands go up. the camp fire is blazing. He smoothes out the fire to a massive bed of coals. tosses the steak right on the coals. the group freaks out. He calms them down and says "this will be the best steak you ever ate." flips them, scapes off the coals, It was indeed the best steak they ever ate.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 1 month ago
    Climate is so complex on so many levels that humans can only dream of anticipating effects further than a day or so out. To forecast global devastation is just absurd.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 1 month ago
      MIT's Professor Richard Lindson has been at this for over 40 years. He does a pretty good job of explaining that complexity in layman's terms. I had the pleasure of attending his lectures 30 years ago when the global cooling scare was in full swing. And ah, yeah, he totally debunks CO2 as being nothing more than a minor greenhouse gas. More of a lagging indicator, than a leading one. (CO2 goes up after the climate warms) Like soda pop on a warm day.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 1 month ago
    Upon Review...
    All Hot Issues are "Mass Formation Topics".
    Designed to imprison people with a set of untrue beliefs.

    1) COVID-19 (Safe and Effective, etc)
    2) Climate Change (being man-made, or 100% a function of CO2, which is really a tiny player)
    3) Fossil Fuels Bad (Linked to CO2)
    4) Meat Bad (Methane, now, but cows=2% medicine=30%, methinks we could get 2% out of medicine without killing people)
    5) Sacrifice (always of us, never of them)
    6) White Men the root of all evil (feminism)

    It's all narratives. No facts, no discussions allowed.

    The INSTANT they wont debate, we MUST DECLARE OUR SIDE having WON!

    Unfortunately... We get no voice in the process...
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