Missing Stealth Aircraft

Posted by $ BobCat 1 year, 6 months ago to Government
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So a pilot ejected and now no one can locate it?
The real mystery is that which WE are NOT being told...
My guess is to look for it in China or the Ukraine.
I won't hold my breath waiting for an reasonable explanation....
SOURCE URL: https://www.zerohedge.com/military/how-do-you-lose-f-35-us-military-cant-find-stealth-jet-after-mishap

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  • Posted by $ rainman0720 1 year, 6 months ago
    From The Bee, my favorite story so far about the "missing" fighter plane:

    WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a blow to the transparency of information and what could have been a treasure trove of evidence against a global sex trafficking ring, the Pentagon has announced the lost F-35 fighter jet was apparently carrying the only known copy of Jeffrey Epstein's client list.

    "This is truly unfortunate," said Department of Defense spokesman John Kirby. "The client list that once belonged to the late Mr. Epstein was being transported to an undisclosed location for analysis to prepare to use it as evidence to deliver justice for Epstein's victims. Tragically, with the plane going missing, it is unlikely we will ever see the list again. Such a peculiar happenstance, really."

    Media outlets and the public at large have been calling for the release of Eptsein's client list for years but will now be left to speculate as to its contents. "Such an awful coincidence," said conspiracy theorist Ryan Felix. "It just so happens that the very plane that is carrying the client list disappears? Yeah, sure. Right. Funny how that happens, huh?"

    At publishing time, reports had begun to circulate that, in addition to the Epstein client list, the missing F-35 jet just so happened to also be carrying the Nashville shooter's manifesto, Barack Obama's original birth certificate, conclusive proof of the identity of the Jan 6 pipe bomber, and all known documentation and evidence of Joe and Hunter Biden's dealings with the Ukrainian and Chinese governments.

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  • Posted by $ gharkness 1 year, 6 months ago
    I'm surprised anyone expects ANY sort of answer to this. From someone I know well who worked on The F-35.....literally EVERYTHING about the F-35 is classified. You may get answers, but you won't get true ones.

    Back between 1985 and 1990, a military plane from the Dallas Naval Air Base hit one of several huge television transmitting towers in Cedar Hill, Texas, damaging both the plane and the towers. Although I didn't see the actual incident, the place I was working was literally located underneath the towers. There was a big fuss for a few days, trying to figure out "what happened," and guess what? We STILL don't know. You aren't going to find out about this incident, either.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 6 months ago
    . . . and they haven't told us what happened that made the pilot eject . . . did they push the wrong button out of stupidity? Did the system malfunction? or as you allude, was it hijacked?
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