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  • Posted by $ 1 year, 1 month ago
    But...this crap about Michelle O'Bama is faulty. You cannot tell by looking at a person's fingers if they are male or female. I can prove without a doubt I am a bonafide female 100% DNA Western European by two testing agencies. If that ring finder thing is accurate, then I must be a man. My ring fingers on both hands far exceed my index finger length. I've got delicious shoulders but I twirled a baton for years. I don't have a ghetto butt like most women. MY doctor gives any injections in my stomach because he says I have no butt. I've given birth to two bouncing baby boys. NB
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  • Posted by mshupe 1 year, 1 month ago
    No, you don't "gotta love people." That moral code is the foundation of altruism. No, we don't "all love gossip." That is the currency of selflessness.
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