Why sports stars should stay out of public policy

Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 6 months ago to Culture
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Huh. Not a single student in these schools passes basic math despite being pushed by an athletic superstar WITH government help.
SOURCE URL: https://www.theblaze.com/news/lebron-james-school-math-tests

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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 6 months ago
    It would seem to me the "I Promise" program is a giant virtue signal with nothing to do with actual reality.

    I've recently gravitated to watching a few YouTube videos where an interviewer goes to various high-priced prestigious American colleges and asks students on campus simple questions such as, "If you were born 13 years ago, how old would you be today?"; "How much is 9+9+9?"; "What country is Mount Rushmore in?"; "How many States in the United States?"; "Who fought in the Mexican-American War?"; "How many world wars have there been?"; "Who did America fight in WWII?"; "Where is Pearl Harbor?"; "In what country is the Panama Canal?" and a bunch of other simple questions the students had NO CLUE on how to answer or the answers were totally wrong. Scary and comical at the same time.

    Not only are the minds of these kids empty, but they have no idea how to think or figure things out. I'm left with the question: How did these idiots get into any college?
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 6 months ago
      Even scarier are the ones where they ask how many branches there are in the US government and most people can't even answer "three" let alone name them. Despite living in a world with more information at the tips of our fingers than ever in human history we have the laziest and least well-educated populace in our nation's history.
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  • Posted by pkundl 1 year, 6 months ago
    ...but.. I bet all of them could name all the Kardashians... and know who the rap performer is on the radio at the time... you know.. all the stuff that's REALLY important...
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  • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 6 months ago
    While I do think that schools have been corrupted and need to have political bias
    eradicated and replaced by rational teaching of basic subject matter and rational
    thinking, I also suspect that the problem in some cases could be a lack of ability
    by students. In the first 3/4 of the 20th century, most public school students were
    able to absorb enough basic knowledge to survive and be productive in the
    employment marketplace. It appears that is no longer true.
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    • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year, 6 months ago
      The idea that a student can hit or talk back to a teacher without getting creamed at school and/or at home is a big problem.

      We have children who are allowed to do anything without repercussions. Therefore, they have no role-models, need or drive to succeed.

      THE MOST Ironic thing about this behavior the left has instilled in the children, and that when they get to adulthood, they all have to do/think/say whatever the government says, and they are happy to do so. Perhaps this is the plan. Incompetent, ignorant, misbehaving children = adult slaves.
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 6 months ago
      My experience has been that there certainly are a wide variety of competency rates in people in general. But the data shows that competency/basic intelligence isn't the best indicator for performance in school. Instead, parental involvement is the key. Which is why the Feds keep pushing for more control by bureaucrats and less involvement from parents not only in selecting/approving curriculum but in the day-to-day. It's why some schools see it as their prerogative to encourage gender nonconformity to the exclusion of the parents.

      I'd like to see ZERO federal involvement and only limited State involvement - if any. While I do recognize the critical role a basic education plays in one's vocational pursuits, the sheer failure of our current system to actually educate (rather than indoctrinate) our children speaks to the need for heavy reforms, if not a complete revision.
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      • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 6 months ago
        I think the failure of federal controlled education is getting through to some.
        I just came from an appointment with my doctor and the nurse who took my
        vitals was reading a book on the dumbing down of the education system
        (sorry can't recall the exact book title.) It was the book she was taking on
        her vacation to read.
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        • Posted by VetteGuy 1 year, 6 months ago
          Isabel Paterson actually mentions some of this in "God of the Machine" (there are posts elsewhere about the book). I was surprised to see some of what she wrote being so applicable to today, when she wrote it in 1943! So several generations of students have been through the indoctrination by now.
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      • Posted by VetteGuy 1 year, 6 months ago
        My experience agrees with yours on parental involvement. Our children went to a middle of the road school, but my wife (who chose to be a stay-at-home mom) spent considerable time with each one, and I helped where I could (I'm better at math, she's better at literature, etc).

        In the end, both kids finished near the top of their classes, did quite well on their ACTs and got scholarships to the state university.

        Unfortunately, "stay at home parent" is rare these days for a variety of reasons. It's not right for everyone, but it worked quite well for us. I hate to see people, especially young couples, losing that option.
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  • Posted by j_IR1776wg 1 year, 6 months ago
    All schools, pre-k through university, should be;
    privately owned,
    non-government regulated,
    non-government funded, and

    Then maybe children would be taught to read, write, do arithmetic, and how to think.
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 6 months ago
      Back at the turn of the 20th century, i.e. 1901-1920's, every town was responsible for their own education. They actively pursued good teachers and paid them accordingly. Teachers had to be approved by the parents because there was no independent "school board" in most cases. And if the parents decided that a teacher was out, they were out.

      It is interesting to go through and look at the school curriculum for those times. Add to that the tests to certify a teacher and there is no wonder that America's schools are hard pressed to put out a literate graduate nowadays. It speaks to the illiteracy of this nation that many can not understand the Second Amendment, which is about as plain as it could be.
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    • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 6 months ago
      I would go one further, and base it on the Montessori approach. Which teaches "getting along", "supporting others".

      My daughter, as a gifted, only child, loved that school. She learned to be patient with the younger kids (they mix ages in the classrooms). She complained that they don't let her play on the computer... So I pulled the teacher aside, and she said:
      "your daughter is gifted, and an only child. you and I know she has access to computers at home. We feel that while she is here, she develop her soft-skills with the other kids... And frankly, you don't want an Awkward, Intelligent kid who doesn't know how to fit in... We've watched her build her interpersonal skills, and actually enjoy working with the younger kids... Even helping them laugh at their mistakes and start again!"

      She basically schooled me... And I was okay with that, because they explained it in a way that I could agree with. As my daughter grew up, she babysat a girl who wasn't enjoying practicing the piano... So she found what music she liked, and she learned a bit of it, printed the music, and every time she babysat, she helped her play it...

      That little girl is in High School now, and has written and performed a bunch of songs, and has a following. (My daughters part in teaching her to play what she loves MIGHT have been a tiny part of that). But she learned that concept in Montessori. If you can make "learning" fun... Kids will do more of it, naturally... (We are literally born to do that)!
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 6 months ago
    That LeBron found out the hard way his family wasn’t on the saline list still puts a contented smile on my face. The same clowns who wouldn’t shut up about vax status and inquired about other people’s now get pissed off whenever a “medical complication” happens to them and THEY are asked their Vax status. Maybe I’m just that bad of a misanthrope now but….let the consequences ensue. I guess I’m losing my humanity. I feel bad about not feeling bad. It’s kind of like the abortion issue. I absolutely do not believe it is moral to kill your offspring. But I’m also sick of arguing with idiots that want to self delete from the gene pool. Because these are the same idiots that voted to bring tyranny to my doorstep. And a host of other issues that make it attractive to not have their particular bloodlines continue.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 6 months ago
    Pretty damned sad and disgusting. Ohio folk are not enthralled with LeBron unless they are mind-blanked Cavaliers fans. Unfortunately there are too many like him, and too many mindless, adoring idiots.
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  • Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 6 months ago
    Malcolm Gladwell, in Outliers, points out that kids who continue to do Math, Reading, etc. during summer break EXCEL over their peers. In fact, the top schools REQUIRE this. And the better off students get put into Educational Summer Camps, versus "childcare" camps.

    Because of that, I introduced the concept of making our daughter EARN her access to the computer, and her parents giving her rides places.

    She had to do 5 minutes of touch typing, before she could use the computer. (it increased as she got older. She was 60wpm in 5th grade, eventually hitting 80wpm before 6th grade, so she could STOP practicing... LOL. She's 60wpm on her iphone. Which blows my mind!)

    Also, she had to do ~15 minutes worth of math, daily. (Sat/Sun included). And she had to read 2-3 chapters/day.

    We started this before Kindergarten (without the math), but clearly the typing (and the password to the PC was always one of 3 phone numbers! So she was forced to learn them in case she was ever separated from us).

    Parents... You have no idea how much your children can learn.

    I also went further and monitored her homework, and everything she was supposed to read (until University, when she knew what to share, LOL. She showed me USA Textbooks declaring Capitalism as a system of exploitation of others... She ran in and said "Wasn't that the Russian Definition?" YEPPERS!).

    Also, one more piece of advice. You should read 2 LONG chapter books, starting at different times. And practice alternating the reading. You read them together, taking turns reading aloud. The communicates that reading is important. That long books, can take time. And it develops their reading/comprehension by making them keep track of those stories over weeks, and keep them separate...

    God gave you a child... Your job is to raise a functional young adult that (Jordan Peterson says) both Adults and Children enjoy engaging with!

    If you do that... Everything else falls in place.
    Oh, we didn't let her watch anything with Commercials growing up! By the time she saw commercials, she quickly learned they were Hype/Lies!!!)
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 6 months ago
      Well done. I have to brag a little. One of my daughters (age 11) overheard a conversation between my wife and her sister where they were talking about the things they could buy if it "rained money." My daughter later pointed out to my wife that "if it rained money, it would just make everything more expensive!" My wife and I both beamed with pride. Apparently some well-focused education (including the Tuttle Twins) works!
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 1 year, 6 months ago
    As a high school teacher I find this amusing. Liberals given free reign and unlimited money and getting the exact results that we predicted.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 6 months ago
    When it comes to public policy, sports stars, movie makers, actors and singers need to keep their faces shut.
    Just sticking to what they do best won't be turning off half the people who used to admire what they do.
    There's a number of those yahoos I refuse to watch or listen to. Or why me dino refuses to watch the Oscars, the Emmys, etc.
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