The God of the Machine - Tranche 30

Posted by mshupe 1 year, 4 months ago to Government
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Chapter XIV, Excerpt 2 of 2
The Virgin and the Dynamo

The theory of Marxist Communism is precisely that of the Perpetual Motion Machine, for it stipulates that the productive system created by free enterprise is a prerequisite, to be taken over by the Communist machine. This is the evil interpretation of the dream of power, its perversion into the lust for power over other men, instead of mastery of nature. This naïve self-glorification turns to positive hatred of any suggestion of persons helping themselves by their own efforts, by non-political means.

The three most famous schemes of this type are Plato’s ideal state, More’s Utopia, and Marx’s Promised Land. Plato was a literary man; he sought a rigorous design. More was an intelligent man; he labeled his creation Utopia means Nowhere. Marx was a fool; he offered his scheme as a prediction. It is through this imposed model for clockwork that Europe has observed the United States. The principle of social harmony is liberty, the rights of the individual. That is the natural law of man.

Henry Adams, who witnessed the Energy Age after it was well under way, spent his life endeavoring to trace the connection between the Middle Ages and the modern outburst of energy. He recognized that the Virgin represented an unconstrained element which implies free will in man. But at this point Adams failed to realize that it is by freedom of personal volition that man is capable of intellectual inquiries. This is the genesis of the dynamo. If it is to run, it must be by the will and intelligence of man.

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  • Posted by 1 year, 4 months ago
    Cuba and Venezuela are western hemisphere examples of the hubris of communists thinking they can run a factory or power plant. The fools placed their bets on another fool - Karl Marx. It's easier than thinking for oneself and being productive. It is the integration of free will and free minds that civilization requires.
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    • Posted by j_IR1776wg 1 year, 4 months ago
      Deep in their heart of hearts, these scums recognize their own ineptitude and incompetence.

      Francis Bacon wrote “Nature to be commanded must be obeyed”. Thus, unable to “command Nature” they seek to command men.

      Ayn Rand talked endlessly concerning the evils of government by favor and backroom deals done in the wee hours of the morning.

      There is no nobility in thuggery. No difference between Karl Marx and Al Capone.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 3 months ago
        Or Quid Pro Quo Sell-Out Traitor Joe, Big Guy of the Biden Crime Family, who unconstitutionally opened our borders and uses the DOJ and FBI that an Obamanation weaponized against We The People.
        Oh, what made me so itch to butt in with that? What? What? Likely all that other criminality that I left out.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 1 year, 3 months ago
    i suggest Marx was a lazy ass, who depended on the kindness of rich strangers to feek his family for him, and even then some starved. He did not wok, he talked, endlessly. That so many from Hillary to Obama and now Biden, follow his teachings is a sign we are becoming dumber than ever as a people. Even now, they suggest running "Michelle" who is dumb, but did go to thS sauA alinsky Inst. as Obama, to learn how to tear down a society and put Marxism in its place. Never having had an original thought, Biden now follows what he saw, nevre having studied anyting.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 3 months ago
      For what its worth, Marx has been popular among the ignorati for 125 years. It's easier to claim victimhood for yourself or others than be a thinking, independent human being. The pursuit of happiness is more difficult than shared mediocrity.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 3 months ago
    I'd suggest that Marx was simply a malcontent. If you read the first few pages of the introduction to his book, you'll find that he exposes his true motivation: he hated God. So he wanted to create a social system of inherent elitism by eliminating God. He realized that Capitalism or free enterprise was actually a recognition that people who worked and were self-sufficient tended to prosper just fine as long as there wasn't an over-weening government to hold them down. So in order to institute his top-down control model, he had to lie to people to get them to give up their autonomy in favor of an elitist class who would control everything.

    The reason that is funny (ironic) is that Marx's complaints against God were all about control! What a hypocrite! (Of course, if one thinks through things, one can probably call him an idiot as well since hypocrisy is usually anti-logic...
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    • Posted by 1 year, 3 months ago
      I think malcontent is true, and an understatement. At the risk of psychologizing, his motivations were envy and fear. Fear of the reality of becoming self-sufficient and productive and envy of those who were self-sufficient and productive. Henry Hazlitt was able to simplify him as fomenting envy for anyone that has more than someone else, and Isabel Paterson as a deterministic fool predicting the future.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 3 months ago
        "Fear of the reality of becoming self-sufficient"

        Hit the nail on the head there. Marx was ever the leech.

        Love Hazlitt's book on basic economics. I read his explanation of the broken window fallacy with my kids. Even my eight-year old got it.
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