The God of the Machine - Tranche 23
Chapter XI, Excerpt 2 of 3
The Meaning of the Magna Carta
It is an infallible sign that the political authority is already exercising too much power through the manipulation of finance, whether by exorbitant taxation, uncontrolled expenditure unlimited borrowing, or currency depreciation. The Charter contains a promise from the king that if any man died in debt to money lenders “and if that debt falls into our hands, we will not take anything except the chattel contained in the bond.”
With a wisdom in advance of the age, it did not propose penalization of “the Jews” or financiers, but restriction on the authority of the crown. The industrial-commercial group must have been strongly influential in framing the Magna Carta, though not named as formal parties. “All merchants shall have safety and security in coming into England . . . and in staying and traveling through England.” The kinetic energy was allowed to make the long circuit. England was on the way to world power.
Wrong with this scheme was in the strictly feudal order. Serfs and other workers on the land constituted the factor of mass, and the function of mass was asserted passively, by inertia, through the inherent limitation feudalism imposed on production. The defect was the absence of the mass inertia veto, as a national function, both in fact and in law. The whole land-title system would have had to be altered, to provide individual holdings. Such a thing cannot be done overnight.
The Meaning of the Magna Carta
It is an infallible sign that the political authority is already exercising too much power through the manipulation of finance, whether by exorbitant taxation, uncontrolled expenditure unlimited borrowing, or currency depreciation. The Charter contains a promise from the king that if any man died in debt to money lenders “and if that debt falls into our hands, we will not take anything except the chattel contained in the bond.”
With a wisdom in advance of the age, it did not propose penalization of “the Jews” or financiers, but restriction on the authority of the crown. The industrial-commercial group must have been strongly influential in framing the Magna Carta, though not named as formal parties. “All merchants shall have safety and security in coming into England . . . and in staying and traveling through England.” The kinetic energy was allowed to make the long circuit. England was on the way to world power.
Wrong with this scheme was in the strictly feudal order. Serfs and other workers on the land constituted the factor of mass, and the function of mass was asserted passively, by inertia, through the inherent limitation feudalism imposed on production. The defect was the absence of the mass inertia veto, as a national function, both in fact and in law. The whole land-title system would have had to be altered, to provide individual holdings. Such a thing cannot be done overnight.
The 'royal family' should have had their unearned holdings 'divested' to the people at least a century ago.
The banking cartel is also overdue to have their stolen loot seized to prevent more assassinations and wars.
Stolen goods should be returned to the victims of the crimes, not sold to others who may have used the corrupt system to amass wealth.
The victims of the crimes do not have the wealth to buy the property that was stolen because it was stolen from them.
No rational person without conflict of interest can read the Creature From Jekyll Island and still support the banking cartel's century of theft from virtually everyone else.
1) Mandate that the Federal Reserve assume all current US debt.
2) Pass a law saying gold and silver were legal tender for all transactions (currently they are not).
3) Audit the Fed and demonstrate they are culpable for the theft of untold wealth.
4) Issue new banknotes backed by the gold in Fort Knox as replacements.
5) Make the Federal Reserve eat all the existing notes and go bankrupt.
all the interest they collected from customers on loans made above the banks actual cash available
to loan. That would be interest on roughly 90% of all loans made since the fed res act was passed.
The General Welfare clause has been similarly perverted. Originally, it was meant to specify that bills passed by Congress couldn't be used to benefit individual States (or special interest groups) to the exclusion of others, ie. that laws had to apply generally.
Public Workers and Political Administrators seldom know their limitations on the private individuals and businesses. Government should only limit itself to Public affairs, and when it comes to the private and public communion of enterprises, something that is inevitable; it should only act as a moderator and not a regulator of the market. Socialism tends to skim off the top with too many taxes, complicating private industry with sindicates and pressing laws on enterpreneurs.
Anarchy sounds appealing, yet it couldn't last for someone has to act as a moderator, the laying of laws, the maintenance of public space, etc. Therefore there must be a fine line set between public and private enterprise, as well as a protector of national industry against international industry.
'Nuff said
Mobi (Kindle):
( Ukraine) special Forces (thinQ Qasem Soleimani) or (Khashoggi) , bioweapons , Lawfare , political. You are seeing it all play out. Both sides are active. If you are looking for just 1 indicator of success …ask your self how often you are hearing about the threat of Islamic terrorism. Trump with Kushner, MBS and Putin ended Isis and has rendered most of Hezbolla impotent. The Abrams accord is historic but the head of the snake needed to be removed. The coke stories reality is secondary to the narrative. This is an arrow fired by the good guys. Ask a liberal to explain Coke in the White House. The form of enslavement that the MotherWEFers want is a technocracy , non elected Experts mandate directives and Quotas for the Villagers. ThinQ tyrannical fascist genocidal degenerate masters/Slave society.
You mention denizens of Columbia. They would be Prussians, the invisible enemy . Infiltration from with in.