Federal judge orders force-feeding kids LGBTQ theory must continue in major Maryland public school district, denies parents can “opt” kids “out.” Xn/Muslim home religiosity exemption argument fails

Posted by bubah1mau 1 year, 6 months ago to Education
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The judge’s ruling upholds school district policy that teachers instruct kids as young as 3 years that “when we’re born, people make a guess about our gender" and that sometimes, the guess is "wrong."

Such policy and content of LGBTQ lesson books led parents to initiate the suit when parents were informed by the district that they could no longer “opt out” from having their kids attend such lessons. Large number of parents who wanted their kids to “opt out” was causing a “disruptive atmosphere” at district schools, so the district turned to mandated lessons.
SOURCE URL: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/parents-cant-opt-children-out-lgbt-lessons-judge

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  • 14
    Posted by LibertyBelle 1 year, 6 months ago
    In that case, the only thing for the parents to do is to opt their kids out of public school, and try to sent them to some alternative school, or perhaps homeschool them.
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    • 11
      Posted by Ben_C 1 year, 6 months ago
      The best decision I made for my daughter was a private school. She learned more academics in one year than all the previous years combined. Yes it was pricey and I still had to pay property taxes but the results were off the charts. I would do it again in a heart beat.
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      • Posted by fairbro 1 year, 6 months ago
        In 2 of the foreign countries where I lived, the Philippines and Russia, parents are allowed to choose their schools. There is a long line to get their kids enrolled in the schools they perceive as really "good." The government "gives" the money to the parents, who choose which school they want for their kids. But in the US, there is no "choice", in a practical sense. You have to pay extra if you want quality education. and the Teachers Unions monetarily interfere in politics, the system becomes more and more corrupt, and block reform..Kids graduating from Russian and Phil. schools are bright and ethical. I got high scores on the SAT, yet my ex, from the Philippines, was correcting my English!.And when I was in Russia, my employees, fresh graduates, I only had to show them once how to do something hi-tech. They never took a sick day/, either.
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    • Posted by AmericanWoman 1 year, 6 months ago
      Huge piece of the pie of property taxes in most every state especially MD is for education...that has to stop its going to these types that force ideas in the minds of children that should never be spoken until they are fully grown, at least 18. Unions in MD are brutal.The entire state was built on Unions and Government construction insists on union rates for all construction when bidding within the documents.
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    • Posted by $ jdg 1 year, 6 months ago
      Getting out of the public schools is necessary, but is not always sufficient. Many private schools are, or will become, on board with not only the groomers but CRT and other harmful views. Parents need to keep monitoring what kids are being taught until high school graduation.
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  • 14
    Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 6 months ago
    Let’s hope the Muslims take matters into their own hands.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 6 months ago
      I've noticed how they continue to disappoint that libtarded view of diversity.
      Me dino recalls arguing with a lib way back during the Nineties that letting Muslims flow into this country unchecked was dangerous.
      The lib argued back that "What this country needs is more (before he sang as if enraptured)~~DI-VER-SI-TEEEE!!!"
      That argument was as hopeless as arguing with my lib brother who lived a long time in Las Angeles before moving to Delaware to be with a just as lib old girlfriend.
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      • Posted by fairbro 1 year, 6 months ago
        "Diversity" implies classification of differences. When you "diversify" something, you take it apart, categorize its different components. In other words, you segregate what used to a whole, into separate parts. For example, in Organic Chemistry class, we were given an unknown substance and had to analyze it and report its composition, its compound and elements. .

        Then the Left, after it has dismantled unity and created hostile factions, emphasizing our differences, comes again and accuses us of being intolerant because such differences are not respected.

        Similar to what NATO did to Yugoslavia - ripped apart a unified state into little statelets. And what they attempted to do to Russia. .
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        • Posted by $ jdg 1 year, 6 months ago
          Yugoslavia was an example of forced centralism -- people with incompatible expectations of society being forced under one government in the interest of peace. In the Yugoslav case I feel it was right, because more than one of the groups it suppressed wanted to genocide one another.

          In today's western countries we seem to have that problem to the same degree, but the only group with the will to impose conformity is an unacceptable one -- the woke. Which I guess means that the conflict will not resolve itself without going hot.
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          • Posted by fairbro 1 year, 6 months ago
            "forced centralism"? Every nation lives under "forced centralism." If you are going to create new terminology, please define it.

            Yugoslavia was ready to join the industrialized nations in 1990, they even had their own fledgling car, the ":Yugo". The disparate groups worked together, even if they lived in separate enclaves. Nothing wrong with supporting your race, your ethnicity, wanting to live in your group. The groups all worked together to make a better country and a better life for themselves and their families. Then, somebody came along (in their terminal obsession to uncreate Russia and keep pushing East, militarily) and the Yugoslavian groups suddenly all started hating each other and making war on each other, just like some 3rd party similarly, also decided to "improve " things in Ukraine, Syria, Vietnam, Iraq, Libya.

            UNklike the "groups" in Yugoslavia, who shared common goals - improve their own person, their families, support their community, help the country prosper, the Woke group denies their human nature, hates their country and community, is dishonest, amoral and their ethics are limited to "me and my personal pleasure.".
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            • Posted by $ jdg 1 year, 6 months ago
              Forced centralism is the combination under one "national" government of different communities that have never regarded themselves as one country. This is a phenomenon found all over Africa and here and there in other parts of the world, usually where past colonial powers drew what are now national boundaries.

              My judgment of these situations is usually that the people living there should be allowed to decentralize (form new countries) as much as they like -- but not if it will result in genocide.

              And yes, if I were around in the US Civil War I'd have leant toward letting the South go.
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              • Posted by fairbro 1 year, 6 months ago
                I totally agree, and so does Russia. The Russian part of Ukraine should be allowed their Human Rights of Self-Determination, and be freed from the oppressive Kiev/NATO tyranny which makes it a crime to even speak their native language. Poland still awaits an apology for the mini-genocide of Polies by UKr. Bandera Nazis,in WW2 and they may liberate their "Polish" area of Ukraine next year. Human Rights are also absent in the Baltic countries, where a 40% minority, Russian-speaking, citizens are denied the right to vote or own property. The latest atrocity in Estonia is to deprive 6000 Russians of their homes.

                The problem, as I see it, comes down to those who consider us all as unique individuals (Putin, MLK), and those who treat us as members of groups (Biden, the Left, the US government, etc.) Also the media creates and amplifies divisiveness. The media, and the Left, created 90% of the problem in Yugoslavia and succeeded in ripping apart the country. But they are failing in Russia.

                How is the US going to react if China and Russia direct their media to focus on ethnic and other physical differences, highlighting "injustices" in America?

                Not that the US Left is not already willingly segregating and splintering itself into the "Untied States". LOL!.
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 1 year, 6 months ago
    70% of my property taxes are poured down the decadent sewer of Government Schools (in Washington State / Benton County). And when I raise this point on Social Media (SM) (as I did 3+ years ago when I was still on SM), I would get berated with "paying your taxes should be patriotic" and similar slop. Govt School -- State Indoctrination... Just another brick in the wall, indeed.
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  • Posted by $ mwolff 1 year, 6 months ago
    If this doesn't show anyone who really has authority over our children i don't know what will. This also shows how important local elections are and how they can have national implications.
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