Forced Vaccination through Aersolization?
Posted by CaptainKirk 1 year, 5 months ago to Science
The Epoch Times reporting...
Could these sick/twisted people be thinking this is okay?
Could these sick/twisted people be thinking this is okay?
They shouldn't be surprised if I spray lead in return.
The enlightened are a TOUCH Closer:
1) Forced Vaxx
2) DeBanking/CBDCs
3) Any more masking/lockdowns for anything less than SUPER EBOLA (And even then, NOT Mandatory)
Of course, do I believe ANYTHING they say? NOPE. For all I know that polymer slowly plugs the lungs and kills the mice...
My biggest problem with this stuff... Is DOSE Matters. How do you control the dose?
If you have ever listened to the heart rate of an infant. That little bugger is thumping away.
Could an infant actually get a higher dose? (and you know these people won't test for that, or pregnant women... Because of costs... Let's just do it and find out... Sound familiar? LOL)
What do the Nuremberg Trials have to say about involuntary medical experiments?
Question would be though: How do they get the vaccine aerosols inside private businesses? Inside hosp, govern buildings or public common spaces; yea, not a prob for them.
Now, if this were released in a mall, supermarket or sporting event, just as terrorist would do with poison gasses, it would be more effective, but still not a good delivery method.
Welcome to the intergovernmental panel on on Health Freedom! We are surprised to see 100,000+ in attendance.
We are glad you care about your Health.
That's why we took the liberty of inoculating you against Covid-19... You can thank us, later, of course...
Now, who wants to go first....
You there... Raising your arm Twirling around...
Er... Um... Okay, he's no longer responsive...
I'm reminded of a dude I wrote about a few times when I was a newspaper reporter for 7 years during the Seventies. That dude kept trying to sue a neighboring town within our same county for his repeated allergic reaction to mosquito spray.
When I got another job and moved away, I don't think I gave him hardly another thought.
Up until now, that is.
Makes me dino suddenly wanna wax poetic, though I've never been told what wax has to do with poetry.
Ahem, here goes~~
When a richly-funded Big Pharma cannot with injections get their way,
They can always ask a politically compliant big government to spray.
I am so sorry for the suffering they have caused you and yours!
The j-a-b has been positively linked with MS in a recent WHO report. However, this report has been subsequently scrubbed from the web and replaced with propaganda, denying such a link exists.
These experiments were withheld, until we realized that MASKS don't work to protect you from Aerosolized Particles.
Some Mice were fitted with M-95 Masks (M for mouse, if you are interested). They still got inoculated...
LOL... When you go grocery shopping with a respirator... Because your GOVERNMENT SUCKS!