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  • Posted by $ Suzanne43 1 year, 6 months ago
    Tony Bennett….wonder what he’d think of his San Francisco today? New lyrics….I left my trash, homeless camps, and poop in San Francisco.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 6 months ago
    Yes, RIP Tony Bennett - an icon of a great era of music and entertainment unlikely to ever be seen again.

    Regarding meme #7, my wife and I have both noticed the deafening silence of Xiden supporters on social media, but they still suffer TDS - they will never learn unless their noses are rubbed in it repeatedly, as Q pointed out (thanks, Dobrien).

    Nice set again, OUC! Thanks!
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 6 months ago
      Regarding meme #7:
      What can you say positive about a demented old fool who:
      > Couldn't gather 100 people in a Walmart parking lot for a mumble session aka a "speech"
      > Spent the campaign in his basement chasing his dogs tail until he broke his foot.
      > Blackmailed Ukraine to fire the prosecutor legitimately going after Hunter.
      > Improperly stored records he was not allowed to even possess

      > Took 30 million in bribes he has yet to explain the source.
      > Shat his pants in front of the Pope.
      > Walks around like a zombie (when he's not falling down).
      > Can't read the teleprompter (can't pronounce the words, know what state he's in, or know who is his wife)
      * Note the alleged charges against Trump are things the President is allowed to do, but Buy-Done, as VP/CongressCritter was not allowed to do.

      In a variation of a tree falling in an empty forest: If actions of a corrupt and demented politicians are never reported in the MockingBird Media, do they ever really happen?
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 6 months ago
        +100 if I could, tt. I have members of my family that seem to believe if it's not reported on MSNBC or occasionally another MSMM (Main Stream Marxist Media), then it didn't happen. To them all other sources are liars and conspiracy nuts.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 6 months ago
    The orange shirt one has actually become a thing in England as people are getting really mad at the climate activists who stop traffic.
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    • Posted by bobsprinkle 1 year, 6 months ago
      If ANY of the little turds glue....cement or otherwise attach ANY part of their body to roadways/buildings then they should have that appendage AMPUTATED to remove them. Or, leave them where they are and open up the traffic. Or, let 'em just starve and DIE. OUC Thanks for the memes
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    • Posted by $ DriveTrain 1 year, 6 months ago
      Yeah, the right to freedom of speech and assembly does not include the "right" to conscript others by force into your little demonstration. And that includes the force of blocking the freedom of movement of others and/or their freedom to enter or exit buildings. In real terms it's a species of kidnapping, and all involved with blocking anyone or anything in this way should be arrested and prosecuted for the crime of kidnapping. And the duration is not the issue. If someone forces you into a car and holds you captive for "just a few hours" or even "just a few minutes," it's... kidnapping. A federal offense. So should this be.

      I also think laws should be passed absolving motorists from all liability in cases where these brownshirts try to block roadways physically, unless a motorist is demonstrably trying to run them down. Maybe tough to determine, but still. If you go and stand on a freeway with the intent to stop traffic, either alone or in a mob, then if you get hit by a car you should have zero recourse, any more than should someone who gets drunk and decides to use an offramp as an onramp and drives into oncoming traffic. If by law you are not supposed to be there, the fault is 100% yours. That should be the same with "pedestrians," who have zero business being on a freeway or standing in traffic anywhere, unless it's a crosswalk and it says "Walk." Time for some clarity on the distinction between the right to free speech and assembly, and the crime of force against others.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 6 months ago
        There is a reason jaywalking is usually a misdemeanor: it endangers both the pedestrian and the motorist. People also forget that the motorist behind the wheel can be injured in an impact with pedestrians and not just the pedestrian.

        If it were me, if you were intentionally blocking the roadway, you are absolving any driver of their responsibility to avoid contact with you and deserve to be run down for your own brazen stupidity. It sometimes takes the harsh 2x4 upside the head for some people to overcome their ideological stupidity. I can certainly tell you that I'm not going to stop and let a bunch of thugs like this break into my vehicle and threaten me or my passengers...
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 6 months ago
    as far as i am concerned
    all that are involved in the cover-up of biden crimes are part of an on-going conspiracy
    that includes all the idiots in congress lying to cover-up the crimes

    so no statute of limitations apply
    no pardons apply as the goal was to cheat to get biden in the oval office to get those pardons

    he gloved need to come off on our side
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  • Posted by $ pixelate 1 year, 6 months ago
    There is objectively nothing good to say about Joe B. And so the focus must be elsewhere . . . The Never DJT Crowd [low-resolution minds manifesting a toddleresque simplicity].

    Some people are simply incapable of being anything other than a pissant. These are very small people -- the painfully unaccomplished. This is what I see in terms of the noisome climate activists... shrill shrieking children that must get their way while proclaiming to save the entire planet.
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  • Posted by starbird56 1 year, 6 months ago
    I saw a shirt today that said, "White, straight, Republican, and male. How else can I piss you off today?"
    If I were male, I'd buy it. Or I could simply declare myself gender fluid and buy it anyway.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year, 6 months ago
    Love Trump as a the prince-frog! Someone is finally getting it. Winning the Republican primary "abortion shoot out" almost guarantees losing the general. In Trump's case, he sets himself up for abuse with his childish vernacular.
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    • Posted by $ DriveTrain 1 year, 6 months ago
      Yeah, and I'm a little disgusted at this anti-DeSantis stuff coming from... Republicans? I watched - well we all watched - Trump sit in his rump for four years, doing exactly zilch about election fraud (maybe the single most urgent, #1, 01-20-17 priority, but left untouched,) then having the audacity to act surprised when the Demo-Socs cheated from sea to shining sea in November 2020; similarly sitting on his hands - and even aiding and abetting - while the Wuhan Hypochondemic went from "15 days to flatten the curve" to months and months of tinhorn-tyrant Governors and unelected "health officials" running our Bill of Rights through a fine-pitch paper shredder; and of course sitting on his hands while the Talibantifa took over entire sections of American cities, tore down statues of iconic Americans (including those of the Founders,) while SCotUS justices were harassed and threatened in their homes, and while the Black version of the KKK painted its logo in giant letters down D.C.'s 16th street right in front of Trump's disinterested nose.

      Meanwhile DeSantis was - and has been - doing slam-dunk in-your-face pushback like shipping illegals to the far-Left vacation haven of Martha's Vineyard and attacking the Wokewashed agenda and doing pushback on the LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ organization's efforts to shove their porn into kids' faces. And he's just getting warmed up.

      So even though I assume that RFK Jr. is going to be the next American President (something I would be perfectly happy with as a Republican, because he's an "oldschool" Democrat and therefore still a true blue American,) there is no real contest on substance vs. empty bluster in the comparison between, respectively, DeSantis and Trump. DeSantis is ten times the leader Trump is - if, again, you're talking about substance tangible results rather than tough-talk and zero action - and I think would be ten times the President. As author Robert Bidinotto has said, DeSantis' problem is that he hasn't yet found a cohesive message or theme for his campaign that people can rally around. I'm thinking he'll get one by the time the campaign heats up. Which brings up another tangent: Why haven't Republicans started full-bore campaigning, like three months or so ago? The sooner they start making loud noises about 2024, the sooner Biden and his cabal are rendered as Lame-Duck. 'Roughly 15 months to Election Day and not a peep from any of them. This needs to change, stat.
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      • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 6 months ago
        Not sure where you're coming from...
        This country is over.
        The Elections are a complete farce.
        Trump won in one of the largest landslides in history, and here you are espousing the about the validity of candidate x, y, z.
        Your vote doesn't matter, if the Deep State wants the demented shitehead in for a second term, guess what? You're going to get two terms of shitehead.
        But hey, don't let that stop you from casting a vote that will never be counted.
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        • Posted by $ DriveTrain 1 year, 6 months ago
          t-t, these days we have to treat elections like the lottery: There may or may not be a snowball's chance of your vote being counted, but if you don't play, you know you have an absolute 0% chance. As a California resident I have very little confidence that my vote will be counted at all, but in terms of the Presidential slot California's electoral votes are going with the jackass anyway, so I can vote my conscience with no regrets about the "wasted vote" concept. And although you're helping make my point that Trump did absolutely nothing between 2016 and 2020 to restore integrity to American elections, I think the fact that Republicans were able to gain Congressional seats at all in the 2022 elections indicates that as bad as Demo-Soc election fraud has gotten, that fraud is only having a partial effect. So if you are not living in a state that's virtually certain to flop to the Democrat, refusing to vote is a refusal to fight for America. And going out to vote - even if you assume it's a complete null, which I do not despite my misgivings - is a monumentally simple thing to do. You just drive a few blocks to the polling station and spend maybe fifteen minutes inside before resuming your day. Why would anybody just blow off that simple task in a petulant huff and resign to defeat? Discouragement and pessimism are natural reactions to the mess the elections have been allowed to sink into, but defeatism and surrender are on the wrong side of the ethical equation IMO.

          And O-u-c, Executive Orders are just one in a huge arsenal a seated President has at his disposal to fight for what's right. His first and greatest role is that of a teacher, or teacher/leader if you will. Consider what Reagan was able to accomplish just by sitting down and doing a periodic address to the nation, despite the fact that his entire Presidency was opposed just as viciously (if not more so,) as Trump's was.

          What should have happened, starting on January 20, 2017, was an absolute avalanche of outrage and maximum-volume demands, relentlessly and daily, for accountability and solidarity from people of every party, on the vital importance of election integrity - enlisting the full roster of GOP Congressional members and explicitly calling out anyone who opposes election integrity reforms as a flat-out enemy of American pluralism and therefore of the American people. In the hands of a competent Republican President - which we have not had in this country since 1988 - anything remotely resembling the blatant "We defend our right to commit election fraud" which contemptibly enough has become commonplace among Democrat Party hacks, would have resulted in those fraud supporters being tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail. Instead we got: Pin-drop silence on the entire issue from January 20, 2017 until the "Oh gee, we seem to have lost!" on November 4, 2020 - at which point it suddenly became A Big Deal. That, folks, is textbook dereliction of duty. And people want to run this guy again?!?

          The issue, like every other, requires true leadership. And as I've said, we have not had that from a Republican President since the mid-'80s. This must change.

          Addendum: To clarify, while I consider RFK to be a completely different animal from today's standard Democrat and while his explicit opposition to the Climate Catastrophe Cult, the danger of censorship and the weaponization of gov't agencies against the American people are more Republican in their activism than Trump's, he remains a Democrat, which means the wrong stands on a multitude of issues. I do not plan on flopping Democrat - as indicated above, as a CA Republican I have the freedom to vote exactly how I want (currently DeSantis is my personal "frontrunner,") with no "wasted vote" stigma. What I'm saying is that if whatever GOP nominee were to lose in 2024 to RFK Jr., RFK Jr. would nonetheless be a massive improvement over Biden or any of the rest of that foaming-at-the-mouth pack of predatory fools on the Left.
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