SIMPLE Things are beginning to break. Just an observation.
To add to the sensational stuff like ground crew getting sucked into jet engines (yes that happened just a few months ago) now just for giggles I like tracking my packages. I’ve been ordering stuff for years. I remember how packages could be tracked in a pretty straight line across the country from hub to hub. Now I see lots of back tracking. Packages stalled for days in a hub. I’ve even watched stuff sail right on by and go until it hits one of the coasts. As an indicator I believe it’s a pretty good sign that even if they would call us all “Bigoted Fascists” because we don’t celebrate people’s personal life choices with the acceptable zeal, that the competent ones are indeed Going Galt. Even if they don’t know there’s a name for it. And I must admit that everytime Jeff Bezos fails to get me my widgets in 48hours…..I giggle inside just a bit.
Does anyone else have some observations and indicators?
Does anyone else have some observations and indicators?
On another track, my doctors tend to send me a plethora of reminders for my appointments, requesting confirmations. I might get a text, email and phone call about the same appointment. It makes me wonder if they have a LOT of trouble with people just not showing up.
The latter is probably indicative that the cost of doing so via computer is very small.
It seems to be a generational thing. Younger people definitely don't see it the way I do.
About 20 years ago now, my daughter had a job at a grocery store. My wife saw the manager one day and was apologizing for our daughter being late a couple of times. His reply was that she was one of his best employees! She might be a few minutes late, but at least she showed up for her shifts. Many of the other employees would just not show up at all.
It is now just too much for the system to deliver a 5 pound package 200 miles. Enjoy the Decline. ROFLMGDAO!
PS……and now we know how secure the Mail in ballot process is as well.
Gosh (wink at Nan)
Darn (wink at Nan again)
Arse (still winking)
My real point is I'm pleased to know that there are younger generations, like yours, where there exist members that are aware of Ayn Rand's writings, and seem to follow many of her opinions. Everyday I run into people that have never even heard of her, and some of them are as old as I am.
Who is John Galt?
Incompetence is definitely working it’s way up the “food chain”. When it hits Civil Engineering it’s going to be horrifying.
Cuz’ da maths be hard.
Being concerned about Tensile Strength and Shear Loading are fascist constructs propagated by bigots.
"...competent ones are indeed Going Galt. Even if they don’t know there’s a name for it." Well stated and seems to be happening all over.
America and much of the world is asleep at the wheel and we are at the mercy of the level of thievery that the thieves decide they deserve. So long as the liars and looters take their unfair share without slaughtering the whole pig, we can keep on keeping on.
Soon the Republicans and the Democrats will be fighting over whether or not to spend 20 trillion dollars. Dems-30$ trillion, Reps-10$ trillion. What a compromise! A bipartisan deal.
Bipartisan = We the People are Getting Screwed and we're also Paying the Politicians for the Privilege.
look at the mess in NYC we all just saw
imagine what happens if that were over food or water that was not shipped for a few days
things are breaking
and it is not an accident
I have tracked some orders that 'pause' at a mid transfer point for several days before moving again.
Never had this problem before.
So in this era of Climate Change despite their inconsolable fear and demanding everyone pitch in they’ve somehow managed to make “the system” LESS efficient.
And we haven’t even felt the IMPACT of the EV Big Rigs yet! That’s going to be a shit show. Can’t wait.
I hope they don’t lose my popcorn.
Just a PS….my father had a 1979 Pontiac Sunbird. Four cylinder, manual transmission, rear wheel drive. Carburetor. No A/C. I used to calculate the fuel mileage for him. That thing got 49MPG once. And regularly broke 40mpg. We KNOW how to get vehicles to be fuel efficient. Or KNEW rather. But THEY Effed it all up. I don’t care how much “emissions” devices they put on a vehicle. Less fuel burned is less pollutants in the air……period. It’s not about the environment to THEM. Never was. It’s all about the money and control. My point is everytime THEY don’t let the free market drive change THEY make the very thing they’re allegedly concerned about worse.
OK rant off.
Buckle up. There's turbulence ahead...
There is also the problem of companies letting the general work force put forth ideas on engineering.
This is why I'm slowly checking out of society for my safety by evaluating every product that is needed to live a comfortable life.
I understand no circumstances that one should buy from China.
They deserve a break today and every day. They are normal everyday Elites on the Street ignoring the Great Unwashed.
When my wife does online orders the items go from one terminal to another. She will receive the merchandise three weeks later.