Trump Indicted For Mocking U.S. Women's Soccer

Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 5 months ago to Humor
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Mean old Orange Man Bad now faces yet another indictment for so cruelly mocking U.S. Women's Soccer after their embarrassing loss to Sweden, who had the gall to honor their country far more patriotically than our Woke women did.
Persecuting Prosecutor Jack Smith steadfastly announced, "We believe Dump Trump violated the Constitution with his usual free speech blather somehow. Don't worry. We will prove just that as soon as we can figure out which law he broke."
If anyone freaking cares to read what that blabbing butt Tangerine Tornado has ever to spew about that or anything, click the link if you want to stink~~
SOURCE URL: https://babylonbee.com/news/trump-indicted-for-us-womens-soccer-defeat

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  • Posted by $ Radio_Randy 1 year, 5 months ago
    I can't understand how one can be excellent when you represent a country that you hate...

    Maybe the team was following the practice of "Quiet Quitting" and doing ONLY the minimum they were getting paid to do.
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    • Posted by $ 1 year, 5 months ago
      Didn't see the game but a Fox News program showed how every Swedish girl proudly held a hand over her heart and all sang their national song.
      Made me dino proud of being half-Swedish, though I'm a conservative American citizen who always votes.
      I've always held a hand over my heart when the anthem played back when I used to attend Alabama home football games before health issues kept me away.
      Before playing the Swedes, a stark minority if USA female soccer players held a hand over their hearts while our anthem played. The rest looked like bored bunch of ho's.
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  • Posted by $ Thoritsu 1 year, 5 months ago
    I am a soccer player, and like watching the women because they are better looking than the men and the US usually does pretty well. Hope Solo is a psycho, but the best women's goalie I have ever seen. Mia Hamm was just great and damn cute. Carly Lloyd, Tobin Heath, Megan Klingenbeard, et al were just great! Don't remember how Brandi played, but those abs looked awful good when they beat China.

    This year, the women played like entitled, little idiots in the Group Stage. Absolute garbage. We are the US. We are great. Kiss our feet. Ads: "Megan Rapinoe the Hero"... "Scary Sophie Smith". pppbbbbttttsss. You are out the earliest of ANY US women's team ever. Rapinioe took the free kicks, and couldn't even get them to the attacking line. She aged out before this tournament.

    Now, they played much better against Sweden than any group stage match, and probably would have won if Sweden's goal keeper was not simply spectacular. However, missing the frame on penalty kicks as a pro? You just suck. Who was it:
    1 - Megan, the big mouth Rapinoe - missed the frame, when the game would have been ended.
    2 - little Sophie Smith (probably not a bad kid, but the ads were ridiculous)

    Kelley O'Hara missed the last one, but it should never have gotten there.

    This year, they were little snots, and they got what was coming to them. Now Rapin-whore can fade back into irrelevancy, and a team the wants to win on their own merit (what? merit?) can start coming together.
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