Celebrate Fourth of July by Cussing Politicians ... and Practice Your Marksmanship At the Shooting Range
Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 6 months ago to Philosophy
"America was founded by rowdy folks who enjoyed nothing better than applying tar and feathers to British tax collectors. For a couple centuries, Independence Day was an occasion for raising a ruckus with firecrackers and plenty of other friendly detonations.
But in recent times, the Fourth of July has been downgraded to simply another opportunity for citizens to express gratitude to their political masters. We are still permitted to celebrate, but unfortunately, federal, state, and local governments routinely trample the rights that the Founding Fathers sought to make sacrosanct.
The Fourth of July in Washington has been going downhill ever since 9/11. In his first draft of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson scratched out the word “subjects” and replaced it with “citizens.” But on Independence Day 2003, I wondered whether that had been an editing error. I saw long lines of people awaiting outside government checkpoints around the National Mall, kowtowing for permission to celebrate independence according to the latest edicts. Police and security agents continue to have a far heavier presence in Washington and many other places than in earlier times. In 2015, police urged people heading for the National Mall on July Fourth to sign up for a free emergency text alert system called NIXLE. (Subtext: “All your email addresses belong to us!”)
How many Americans recall that the Fourth of July originally consecrated an independence achieved thanks to resistance to a corrupt, oppressive regime? In 2018, Facebook, auditioning for a Federal Censorship Medal of Honor, deleted a Texas newspaper’s reposting of a portion of the Declaration of Independence because it went against Facebook standards on hate speech. Facebook used the same standard to suppress photos of the Branch Davidian home in flames after the FBI tank assault."
Happy Dependence Day.
"America was founded by rowdy folks who enjoyed nothing better than applying tar and feathers to British tax collectors. For a couple centuries, Independence Day was an occasion for raising a ruckus with firecrackers and plenty of other friendly detonations.
But in recent times, the Fourth of July has been downgraded to simply another opportunity for citizens to express gratitude to their political masters. We are still permitted to celebrate, but unfortunately, federal, state, and local governments routinely trample the rights that the Founding Fathers sought to make sacrosanct.
The Fourth of July in Washington has been going downhill ever since 9/11. In his first draft of the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson scratched out the word “subjects” and replaced it with “citizens.” But on Independence Day 2003, I wondered whether that had been an editing error. I saw long lines of people awaiting outside government checkpoints around the National Mall, kowtowing for permission to celebrate independence according to the latest edicts. Police and security agents continue to have a far heavier presence in Washington and many other places than in earlier times. In 2015, police urged people heading for the National Mall on July Fourth to sign up for a free emergency text alert system called NIXLE. (Subtext: “All your email addresses belong to us!”)
How many Americans recall that the Fourth of July originally consecrated an independence achieved thanks to resistance to a corrupt, oppressive regime? In 2018, Facebook, auditioning for a Federal Censorship Medal of Honor, deleted a Texas newspaper’s reposting of a portion of the Declaration of Independence because it went against Facebook standards on hate speech. Facebook used the same standard to suppress photos of the Branch Davidian home in flames after the FBI tank assault."
Happy Dependence Day.
The Precious Metals are: Brass and Lead!
9mm works our to at least 100 yards and is easy to make
easy to make with no power also
Don't overlook a well placed 22 shot at short distance for convenience of carrying and reduced weight. Although not reloadable.
I called it "The Evil Hag." Still do.
Trump's election was a big relief. And oh boy he's building that wall! That wall! Yay!
Yeah, right.
Now look at the fine mess a biological warfare attack that helped to rig an election put us in.
At least I haven't had to defend my home from a home invasion . . . . yet.
And I fear that the day is coming that politicians really will be in the crosshairs of enraged citizens.
(Those are thumb's up, in case they don't display correctly.;^)
Awaiting a family with little kids to come over for that, on Fox I watched the fireworks show in Washington D.C.
I should have expected to see our rigged election corrupt influence-peddling Puppet-In-Chief and his elder abusing wife being shown enjoying the fireworks.
That really turned my stomach!
Cussing, I turned off the TV. My doorbell rang shortly thereafter, thank God.
They train and test you in rifle proficiency with the goal of getting you from marksman to rifleman.
Lots of family, and very welcoming group (as you come to expect when you know the Right are just decent people)...
I've been to a couple of events. And they actually give an oral historical account of the months before or Revolutionary War against the Brits.
Later on, watch out for my Sherman TANK!