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A number of Jackass Party politicians and appointees look like characters from the dark side of The Force.
Here's a new wrinkle. To add some humor in Star Wars flicks, goofy characters like the annoying Jar Jar Binks are allied with the good guys.
Not so in Washington, D.C. We have Banana Republic El Presidente Buymedumb and that Featherhead Fetterman ogre from a comic book Bizarro Planet talking and acting like imbeciles.
Not to mention that silly looking Mopsy Topsy presidential press secretary! That liar is presently causing me dino to think of Medusa. Don't look too long. You'll turn to stone.
Pal Joey saying "God Save The Queen" at the end of a blathering speech is kinda different.
Usually when a pervert does perversions at the White House or admits to being some kind of a deviant, that Puppet-In-Chief seems prone to so happily smile and say, "God love ya, man." I've heard him say that twice.
Me old dino never thought I'd live long enough to see the leadership of the USA stoop to infamies so absurdly low.
It's beyond pathetic!
Thanks to OUC!!
There was Actually a "FREAK" show on the white house lawn . . .
He even forced the wives of nobles to act like prostitutes when he wasn't having sex with his won relatives.
Toward the bloody end of his imperial reign he wanted to move his throne to Alexandria in Egypt and be worshiped as a god.
After he was assassinated, an effort was made to restore the old Roman Republic. It failed. There was just too much power to be had by an elite few.
You know, like we have with a Deep State of powerful fat cats who think they have a right to run everything and everyone else.
remember, the winners write the history....
from what i read, the regular people liked him
It's smart to keep all those little taxpayers happy with games like chariot races, colosseum spectacles and whatever passed for circuses back then,
I'm sure the prestige of ruling the known world by winning wars and bringing back treasure and slaves helped also.
Also, an "Anon" mention this week too!
Thanks again, OUC!