During the Obamanable Reign of Mr. Marxist Hope And Change when me dino saw gasoline actually being sold for $4 a gallon in Alabama, I'll never forget Vice-President Sleepy on TV sitting on a porch and quite happily assuring someone that "Yes, we can spend our way out of debt." So don't worry, y'all, our Puppet-In-Chief is busy Building Back Better "to finish the job" with that Obamanation's Marxist Hope And Change schiff job. What I worry about is that there are so many who will never be tried for treason against our Constitution.
You remind me of a revolution that ended with an elite group called nobility being carted to a public guillotine. That created the first of five French republics, by the way. Different factors created the others. Who is there to say the USA can't have more than one? It was the Third Republic of France that was attacked by a German Emperor called a kaiser during World War One.
While I'd prefer to have the United States of America maintain its integrity as a nation, it can't do so unless the People are willing to live by the precepts under which America was Founded. There's just no other way. Those who aren't willing to do this should be shown the exit.
Napoleon Bonaparte achieved a total overthrow of what resident Marxist are trying to do to the only Republic the USA has had so far. The Confederacy achieved a temporary split~~not a total overthrow. Should our Constitution be disowned, would we ever bounce back with a second republic hopefully by duplicating what our Founding Fathers created? Anything is possible but I kinda doubt it. Year 1776 was before Karl Marx was born. Not to mention our Deep State and our current Fake News.
Tyrants and dictators, unfortunately, don't give up power easily. They waste (not work) their whole lives to achieve it so they can continue to dominate and leech off the rest of society.
If our Nation fell into tyranny, I believe it would first go to civil war. I think the Democrats know this which is why they've been trying to brand "white nationalists" as terrorist groups and ignoring BLM and Antifa - the Democrats' versions of "brown shirts." The problem is that the armed forces generally consist of patriots. Being a soldier means being disciplined and working hard - two things which are anathema to any progressive. Thus I believe that when the revolution does come, the Democrats are going to end up retreating to their little enclaves surrounded by their toadies.
So don't worry, y'all, our Puppet-In-Chief is busy Building Back Better "to finish the job" with that Obamanation's Marxist Hope And Change schiff job.
What I worry about is that there are so many who will never be tried for treason against our Constitution.
That created the first of five French republics, by the way. Different factors created the others.
Who is there to say the USA can't have more than one? It was the Third Republic of France that was attacked by a German Emperor called a kaiser during World War One.
Should our Constitution be disowned, would we ever bounce back with a second republic hopefully by duplicating what our Founding Fathers created?
Anything is possible but I kinda doubt it. Year 1776 was before Karl Marx was born. Not to mention our Deep State and our current Fake News.
If our Nation fell into tyranny, I believe it would first go to civil war. I think the Democrats know this which is why they've been trying to brand "white nationalists" as terrorist groups and ignoring BLM and Antifa - the Democrats' versions of "brown shirts." The problem is that the armed forces generally consist of patriots. Being a soldier means being disciplined and working hard - two things which are anathema to any progressive. Thus I believe that when the revolution does come, the Democrats are going to end up retreating to their little enclaves surrounded by their toadies.
Changing topic, laughing at my old age quick glance, thinking the title was: Biometrics in a nutshell, saying to self: GOT TO READ THAT ONE!
gonna make 1929 look like a picnic with free beer and free hotdogs for life