The God of the Machine - Tranche 19
Chapter X, Excerpt 1 of 3
The Economics of a Free Society
The primitive life of humanity is a unique phase of natural history, being occupied with the effort of man to master his environment instead of merely adapting himself to it. The use of fire, of hunting weapons, and the taming of animals come under this head. The next step is cultivation of the soil, building permanent shelter and storage, and finally contriving mechanism for the conversion of energy. These call for space-time organization by delegating authority.
Such an authority can only be prohibitive. The problem is to keep this repressive agency subordinate to the creative faculty. The difficulty is enormous; an advanced understanding of engineering principles is required for its solution. In default, the class system developed, which places the whole community under arrest. Before the world war of 1914, this medieval condition of general arrest had been largely thrown off except in Czarist Russia, which remained in barbarism, absolutism, and anarchy.
The phrase “dictatorship of the proletariat” is a contradiction in terms. It has no meaning. The theory of “dialectical materialism” is a misuse of terms of the same type. It posits an inevitable succession of a thesis producing its opposite. Nothing in nature goes through any such transmogrification. This is specifically the language of fools. Marx was a fool with a large vocabulary with long words. A parasitical pendant, shiftless and dishonest, he wanted to put a claim on “society” solely as a consumer.
The Economics of a Free Society
The primitive life of humanity is a unique phase of natural history, being occupied with the effort of man to master his environment instead of merely adapting himself to it. The use of fire, of hunting weapons, and the taming of animals come under this head. The next step is cultivation of the soil, building permanent shelter and storage, and finally contriving mechanism for the conversion of energy. These call for space-time organization by delegating authority.
Such an authority can only be prohibitive. The problem is to keep this repressive agency subordinate to the creative faculty. The difficulty is enormous; an advanced understanding of engineering principles is required for its solution. In default, the class system developed, which places the whole community under arrest. Before the world war of 1914, this medieval condition of general arrest had been largely thrown off except in Czarist Russia, which remained in barbarism, absolutism, and anarchy.
The phrase “dictatorship of the proletariat” is a contradiction in terms. It has no meaning. The theory of “dialectical materialism” is a misuse of terms of the same type. It posits an inevitable succession of a thesis producing its opposite. Nothing in nature goes through any such transmogrification. This is specifically the language of fools. Marx was a fool with a large vocabulary with long words. A parasitical pendant, shiftless and dishonest, he wanted to put a claim on “society” solely as a consumer.
The "inflation reduction act" which does nothing for inflation, but is merely a cover for the green new deal, but uses inflation as a palatable cover story.
Labeling news items as "disinformation" or "misinformation" when what they really mean is "info we don't want you to know".
The examples are almost endless. Listen to any mainstream "newscast" and they will pile up faster than you can write them down. And a White House press conference dishes them out by the dozens.
But is the integration of “advanced engineering principles” and Psychology even possible?