It’s Never About the US President, It’s About the US Empire
Posted by saucerdesigner 1 year, 7 months ago to Government
Excerpt: "... The longer Americans are convinced that they can vote their way out of problems they never voted their way into in the first place, the longer they can be dissuaded from using the power of their numbers to force real material changes by real material means..."
I agree with these observations. It's a con game by the Deep State on the People.
Unfortunately, based upon her writings criticizing capitalism for everything and
giving no credit for any benefits of free markets, her solution would be socialist disaster.
However, she is right that voting has made no difference in 110 years or more,
and we must take real action to de-throne the existing power mongers, or
own nothing and be happy slaves.
Mark Twain
OR Trump will body slam "them" and finally start cleaning up the mess - "they" will surely try to kill him, IMHO. MAGA-KAG!
D.C. has been controlled by forces of evil for decades. NIFO. It's the only way to be sure.