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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 6 months ago
    Everything mhubb says. Including the evidence of Vikings living in Greenland until the climate got too cold to support a settlement. Again....the climate changed because of ancient SUVS?

    In reality though he will have checked out when you start citing archeological evidence and just call you a NAZI.
    We can’t pull them out of The Matrix. So our best plan is to stay out of The Matrix ourselves.

    If you really want to make his head explode....ask him if climate change causes Floods or Droughts. Then ask him how he feels about Nuclear Power Plants. That question alone will determine if he is “non-negotiable”.
    Next ask him his plan to suppress the black and brown people in the third world from having a standard of living similar to the one he has enjoyed. And how will that be executed “equitably”?

    “Sorry Matumbo and Juan. Your children are not allowed to enjoy the technological advances that western civilizations have enjoyed. I’m afraid they’ll just have to die of dysentery in a “sustainable” hut. Oh and watch out for the lions. And by the way.....make more cheap shit for us. You want to eat that Monsanto GMO garbage we sent in the care flights right?”

    The entire thing is a play for wealth by the “energy” companies. If it wasn’t......they’d be fighting it instead of encouraging it.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 6 months ago
    Could be a tall order depending on how damaged and washed out his small liberal brain has become. The most simple is to say you are not a parishioner in the church of the man made climate change religion. However, I believe it is safe to say the climate has been changing since the beginning of the planet and will very likely continue to change until the planet ends whether or not man is present.
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  • Posted by $ BobCat 1 year, 6 months ago
    If he is just like James taggart, then he is a coward and will never abandon the hand that feeds. There is no changing him, he has drunk the kool-aid of the Man - Made climate change religion. Cowards are afraid to change and fear the truth.
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 6 months ago
    ask him these::

    questions for the followers of the human caused climate change religion

    how old are the glaciers said to be melting, millions of years??
    how old is the Earth??, 4.5 Billion years old

    so what was there before the "melting" glaciers?
    could there be cycles of glaciers forming and melting, long before human kind ever showed up??
    why is this cycle the work of Man and not nature??

    in the Sahara Desert are signs of people having lived in it, 4,000 to 5,000+ years ago
    cave painting show people and animals that can no longer live in the desert
    the climate changed, the desert formed, people moved to the Nile Valley and started the Egyptian civilization that created the Pyramids (along with other great structures
    again this happened BEFORE our tech civilization
    it is likely that over the past thousands of years the Sahara has gone from lush vegetation to desert over and over, the cycle repeating

    i won't mention the cycles of Ice Ages and melts, perhaps were are in between two Ice Ages now...
    likely so

    and on TV
    there is a show about bringing back animals from the last Ice Age
    the ground there is melting
    the fact is that those animals COULD NOT LIVE THERE if the land was ALWAYS frozen
    at some point that land was ice free, allowing animals to live and thrive there
    as it got colder, the animals changed and finally died off

    you followers of the Global Warming religion think history began only a few hundred years ago
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  • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 6 months ago
    Nothing. That's his religion. Or, send him these videos, made by a Liberal, Michael Shellenberger, who can still see the truth. He is a climate activist, but he sees the value of nuclear energy and the problems with "renewables."

    Maybe if he will listen to a Liberal he will see some of the truth therein.

    I hope this helps!
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    • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 6 months ago
      Shellenberger has failed the woke litmus test and is considered a conservative now by the left. A person can’t just agree with part of their ideology. They have to accept ALL of it.....or they’re a NAZI.
      Absolutely amazing times we live in.
      I used to shrug off the warnings of white genocide but when I make an honest comparison of racial propaganda of today and Weimar Germany it’s getting harder to ignore the parallels. “Everything bad that’s happened to us is because of THOSE people!” Every little thing that can be spun by the narrative managers into “White Supremacy” is. But I digress.....that’s a big hairy topic for another big hairy thread.
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      • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 6 months ago
        Where are the University professors with their books, "My Plan for the White Question?" Show your faces. White is the new Jew. The White Male Straight Christian of today is the Jew of Nazi Germany. Rats, exterminate them all. The root of all social evil. White people. If it wasn't for White people, 95% of society's technological advances would have been created by Not White people.
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