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  • Posted by Running4mylife 1 year, 8 months ago
    I have retweeted the article. We need to keep it going because Fox News is trying to bury it. The employee who did it has been "dealt with". Whatever that means. Murdoch is scum, and whoever that brave soul was that did that deserves a medal and more importantly, needs to do it again and again, and more people need to do it, so many that it becomes impossible for the turds who kiss Murdoch's ass to catch them.
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  • Posted by bsudell 1 year, 8 months ago
    Is anyone else having trouble with the iPhone? Tried to print this story out, but the printing deleted all of the "Wannabe Dictator" out signs. If you try to print the story, no pictures come up. Guess Apple has become the dictator, too.
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  • Posted by $ DriveTrain 1 year, 8 months ago
    Just as a helpful hint - because much as I pride myself on my vocabulary I had no idea what a "chyron" was and had to look it up. So no, it's not that mythical dude in the Scorpions song, it's the word for the headline-type caption that's superimposed on the bottom of TV screen. Who knew? I sure didn't. Anyhow...

    That is absolutely hilarious! I hasten to add that despite the hilarity, the accuracy, and the fact that it's a jab at the collectivists, it's not something a reputable news outlet should allow no matter who it's against. It's a potshot and looks like it, and yeah, immediately prompts the question whether FoxNews got momentarily hacked - so as entertaining as it is, it's not something a professional news organization can allow.

    But... that is hilarious. 8^D
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