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Never thought reading "XX CHROMOSOMES" would ever crack old dino up.
During the Seventies I drove to California twice. The second time I was all alone. I didn't have a Star Trek communicator, which I once read somewhere was an inventor's inspiration for cell phones.
On the Great Plains or a flat desert, yon feel so alone and insignificant that it's kinda creepy. Maybe you still do without a cell phone, come to think of it finally.
Yes, it is lonely traveling out west, AZ/UT/NV/CO and a little worrisome...it takes forever for the scenery to change. I drove home to connecticut from CA the summer of 79. Spent 4 years there. Had just bought a 78 Mercury Capri. (German Influenced) Quick little car.
That same brother settled in LA for a few years.
That's when I drove alone in a Mustang from Alabama to LA. There was a stretch of desert where even truckers were driving near 100MPH,
Unforgettable! Had 4 new tires. So I wasn't afraid of a blowout.
I remember a long stretch, a figure in the distance in the middle of nowhere, a hitch-hiker, I stopped, it was an Indian chap I think. "Goin' that way?" "Yup." Not much choice actually, just the road, forward and back. He got off after half an hour, to me it all looked exactly the same.
100mph, a magic number.
Went over a small bridge. Speed trap was rigged to clock my speed coming down the other side of the bridge.
Because I was out of state, I was placed under arrest. Never was cuffed but stood around for an hour watching them ticket who often complained
of the so obvious a speed trap.
Asked them if my brother could follow as they took me to "central lockup."
They laughed as they tried to lose my brother and all the more when he was forced to run a changing traffic light to keep up. Scumbags? Yep!
I was in a holding cell with a bunch of unhappy guys for about 15 minutes when someone called my name.
It was mispronounced but I knew it was me and did not correct the jailer. (Just get me out of there!)
Another cop told me my fine was $10. I could not believe I went to jail for $10!
"Ten dollars?" I inquiringly exclaimed. I was told if I wanted to contest the fine I'd stay in jail before appearing in court at 1PM the next day.
My brother was waiting for me outside.
One Quickly Learns that Florida is a VERY LONG State. I remember crossing the border near the panhandle, and thinking "Wow, I am almost there".
Yep, about 12hrs... LOL...
Dothan is only about 30 minutes from the Florida line.
But it took all night to get there and the sun was coming up when I used a payphone for a parent to come and get me.
Keep in mind St. Petersburg is roughly halfway down the west side of Florida.
I like the 1965 (sedan) and 1971 (fastback) Mustangs better. However, they are all gorgeous!
Back Draft Racing used to make a racing body/chassis that looks just like a 1965 Mustang, but with a real stiff chassis, and tunable suspension. Too bad it is $70K.
Griggs has some now:
. . .and, like a dummy, let my last 240Z go when I clearly could have put it aside . . .just because of a little rust on the frame. A few years later, Japan was rebuilding them at the factory. Worth 40+ these days.
Whenever I watch those I have to wear a bib. I drool all over myself.
And thanks for the memes.
You know what WIFE stands for:
LOL. My wife hates that joke.
She replies, you know what a man is?
Something you screw on the bed to get the house paid for :-)
Quite a few to forward to friends and family, including that Duck Sink, XX Chromosomes, Screwdriver, Onion rings, Revenge of the Trees... Thank you Carl.
When she is wrong (and it does happen), it's not her problem. It's my problem.
Loved the snowmen and the teepee.