TV's View of Men: Useless Moronic Dads and Evil White Men. They Feel We'd Be Better Of Without Any Men

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 6 months ago to Philosophy
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A finger to all the woke tv writers and their foolish tv execs.
They haven't been truthful in decades.
SOURCE URL: https://brownstone.org/articles/those-silly-dads-on-tv/

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    Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 6 months ago
    A rather verbose article highlighting simple concepts, but worth the read. The author avoids the fact that the propaganda war is being waged primarily on white men as other men are given a pass and are even placed in very favorable positions. White men, when not left out entirely, are depicted as fools or evil in some way. Gay white men are given a pass because in the world of woke it's ok for a white man to be gay.

    Although the propaganda war began earlier, IMHO, it really took off with the Lifetime Movie [for Women] cable channel back in the '80s or '90s, which carries on to this day. I began to refer to it as the "Three Movie Channel" because it basically showed the same three movies over and over. They are:
    1) White guy mean to women movie
    2) White guy mean to children movie
    3) White guy mean to black people movie
    Honorable mention must be given to the Holiday Special movie, which is the white guy mean to all movie.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 6 months ago
      There's white men and there are victims. Nothing else if you believe the Deep State propaganda.
      Watch out for the virus that only kills white guys.
      Then the rule will change because in small numbers we will already be easy enough to control
      and the looting scum will need another whipping boy.
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    • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 6 months ago
      Besides straightforward white gays getting a pass, let's not overlook those mediocre athletes (who may or may not for locker room ogling and raping really be gay) allowed to win trophies for wrecking women's sports and are supported by warped men and women who can get violent with people who have a brain.
      How screwed up for Woke is that?
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 6 months ago
      Prof. Peter Dale Scott (a self-admitted Leftist) coined "The Deep State" decades ago. The Deep State controls all media and entertainment (more precisely: entrainment). Promoting Hatred & division, glorifying all that is negative: drugs, perversion, open borders.
      Prof. Scott was the first to my knowledge to disabuse me of the fact there are not two political parties in this country, instead, one Uni-Party that hates the Constitution and America. Strong stuff coming from a committed Leftist. This Deep State is not just of this country, but in fact are foreigners bent on world domination. All that is needed is a big enough false flag event to call for CoG. If you here the term UAP, you know that event is here. Don't believe a word of it.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 6 months ago
        I have the gist of what you are saying, tutor-turtle, but am a bit dense at this moment and need a bit of tutoring as to the meanings of "CoG" and "UAP". Thanks in advance.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 6 months ago
          My guesses:
          CoG - Continuity of Government
          UAP - new government acronym for UFO

          (Based on the disdain they show for human life, these "foreigners" could be non-human, imo.)
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          • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 6 months ago
            Correct. Freedom.
            Perhaps a nuance should be explained here.
            Actual UFO's are inter-dimensional craft that can't be shot down, they don't really exist as a physical presence, as we know it.
            UAP's are reverse engineered craft by the Military-Industrial Complex. Whether from ancient technology, or off world tech, the point is they are ours, they can be shot down like any other terrestrial craft.
            The UAP threat is yet another Sy-Op. Another False Flag to invoke The Emergency Powers Act, Marshall Law and yet another lock-down.
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    • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 6 months ago
      Also known as "The Murder Channel." Every plot is some woman with a gun or a knife killing someone, who is most often a white man or second to that a white woman.
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      • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 6 months ago
        A woman on the channel can be a murderer as long as the final fault falls on a white guy. Some time back I do recall Lifetime carried a movie that depicted a white woman serial killer (of white guys, of course) and when the law was just about ready to catch up with her - in the last 5 minutes of the movie - the audience was introduced to her evil white guy father who just got out of prison and was her abuser as a child meaning her murderous rampage was actually all his fault and she should be given a pass of leniency.

        The "final fault" falling on the evil white guy is relatively common in Hollywood plots these days, which has been going on for a while. If I recall there were several seasons of "24" that had POC or non Americans doing all sorts of mayhem, but in the final episodes it was always revealed an evil white guy American was actually behind it all.

        When the evil white guys take a thrashing like in "Passenger 57" we are always reminded to "bet on black".
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        • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 6 months ago
          Always bet on Black indeed. The White Christian Heterosexual Male has been the target for a long time. It is unofficially formulated in the dirty rules of Intersectional-ism. You can't punch down only up. At the top of the heap is our new anti-hero, the White Hetero Christian Male. And enter the new hero, the Black Female HIV+ Bisexual "Trans" Surgeon Fighter Pilot Pacifist Activist Satanist Postmodernist.

          So everyone can crap on the White men, and the White men are supposed to shut up and take it.

          Enter school shootings. Young men aren't having it.
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          • Posted by 1 year, 6 months ago
            At the top is the self-proclaimed "historic figure" hero:
            "Biden Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has declared herself to be “a historic figure”.

            “A year in this role, there’s been a couple of things that has made me incredibly proud.
            Many things have made me incredibly proud to be at that podium during this historic moment,”
            Jean-Pierre said during an interview on the grio.

            “This is a historic administration. I’m a historic figure and I certainly walk in history every day.
            But this is also a historic making administration because of this president,” she added.

            So humble.

            KJP is, of course, referring to her skin color and her sexuality, which she never misses
            a beat to harp on.

            After all, she can’t be referring to her job performance, unless she means historically poor.
            She makes Jen Psaki look trustworthy."
            The only ones who look as bad are the traitor potus and his whore vp,
            although there are more Democrat traitors who try very hard to emulate
            the worst hypocrite liars.
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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 6 months ago
    Shows like Bewitched were cute, but a normal male like Darrin was hopeless and helpless in the face of female witches and their male counterparts. In short a normal white man has no chance against the power of anything not a white man. The theme has grown so steadily that most don't even notice. Just watch commercials these days and you will see a complete culture of male toxicity.
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  • Posted by $ splumb 1 year, 6 months ago
    My great-Aunt Gail (now in her 90s) is an original feminist. And a very outspoken one, at that.

    When I was a little girl, many times she used to say, "one of these days, we women will rise up and kill all the men", and she meant it.

    So I've always understood that feminism was never about equal rights for women, it was about destroying men and women taking over. That's why I never became a feminist.

    I once saw a particularly sickening feminist movie from 1980 called The Women's Room. It's theme was women good, men bad, and it hit you over the head with it repeatedly.

    And then there was that gem from 1984 called Amazons, where women descended from the original Amazons are systematically killing strategically powerful men.

    I can't for the life of me imagine why the male actors agreed to act in these travesties, but I'm sure Aunt Gail would have approved. Bleah.
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  • Posted by Aeronca 1 year, 6 months ago
    Lots of advertisements on TV routinely show couples as 'stupid' man and 'smart' woman, to leverage the buying force of that couple out of anger, fear and ego. The dumb Man who won't get the new credit card and his smart wife who will fools him into signing up, because ... he is such a stupid Man.
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 1 year, 6 months ago
    I saw this trend becoming worse afte the pink hat broads hit DC. It was coming on more slowly before. But, it is also Balcks, who began to be paid to act like jevenile bafoons several years back. Tehy were stupid and not like ral men either. This was the Hollywood influence. This time, the women's movement has gone crazy, we were supposed to be improved, more intennigent, equal in the job to men, but forgot to retain our femininity. Meanwhile, men were dimished little by lettle into childlike creatrues with their kids knowing best. As it happened, my husband and I stopped watching sitocms. Now we watch little that is new. We watch NCIS reruns with Agent Gibbs and Law and Order with Jerry Orbach! The only current movie we have seen is Clinto Eastwood. Meanwhile, our gov. promotes the most degranged among us and expect us to celebrate them. Not going to happen.That is why Yellowstone was so successful, until now. Everyone we know watches Gunsmoke reruns! Women are sex objects or just tupid in movies. No Emma Peels with Steed, that was teh best of TV equality.In real life, we have coffee with men and women whose families were supported by truck drivers, they are cool car folks, and some raise race horses. No room for wimps or Jane fonda wannbes. That is actually the real men and women not represented on TV or in movies or supported by DC.
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