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Wondering how long before they start to include we A=A ers?
I have been sleeping commando style for 30 or 40 years now. Hate it when shirts or pants get tangled up and wake me. Also, that Whoopie thing is an INSULT to Wookies everywhere!!
My personal choice is to attempt the "Aikido" technique. In Aikido, a martial art in which I am NOT skilled, the person attacked uses this defense: "You want to go in that direction, well, I'll help you." He enlists the attacker's force in deflecting the attack.
To the "A is not A" person I might say, "Oh, you think you are transgendered? I can understand that. My dog is a toad, and my unicorn is a typewriter. You are probably two-thirds of an elephant. I'll bet you believe the moon landing was faked because the moon does not exist."
My wife successfully took care of an "anti-plastics" nutcase. She told her, "No plastics? You don't use plastics? Take off your clothes. Give me your car keys. Your clothes and your car all are made with plastics." I think the nutcase went and slithered back under a rock or left in a huff.
Weird times Brother, we have never had proof before that our government agencies and selected officials are all treasonous criminals.
1) He Deserves the chance to get in, now that HE KNOWS THEM BY THEIR DEEDS
2) And he doesn't have to worry about being re-elected... Scorched Deep State Mode!
[ie, you've never seen so many leftist heads pop]
Never mind all of the good that will come.
For once, we need to see the Deep State take it in the balls... Hard... Repeatedly...
By someone willing to Tweet about it!
Just FYI, but you can thank Idaho for nuclear power, television, and RAM - not to mention great potatoes!
Does this pillow make my butt look big?