Political Analysts Confirm Presidential Hopeful Chris Christie Will Eat His Competition's Lunch
New is that former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie will announce his presidential run next week and will chew his way through all the other GOP hopefuls like PacMan on a feeding frenzy.
Besides lunch, statistician Nate Silver (whoever the hell he is) said, "Christie will also eat their breakfast, their dinner and any other snacks they may have laying around, No candidate is safe.
Asked by me dino about what you just read, all Christie could do was to bellow one horrendous belch. I just had to resign from journalism a second time as I fled screaming though all the debris he had just flattened.
Besides lunch, statistician Nate Silver (whoever the hell he is) said, "Christie will also eat their breakfast, their dinner and any other snacks they may have laying around, No candidate is safe.
Asked by me dino about what you just read, all Christie could do was to bellow one horrendous belch. I just had to resign from journalism a second time as I fled screaming though all the debris he had just flattened.