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  • 10
    Posted by freedomforall 10 years ago
    Because the white majority have allowed political correctness to become more important than justice and fairness. Brainwashed sheep.
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    • 11
      Posted by edweaver 10 years ago
      And this is all been pushed by the progressive movement. I do not believe for a second that this is not intentional. Every senerio is a distraction to keep people focused on these problems instead of the real issues in the country. Issues that they do not want use paying attention to.
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  • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 10 years ago
    Its being buried because it puts islam in the appropriate lighting. Same as the Ft Hood shooter, the honor killings across the country, and the number of American citizens fighting for islam. If they point these things out in the FREQUENCY that they are occuring we wouldn't be passive sheep waiting for the slaughter. BTW thousands of islamic refugees from Syria are planned to be coming to the US.
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  • Posted by tkstone 10 years ago
    Sadly this is not the only story hushed up. I have spoken with people with first hand knowledge of events happening on the southern border that go unreported every day. One young man I know claims the Houston airport was locked down due to the detention of the ISIL members in El Paso on Sept 10. He was waiting for his flight. An international airport is locked down and we don't hear about that either. "Do not upset the masses" Treat them like mushrooms.
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  • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years ago
    It flies in the face of the preferred narrative. The MSM media will not report unless dragged kicking and screaming... It should be headline news on most major networks. We have big Trouble in River City. Homeland Security, Customs and immigration control are jokes.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 10 years ago
    It's really quite simple. We have a president who refuses to identify the enemy and the MSM take his cues because they, too, don't want to acknowledge the concept of good and evil.
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  • Posted by Snoogoo 10 years ago
    If there were ever a time to use those "hate crime" laws to throw the book at the murderer this is it. Awful that this isn't national news and I have to find out about this on the Gulch. Thank you for posting
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  • Posted by Herb7734 10 years ago
    Another example of the government and media's "selective outrage." It is not surprising at all that such an incident received such little notice. A brief look at the reporting of the last six years should be enough to convince any objective observer of the media bias. Those denying the bias are finally beginning to look like the desperate fools they are.
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  • Posted by OzarksMattMan 10 years ago
    Maybe we should have a thread devoted entirely to the debate between LetsShrug Barwick (that Barwick seems to currently be winning, logically speaking). Until then it seems to me that Shrug got offended by a very well thought-out argument. I hope it didn't kill this thread.

    Oh, and anyone downvoting a post because it references God or Satan is an idiot that should read our Declaration and Constitution (that heavily reference the Almighty if you remember).
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    • Posted by 10 years ago
      I'm losing, logically speaking? How so? I was not offended. What's to be offended over? The assumption in these discussions do nothing to further the point. As for God and religion being in the founding father's heads...every quote you find siting it one can be found to site the opposite....It's been done repeatedly in here.
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  • -2
    Posted by barwick11 10 years ago
    Because of the same reason I've said, over and over and over. And the one that most folks on here don't want to hear... Satan is real, whether you like it or not. He's not going to fight against himself. He's got his dirty scheming hands in everything to some degree, but especially in places like the liberal media, in Islam, in the homosexual "rights" movement, in militant feminism, in liberal "Christianity", etc, etc, etc.

    Did you ever notice how a lot of the time, those groups are actively supporting eachother. But on the rare occasion that they do "speak out" against the actions of another of those groups, it's barely discernable as opposition?
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    • Posted by barwick11 10 years ago
      Oh wow, look at this... I'm so surprised. THIS is exactly what I was talking about in my post linked below. This post is at -3... seriously some people... get a life

      edit: -4... and counting. I'm such a TERRIBLE person that these people have to downvote what I say because it offends them. *sigh*
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      • Posted by ObjectiveAnalyst 10 years ago
        Hello barwick11,
        Regarding offense: I agree with LS.

        I believe you are a good person, but on this site many will take issue with your metaphysics. It is your premise of there being a real Satan as the impetus for the evil in the world that will get you down-voted. It is not a reflection on your person. It is your argument. Naturally, considering the prevalent philosophy, people here believe they can be benevolent or malevolent without the necessity of the supernatural.
        For me it matters little. As I have quoted before: "...But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg."
        -Thomas Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1782
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      • Posted by 10 years ago
        I doubt anyone is 'offended'...we just prefer reason and logic in here most of the time. Angels and Unicorns don't fly (pun intended) (fyi, I didn't down vote it.)
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        • Posted by barwick11 10 years ago
          I didn't think you would down vote it, others however, not so sure. Regardless, why do people act like "reason and logic" is at odds with the existence of God, Satan, angels, and demons?

          The Bible exists and was written down "that [we] may *know*" I mean, it boils down to a few things:
          1) Do you believe Jesus Christ existed? If no, there's a lot of generally accepted secular history you have to throw away because it has much less evidence than the life of Jesus Christ.
          2) Do you believe Jesus Christ was a good person?
          3) Then who do you believe Jesus Christ was? He can be only 3 things. Liar (and one of the most wicked men in all of history if he was a liar). Lunatic (are his teachings those of a lunatic?) Lord (in which case, what He said was true, and should be taken as truth).

          The only logical answer if one's intelectually honest there, is that He was in fact Lord. If he wasn't, the next closest would have to be a lunatic, but really, have any psychologist analyze those words and explain how a lunatic came up with them, and also why 11 out of the 12 apostles went to their death defending Him and his teachings. Or, a Liar. Again, that leaves the problem of the eye-witnesses, and their executions, many of which are documented in secular history.

          Logic will not bring you to Jesus Christ. But logic WILL support your belief in Him and His Word.
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          • Posted by 10 years ago
            False choices. I think he was a man. I'm not spending anymore time on this except to say I grew up religious, my dad was a minister when I was a kid, I know all about faith and religion and it's an unnecessary middle man. Being good for the sake of being good is the only reason I need. It's logical and in my rational self interest. Hoping or having faith in a maybe is not. To each his own.
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          • Posted by RevJay4 10 years ago
            When I see how easily history is adjusted by the preferred philosophy of the day, I have more questions than answers about the bible, etc.
            For me, the bible is a great book which gives mankind a roadmap on how to treat his fellow man. Without harm and for the good of all. That there is an entity(?) which made all of this come into being is not a question for me. I can't imagine this universe, me included, being an accident of whatever "big bang" that is claimed by some.
            For me, I don't feel the need to have an organized religion as my conduit to a "spiritual" being I consider to exist. If no one else does, that's fine with me. Sorta like what Thomas Jefferson said as posted by OA in this thread.
            Over and Out.
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