Senators Issued Satellite Phones on Case of...What.
Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 10 months ago to Government
What do the denizens of the slimy dark state know? Will the MSM report this unsettling development? 50 out of 100 Senators accepted the offer for free satellite phones with service. What planned national disaster is coming down the pike this time? And when?
1) Even high altitude EMP would not do much to military installations, since they are substantially hardened
2) The USA is so large that it would take multiple nuclear high altitude explosions to cause substantial damage to the country.
3) Sending ONE EMP missile would catch the USA unaware, and could cause limited damage, but they would eventually find out where it came from and there would be substantial retaliation
4) There would be a uniting of the American people like happened after pearl harbor. God help the enemy after that.
5) Sending more than one would result in WW3 to whoever we THOUGHT sent them over.
5) The damage caused by what an enemy could send over would be nothing compared with the damage we would cause to them. It wouldn't be worth it for an enemy
2. The power grid is not hardened. Neither are large cities. Only a few detonations would be required to bring us down.
3. One high altitude (25-50 miles), high yield detonation can blanket a 450 mile-wide bubble with heavy pulse. A nuke over New York City would black out a huge area, triggering that dreaded domino effect on the power grid. Add one more over Los Angeles and you have effectively brought this country to a screeching halt.
4. If we are able to communicate after a massive power outage, that might be true, but more likely we would be scrambling to find food and water in panic mode. .
5. Define enemy. If we were to retaliate against the perpetrator, the powers behind the scenes would dance with glee as the superpowers destroyed themselves and the rest of the world. Welcome, One World/New World Order.
The TV series JERICHO gives a good account of what happens with I think 20 nuclear bombs on selected cities, plus a few EMP strikes. The series was canceled I think because it was a bit too realistic. It was headed towards civil war and a splitup of the USA (probably a likely scenario).
I don't think that EVERY electronic device would be destroyed even in a targeted EMP strike. There are older cars, computers shielded sufficiently, phones stored away- the point is that there would be SOME communication and travel available. Power outages would be a problem for sure, but some people DO have generators, and just how much of a problem would a few days or even weeks of no household power. USA is a very resilient nation and people would find ways to survive I think.
I have thought in the past that there is a likelihood of ONE emp strike over a relatively sparsely populated USA area sent over by North Korea (approved of by china) as a message to not protect Taiwan. I think Biden would not retaliate on that one. BUT, any more strikes would start WW3 right away.
When China sent over that balloon, I kind of expected that it contained an EMP weapon, or at least was sent over to see whether the USA was able to detect and stop such an attack. They found out that the USA was NOT able to detect and protect against that kind of attack.
200,000,000+ of us would be dead in a year
and tracking down who did it would not be easy
any nation with satellite launch ability is a possibility
making a nuke or buying one or stealing one is not as hard as it used to be
you'd need a 2 stage weapon to be effective, over Chicago
Also, it is highly unlikely that there would be like 50 simultaneous emp strikes covering the entire USA. After the first one hit, Russia and china and north Korea would be obliterated in global nuclear war. If the enemy was going to strike the USA, they might as well do all our nuclear strike, not just emp.
i got
some gold
some silver
I am 78 years old, need periodic medical care, cant really farm or do really physically difficult things, and there are a lot of people in this same boat. People who have saved all their lives and will surely lose most of their savings due to the government printing of money will suffer a lot. Politicians are evil people, IMHO.
all my backup stuff is in EMP protection
EMP cloth
EMP bags
Faraday cage
Red Dots for my "toys" that are mounted have backups with the "toy" that are zeroed and in an EMP bag
glass does not care about and EMP
and EMP could be a massive solar flare, we've had a few near misses lately from those as well
or just the power grid failing, from whatever reason
prepare for something like the Siege of Leningrad, IMHO
the phones, maybe as well
but who the hell would want to talk to the politicians for anything important??
me, like in Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, i'd have them report to the Ark full of useless people going to the useless planet (which by the way was Earth)
Here it goes~~We would all be better off if those "for politicians only satellite phones" were beam me up Scotty links to an orbiting mothership flown by brain eaters from Venus.
Venus being broiling hot year round, brain eaters from that planet can cook brains as fast as they can pick off a piece that bursts into flames as they quickly toss it into the oral ovens that are their flaming ingestion orifices.
Um, yeah! Each bite is one nice spicy bit of brain.
I'll have to place a call for Schiff-head Eaters from Venus.
maybe these are made from those as those chips make slower computers but speed is not an issue for a Sat phone
I doubt anyone will be routinely utilizing them for multiple nefarious deeds.
easier to intercept by those handing them out?