Anti-Meat Propaganda Roundup: Drinking Milk Is Racist

Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 5 months ago to Politics
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"As I have previously documented at The Daily Bell, one of the major ongoing projects of the technocrat globalists at the WEF is to force the peasants to swap meat for mealworms, ostensibly for the sake of combatting “climate change.”

Enriching Bill Gates, angel investor in synthetic “lab-grown meat” product Impossible Burger, is an ancillary benefit. (Gates has invested $75 million in the vegan lab meat industry.)

The likes of Bill Gates, the corporate media would have us believe, are sent from heaven to correct our abhorrent behavior.

To sell the mealworms to the public, the overlords saturate the corporate media with vegan propaganda. Their campaigns rely alternately on appeals to morality or health, depending on which tact suits them at the time."
SOURCE URL: https://www.thedailybell.com/all-articles/news-analysis/anti-meat-propaganda-roundup-cnn-promotes-insect-diets-for-pets-drinking-milk-is-unsettling-and-racist/

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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 5 months ago
    Aw, what crap! Gigantic farting dinosaurs surrounded by a lot more smoke-spewing volcanoes survived for 65 million years (now I'm seeing it was 66 million years more and more).
    It took a gigantic asteroid hitting the earth at high speed to wipe them out (and adapting ones with feathers are still flying around).
    Since I started to hear the current we better learn to eat bugs garbage, I've begun to eat more steaks out of sheer defiance.
    Ate steak yesterday with another steak in my freezer. Had Church's fried chicken the day before I'll be having a BLT for lunch.
    Allosaurs are carnivores! We eat meat! We eat meat!
    I've both read and heard idiots say.Jesus would not eat meat. It's in the Bible that Jesus obviously regarded meat to be a treat. Methinks it must have been kinda pricey back then.
    It's Scripture that he gave a disciple money to buy meat so he and his merry band could have it for a yummy treat,. So there!
    I eat meat for a daily treat! Bugs I spray, swat and step on and will do so till the day I die!
    BTW, I let nonpoisonous spiders live. They eat nasty flies.
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  • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 5 months ago
    I'm more than happy to drink the milk these people won't. It's great on cereal. Wonderful with fresh peaches. Also pretty helpful for making a nice hollandaise or bechamel sauce or even pudding.

    I don't have any problem with people being idiots on their own time. What I object to is them trying to do it on mine - and especially on my dime!
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    • Posted by 1 year, 5 months ago
      If milk is bad, what about cream? ;^)
      Fresh whipped cream and heavy cream with fresh strawberries.
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      • Posted by $ blarman 1 year, 5 months ago
        On top of a nice chocolate cream pie. Or a berry smoothie made with blackberries from my yard...

        Cream is also a critical ingredient for other delicacies. Man, these activists are idiots!
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      • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 5 months ago
        Had fresh heavy cream on some decadent Chocolate Pudding made with whole milk tonite. Yum.
        Hey, I’ve counted the number of days for my life expectancy and subtracted how many I have used already…..I have determined now is no time to cut back on life’s little pleasures. Cheers 🍻
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  • Posted by term2 1 year, 5 months ago
    I am going to eat what I want to eat, until I cant get it anymore, and I dont listen to the propaganda that is put out there to further woke aims
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  • Posted by $ Stormi 1 year, 5 months ago
    They, esp. Bill Gates, will tell us whatever they think we will not question. I know several animals who will drink milk, post infancy. What about calcium sources, n one has told us bugs give it. Fact is, this is Bill Gates, Mr. depopulation, per his lectures, trying to go along with the UN, which has since UN Agenda 21, treied to tell us if everyone cannot have meat, no one should have meat, well except gov. heads and elites. Gates is a college drop out, he is not king of the world, because he managed to work with folks who got in early on PCs! He is part of the virus creation by way of his donations to the lab in China, and got advance information on how it would spread and when. He cannot be trusted.
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  • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 5 months ago
    What did he say Technocratic Globalists MothrtWEFers? Heard of them. I have a few more definitive adjectives as well. I have many posts on the Technocracy that they desire , communism was what was going to lead acceptance of a One World Technocratic Government. Something speed up their plan and it makes me think of Operation Warpspeed. The MotherWEFers were formed by British crown and Belgium Crown an Prussian Banksters $.
    Meet the Real enemy. The Satanic Prussian Royal oligarch Bankers, they tell the Queer MotherWEF FuQs at Davos what to tell their Puppets (BuyDem Merkel Castrudeau, Macron ) The Main Goal is genocide (reduce the Population) Know your enemy. Infiltration from within local state and national. WW3 whether you like it or not we are in it .Pick a side . Good vs Evil. Give up and it’s your future death warrant you are acquiescing. It’s a small club and you ain’t in it.
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