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    Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 12 months ago
    Another precedent set. When President Trumps
    Sting operation is complete , we can raid the Mansions of Clinton Bush Hussein ,and BuyDem. We can get their tax returns. Scrutinize their family members and indict them. The year of the Boomerang 🪃
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 1 year, 11 months ago
      People are waking up to the fact that this once proud nation is a banana republic. Once the ever-growing BRICS nations collectively dump the petrodollar, all nations will realize the USD isn't worth the paper it's printed on, they will dump their holdings. You think it's crazy now? Weimar Republic, here we come.
      People rhetorically ask: "What's it going to take for the masses to wake up?" ...Sadly, only when they are freezing and starving in the dark. At which point it will be too late. Far too late.
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  • Posted by Eyecu2 1 year, 11 months ago
    I believe that this ENTIRE proceeding should be on a live feed running on multiple channels. This would ensure transparency. IF Trump actually did something criminal he should be prosecuted but NOTHING should be hidden. Additionally and more importantly (actually the reason that cameras are not being allowed in there) if anything comes out that points to any other criminal activity or brings suspicion on someone else. Those things should ALSO be pursued to the fullest outcome just as they would be against Trump.

    I dream of a utopia were all sides are evenly judged for their actions. In that dream MANY Demonrats are swinging from nooses along side quite a few RINOs. I know it will never happen but one can dream.
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    • Posted by Running4mylife 1 year, 11 months ago
      I agree, and we need a lot of rope. I have to think though that he is really regretting schtupping that walking talking STD biohazard cum bucket. I really don't care that she got $160K to shut her pie hole, which should have stayed shut. I don't even care IF he used campaign funds (which he did not). Cory Bush paid her security guards to lick her toes...okay, I am just guessing here and maybe using a euphemism because, ewww, , but she definitely paid them for er umm, gigalo services, and one of them must have been so good she married one of them. Ms. Nasty Bush BLM lover used campaign funds and she hid it. Where oh where is her indictment? Anyway, Ole cum bucket got paid, and probably a lot more than a few minutes of having her orifices stuffed were worth and no one cares. This would be comical if it were not horrific. Well, at least Bragg can stop worrying that he will be Arkancided...he delivered.
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  • Posted by Running4mylife 1 year, 11 months ago
    Okay, this has been interesting. I get it, and I really didn't need my values reinforced, I never strayed from my moral compass, so may I please, PLEASE exit from this live action version of Atlas Shrugged and resume living in a Republic of for the people by the people, and not this banana republic of festering tyranny being dictated by the elitist crime families of Biden, Piglosi and funded by kapo traitor Soros because really, I am too old for this shite.
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  • Posted by Stormi 1 year, 11 months ago
    Does anyone eralize taht this is a distraction? This is Dems doing what they always do, turn to Soros for their marching orders. We are governed by Soros, via Open Borders, and his newly funded Government for Impact in DC which sets Biden policy, then in Ukraine, which is a temper tantrum since Puting banned him from Russia, he funded Zelinskyy into pwoer, so he could pull the strings.We no longer have Dem leades, we have children of Soros, Pelosi was the biggest. Biden is just glad to be POTUS even if he decides nothing, he likes being told what action to take. And so too the Black DA in NYC, he sucks at the Soror teets, also funed in by Soros, uncaring that Sosor once said to a reporter he hiredBalck teens to riot, becasue they are "stupid," and he can manipulate them. Yet the DA is fine with that kind of sponsor, he is now part of the Soros plantation.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 1 year, 11 months ago
      Soros is Rothschilds Puppet. His bitch or his General. Take your pick. As a “so called Jew” willing to turn on his own people during the genocidal WW2 provided a strong feather in his resume for doing the devils work.
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