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  • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 6 months ago
    True Lies.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 6 months ago
      I hate most all movies that the demons of Pedowood produce since the 80’s. I was confused about your response so I searched it. I learned it was a movie with the witch, who was posted in the above memes. Reading about the plot , it is not a movie that would entertain me but it would manipulate
      My emotions. Of course I didn’t take your comment as a recommendation. I did truly enjoy your previous tip to watch “ the man who would be king”
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      • Posted by freedomforall 1 year, 6 months ago
        I thought the title was somewhat ironic given the present reality. The special effects are quite good, too. My business partner designed and built some of the equipment used to make the machine gun effects.
        Glad you enjoyed the man who would be king.
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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 6 months ago
    What Ben Franklin said or why loser RINOs feel oh so compelled to "reach across the aisle" to what these days amounts to a despicable rat pack of Constitution hating commie traitors.
    Mr. Franklin was my late father's favorite Founding Father.
    Dad was an industrial engineer. So that may kinda explain things. My most conservative of brothers is one too.
    Me dino picked up too many genes from my mother's blue collar side of the family.
    Love that baby's expression in Meme #1.
    Meme #2 reminds me of what Alabama fans think of their #1 Auburn rival.
    Auburn fans cry "War Eagle," have a live eagle mascot but call themselves the Auburn Tigers. Confused? Bwahaha!
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 6 months ago
    Great set this week, Dobrien. Adding the train engineer pic was a nice touch of comic relief from the reality of the rest. I liked Ben Franklin and Achilles the most. Achilles reminded me I was thinking earlier this week that a lot of this hounding of Trump is to destroy his name so he will be forgotten - recall the black gladiator in "Gladiator" telling Maximus, "First, they have to kill your name, then they can kill you." Then a few memes after that was the Trump meme about "them" going after him.
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  • Posted by ArtIficiarius 1 year, 6 months ago
    Beware the "Blood Libel". It is dangerous in the extreme.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 6 months ago
      Having read your PM , that I have responded to regarding “Blood libel” and what you feel is an anti-semetic meme. My posting of the meme was to highlight the very real torture and murder of children by the SatanicLuciferian Genocidal Globalist Peedo Cabal that are depicted in the image . The rituals result in harvesting the Adrenochrome produced by the victim. If I could change anything in the meme I would add the Pope ,but many many more could be included. I am Baptized Catholic and the leadership of the Catholic Church are actually Satanic. It is the Prussian Model , infiltration from within. The so called Jews in this Cabal are also Satanic. I respect all people who have morals and good character regardless of Religious beliefs or nationality. As a human I recognize Evil and good. I won’t discriminate when calling out these pieces of excrement. Whether they hide behind a religion or not. Catholic,Jew , Atheist or Satanist. Oh and The Biden’s are Irish Catholics as well as scumbags.
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