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apparently he needed the Boards approval to do this. O’Keefe ,who founded the organization was the victim , like so many good organizations, had been infiltrated with scumbags.
MAMARONECK, N.Y. — Project Veritas founder James O'Keefe said in a speech posted online Monday that he has been removed as the right-wing group's leader.
This from the fake news AP …….In remarks that appeared to have been made at a Project Veritas' office, O'Keefe said the board had stripped him of all decision-making. The move comes after the board reportedly put him on leave from his role as chairman amid complaints about his treatment of staff at the organization.
The staff guy did not like being fired , that’s the treatment generating the complaint.
OMG will be refunded by PV’s donors who know
It’s the man not the organization.
Side note: I've noticed that the MSMM usually has at least one "tell" in their text giving away their bias. This one has the line, "...he has been removed as the right-wing group's leader." containing the descriptive phrase "right-wing" when it is just a truth in media group. If it were one of their own commie organizations the line might read, "...he has been removed as the group's leader." as you will virtually never see the phrase "left-wing" or "far left" to describe their groups. These "tells" to me are the eye-rollers that make me immediately ask, "what are they not telling me?" or "what BS are they feeding?". Also, they will sort of express (their spin) what the person said without actually telling you what the person really said. They do this to Trump all the time.
Maybe we are taking such flack because we are right over the target?
Paper masks trap 50 micron sized particles: sawdust, cement, stone dust, fiberglas insulation... but not asbestos.
100 virus particles can lock arms and do the can-can right through the gaps in a paper mask.
This is what fear p0rn does to uneducated people, it makes the ignorant, stupid.
As my old engineer boss at MIT used to say "ignorance is curable, but stupid is forever"
My wife told me her mother had a round leather horse whip thingy. She said she it hurt more than a belt. They used to hide it on her. :-)
Ahh the 1950's. Things were sure different then.
Weapon was dad with belt in hand.
Just another observation that I have from watching from other parents is when the parents asked the kid when they want to go to bed or eat or whatever. That always invites a struggle.
She raised a remarkable child.
Elenor had this self-contained record player in a box that only played 45's. The top stored a dozen or so records on the same spindle you unhooked from the cover turned it around and snapped onto the platter. Viola! a dozen hit singles in-a-row. Me and my siblings learned all those 1950's classics by heart. That little record player was made by Symphonic. Their factory was right in the downtown of Lowell. Back then almost every little conner shop had a section of the store where they sold a few records back then and a couple big record shops that sold HiFi equipment and did repairs. Record Lane and Garniks are still there after 60-70 years... of course it's all used records now. RRR (my favorite) has been in business for 45 years & Vinyl Destination is the start-up, at 10 years.
Xi's communism vs Potato Joe's kleptocracy... what a choice!
(OMG! I called Rand a "she"! What's WRONG with me?).
That same meme would be a good explanatory meme for the rest of the memes should someone from the Fifties show up in a time machine. May also be a good idea to let the time traveler listen to a Biden speech at the get-go.
Everything before,after and inbetween is absolutely PERFECT!
Began and ended exquisitely...
And to add to the LOL Mayhem: TGIFfunnies has been published.
Check out weekend memes from hot section:)
Or entertainment.