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For example, digital currency replacing all other means of exchange.
clearly so
May 31, 2020 4:10:23 PM EDT
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: b9dffc No. 9398032
Antifa 'MAPPING' started a long time ago.
What really burns me is when you mention the book to people, usually Leftists, the usual response is, "Oh that didn't really happen like that, a lot of that is made up." Because the book subtitle is "An experiment in literary criticism." So the communists say OH see it's just a book, it didn't really happen that way. Communism Good!
It took me 1 week to read Volume 1, 2 weeks Volume 2 and 6 weeks Volume 3, because it is a serious grind. It's a 1800 page scream at the Communists for what they did and trying to alert Humankind about what NOT to do.
That was the final nail in the public coffin for Communism in 1973. The intellectuals at the time couldn't publicly praise Communism any more after Solzhenitsyn's book. So they.....
Popped their little lefty mushroom heads up from a pile of shit called Postmodernism - recycled Marxism, and now Wokeism, Critical Theory, Antiracism, etc... - all recycled Postmodernism. The Communists are intellectual shape-shifters. The Leftists hold fast to Marxism and its Revolutions, always hiding by changing the words and public debates, but they are still nothing but mushrooms growing on the same Communist Cowpie.
Yeah I was unemployed and motivated so I sat down for Volume 1 and read 100 pages a day for 6 days. That was an emotional drain. I recommend read it slower it's safer!
Apr 27, 2018 8:27:33 PM EDT
Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 6e1ca8 No. 1215845
Cohen raid by FBI?
Public context: re: payment to STORMY Daniels?
SC & FBI raided POTUSâ attorney to pull STORMY Daniels payment info?
RR signed off?
What other docs were collected?
How many places raided?
Raid on the President of the United Statesâ attorney for payment details re: private case re: STORMY Daniels?
Think logically.
How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?
Who has everything?
Methods which info collected/ obtained?
Admissible in the court of law?
Insert Rudy.
First public statement.
âIt shouldnât take more than âa week or twoâ to come to a resolution on the probe.â
Think resignations.
Who has the POWER?
If POTUS was in a weakened position (about to be impeached/indicted) would âtheyâ resign?
Why are we here?
Public forum.
World watching.
Sharing of intel to bad actors?
Not confirming SC is on /team/.
Question everything.
Timing important.