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  • Posted by $ allosaur 1 year, 11 months ago
    Me dino knows what a lib would call that old man holding that sign that reads, "I fought for freedom overseas only to lose it at home."
    A racist.
    Also, today's DOJ would investigate him as being "a person of interest."
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  • Posted by JohnRandALL 1 year, 11 months ago
    I especially like the last one, Trump accomplishments. I will use that, the next time the leftists start rambling about how much they hate Trump. They want everyone focused on his personality, rather than his policies, and accomplishments. Compare that list to what Bidumb has done (or hasn't done)!
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 1 year, 11 months ago
    Like the Title. LMAO, I too, decided to publish some memes...see: A Saturday Evening Post...complete with a vintage SEP Cover!

    Will never eat jelly beans again!, Hmm Can't believe we posted the same Lock Down Memes...or maybe I shouldn't be surprised.
    LMAO: Saddle Light Navigation, Easter bunny shadow!!,
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  • Posted by mhubb 1 year, 11 months ago
    the steel did NOT MELT
    it softened to the point where it failed

    can we at LEAST used REAL SCIENCE
    on our side
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    • Posted by 1 year, 11 months ago
      Do your homework . Hundreds of witnesses reported hearing a controlled demolition series of explosions. One of The elevator shafts were shut down in both buildings (for repairs ) and under armed guard for a few months before Bush / Cheney and their satanic minions Sacrificed thousands of innocents so they could enact the patriot Act and pillage Iraq and Afghanistan. Glad you found one you didn’t like.
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  • Posted by $ DriveTrain 1 year, 11 months ago
    A boatload of belly-laughs on this, but I'm not a big fan of including a meme from a verified white supremacist organization ("National Alliance / National Vanguard,") and the thing about "White countries" - in defiance of the principles of both individualism and of America as a melting-pot.

    Rand's philosophy is the antithesis of collectivism, racial collectivism included. That's not to say the babe in the pic is not a hottie or anything - she is - but given the source it's like eye-candy dipped in a toilet.
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    • Posted by 1 year, 11 months ago
      I imagine you are a big supporter of the ADL.
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      • Posted by $ DriveTrain 1 year, 11 months ago
        I'm a big supporter and admirer of Israel and of the Jewish people, not necessarily of the Anti-Defamation League (which organization has long since been corrupted by hard-Left ideologues who enable anti-Semitism, ironically.) And I do not support - much less admire - anyone or anything uncritically.

        But white supremacism - or black supremacism, or "supremacism" of any race - is self-evidently not only evil but bonehead-idiotic. To run through the essentials:

        - One's race is a collection of measurements. Period. That thing which for some people is absolutely everything - that tribal/racial membership that defines for them their whole collectivistic identity - is as trivial as shoe size. Because race is a collection of measurements, and that's it.

        - It's an aggregate of facial dimensions which bear a superficial resemblance to those of others - the shape of a nose, of eyes, of mouth, the curvature of cheekbones and jaw lines... these are all geometric shapes, they're measurements.

        - The color of one's skin is just a measurement of the wavelengths of visible light that are alternately absorbed or reflected by pigmentation. Which measurement is on a nano scale, but... a measurement.

        So for someone to say "MY race is superior to YOUR race, NYAH!" is as blatantly stupid as someone saying "MY size 9 shoe size is superior to YOUR size 8-1/2 shoe size, NYAH!" To say nothing of the idiotic evil of "All people with shoe sizes that are not size 9 must die! Achtung!" So yeah, when (some of) our parents told us that "Race is no more important than shoe size," whether they knew it or not they were not just speaking figuratively, they were speaking literally.

        There is no place for racial collectivism - or any other collectivist variant - in Rand's philosophy, or in any philosophy of reason. Rand's philosophy is explicitly individualist and explicitly upholds the mind as the essential attribute of the human being. MLK's formulation about the content of one's character being the essence of humanity was also a correct one.
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        • Posted by 1 year, 11 months ago
          I am an ardent supporter of all individuals of any race. I am opposed to collectivism , Marxism and
          Racism. I also am opposed to the labeling of White people who want a sovereign Nation and support Trump being labeled White wing extremists or White Supremacists. I think White Privilege is a load of crap, so is systemic Racism. I think that the Catholic church has been infiltrated with evil satanic Peedo files and I condem the pope and all under him that enable their crimes against humanity and I was baptised Catholic before I could walk or choose.
          Evil exists in many people and regardless of their ethnicity it should not be tolerated. In my life I have witness far more violent acts against white people than any any other race. FBI Statistics of Crimes committed against other races clearly shows white are far more likely to be raped assaulted or killed by blacks or Hispanics Than white on Black or Hispanics violence. The KKK is an ignorant group formed by Dems to be their foot soldiers much like Anti-Fa is today.
          I would like to see The Jews being critical of not just anti-semitism but also the Jewish dominated MSM that is clearly pushing a Marxist agenda on US as Well as the Jewish dominated Banking system enslaving most countries in Debt. Not just that but the dominant Jewish role in Human and child trafficking. Epstien and Maxwell and Wexner and NXVIM funded by the Bronfman family. The Satanic worshipping Warburg, Rothschild , Soros , Who are actually Prussian and hiding behind Judaism when called out for their evil. Soros helped organize and fund along with Igor Kolomoisky the NAZI Azov brigade that orchestrated the violent 2914 color revolution in Ukraine and are working with Anti-fa. Soros open border society and his other NGO’s funding and pushing for a new world order. I have condemned the Evil Bush Family The evil Clinton Family and any other whites that want to take away my rights or worse. FuQ them all.
          I had never heard of the before you pointing it out . I looked at the web site and found many aspects of their mission statement
          To be very reasonable desires, much like a gulch . I don’t agree with all of it but that is not unusual.
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          • Posted by Lucky 1 year, 11 months ago
            That pic of the nice looking young women and the mention of two groups, when it appeared as a meme here a week ago I passed it by.

            Now, looking at it again, there is the pic, mention of two groups and nothing else, putting it up surely means approval.

            One of those groups is- National Alliance:
            Go to the website, you see a clear message with slogans such as:
            our race, racial quality, Building a New White World, Semitic ideology, and etc.
            The description of who they are, what they believe and what they want is clear.

            I did not go to the site of the other, I expect much the same. Tell me if I am wrong on that.

            On the face of it someone who says,
            " I am an ardent supporter of all individuals of any race. "
            would not be allowed as a member of National Alliance and would not apply.

            Anticipating questions:
            Do I support ADL, yes once-upon-a time 30 to 40 years ago, now, no. They have changed to supporting burn-loot-murder and antifa.
            Do I support Soros, No. I put up a comment on Soros in your next Dobrians meme series.
            If I ever put up a pic for approval or entertainment, I surely, would check to see that there could not be any approval of Soros stated or implied.
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            • Posted by 1 year, 11 months ago
              Glad to be tagteamed on this. I have stated many times in dozens of my meme posts “never fake checked , have at it.” I got lazy after a while and I assumed to viewers would know that. You are welcome to post memes and scrutinize them prior to posting all you want.. I am not a member of National Vanguard and do not have any intentions to do so. My only daughter married a man who’s father is Jewish so my wonderful grandchildren a partially Jewish. They mean the world to me.
              If you Question what kind of person I am feel free to ignore or block me.
              When talking to a close friend (I thought) of 40 years a few years ago. I brought up the Rothschilds and Soros as being deep state controllers, He immediately called me anti-semetic. Ignoring 40 years of friendship , when even helping him financially when he was struggling as a stand up comic. He never paid me back a dime our even offer to do so. I was talking about their actions not their race or religion. He made that the issue. Not their criminality. White people are being physically assaulted and worse by
              Some blacks like I have never seen before. I damn anyone who infringes on anyones rights. Some Jews seem to be very Q uick too point out what white people do wrong but are Q uick to call foul when their own are being called out. . I did not look at the first web site that you did , I looked at the second one but not in great detail, they seem to want a white nation. Isreal is a Jewish state , of course that’s just fine.
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              • Posted by Lucky 1 year, 10 months ago
                It is beyond imagination for that son-in-law or his father to deserve the same criticism -and one hopes eventual justice- due to Soros. So should some ancestry with a certain tribe be a stain on character? Of course not, individuals should be judged only on their own character and action.

                Consider, recall one of those vids where Milton Friedman demolishes some lefty opponent, it is done not just with good argument but with politeness appropriate to the situation. Nowadays the financial guru is Fried-Bankman. (Gasp). Then there is the Austrian School, compare with Yellin. Should one be taken as representative of some ethnicity and not the other? So many examples of this kind are available.
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                • Posted by 1 year, 10 months ago
                  Rep. Dan Goldman
                  Apr 17
                  With antisemitic violence at record highs, today’s hearing confirmed that invoking George Soros’s name is nothing short of blatant antisemitism.
                  I call on all Republicans to stop using this antisemitic trope immediately.


                  Shameful that Drivetrain and you won’t even comment . But I certainly have learn about your character.
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                  • Posted by Lucky 1 year, 10 months ago
                    Rep Goldman is not a person I follow.
                    Comment on antisemitic violence at record highs: Fact, this is correct. It is not just from antifa but from 'progressives generally. Perhaps from the old extreme-right as well eg the Ukrainian skinheads but the extreme-left is taking over from the extreme-right. This I understand from several sources eg Frontpage and Spectator UK.
                    My comment on the other part of what he said, Equating criticizing Soros with antisemitism: It is wrong and is well demolished in the next Twit by Sheila G. (Thanks for the link).

                    Over and out.
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                • Posted by 1 year, 10 months ago
                  I don’t even know how to respond. I have never made any mention to my Son in law or his father who is married to a Christian or my daughter for that matter about their religion. All are liberal and any political discussion is off limits.
                  Me posting an image that I thought was beautiful of a mother and daughter turned into me being a White supremacist or promoting it. I do find it interesting that the meat of my response is ignored. I
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                  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 10 months ago
                    Never heard of "White Life" before seeing the meme above. I figured it to be a spoof of some kind. Although I've seen plenty of publications promoting black people in various activities while standing in line at the grocery or department store checkouts and never witnessed protests of "black supremacy", I've never seen this or any other publication promoting white people. I'm sure it would be protested out of the store or the store would get burned to the ground.

                    Edit add: Never heard of "National Alliance", either. No clue what they are about.
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                    • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 10 months ago
                      OK, I did a bit of research on this organization (National Alliance). NOT FOR ME! Articles about them are not favorable at all and they are called Neo-Nazis, racists, anti-Semitic, white supremacists, and other derogatory terms. Yeah, whatever, as I've seen the same terms used against Trump and moms and dads standing up for their kids against commie school boards. After researching around the perimeter I decided to bite the bullet and go directly to their site ( to see for myself. It took about 30 seconds and a click or two to size them up. They seem to like Adolf Hitler and National Socialism. Barf! I don't have a problem with European-Americans standing up for their civil rights or African-Americans or Asian-Americans or any other Americans, but these are NOT just people standing up for their rights and they are NOT my kind of people. They are a tiny group (roughly 2500 members) and they certainly do not represent roughly 280 million white Americans.
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                      • Posted by 1 year, 10 months ago
                        They don’t represent me either ! I made the terrible mistake of posting , what in my eyes was a beautiful image of love. I saw the White Life and I do support that 1000% just like any life.I didn’t bother with even reading the links on the bottom. WTF ,how many times have I said Never Fake Checked , have at it. You find something you don’t like in the memes join the club. Over half the memes I post, the message is disgusting to me. Like Politicians promoting children to have genital mutilation and indoctrinating them to “decide” in school and Don’t tell your Parents.
                        Of course that fuQed up shit takes second place to
                        White Supremacy that is the Qreatest threat to our country. But damn me to hell if I were to say the Evil Main Stream media is absolutely dominated by people who hide behind their Jewishness when called out for the deadly propaganda causing I would argue Millions of lives. The little beverage company called Coke-Cola has classes to train their employees to be less white. I suppose that happens a lot in other companies training employees to be less Jewish.
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                        • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 10 months ago
                          With you 100%, Dobrien. I like the "Never Fake Checked, Have at it!" theme. You put up good memes you run across and let the viewer check 'em out if it looks like further research is needed - and I've done that in the past. Awesome for discussion of all sorts of topics. I liked the mom and baby meme you put up and when you had to defend putting it up my curiosity was piqued as to what it was. I shared my research here for everyone. I was actually surprised at what I found as I was originally expecting a group of white people standing up for their Constitutional rights - the same as black people are allowed to do, not a bunch of pro Hitler socialist creeps.
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