Common Sense Points to a Lab Leak
Posted by deleted 2 years ago to History
The Journal isn't popular here as it is a machine-publication. But it has told the truth here:
1-The coronavirus origin was a lab leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China.
2-The United States funded gain-of-function research in that lab.
3-A. Fauci knowingly approved funding for the deadly gain-of-function research.
4-The United States government covered it up with lies.
5-The United States government, using the media, persecuted people who told the truth.
6-A. Fauci was instrumental in the lying and the cover-up, and in the persecution of the American people who dissented.
The article states that it was clear common sense from the outset that the pandemic was a Wuhan lab leak, that the government was covering it up, and that A. Fauci was the front man to disseminate the lies. Most people understood this by basic common sense, by Occam's Razor, but were cowed into silence by being ostracized, fired, cancelled, demonetized or shunned by society and ridiculed by the media. Doctors were treated the same way.
Finally the truth is percolating into the higher levels of corrupt government. Even the liars can't lie forever. Truth wins in the end.
I put this under History because if we don't learn from this, it will happen again.
1-The coronavirus origin was a lab leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China.
2-The United States funded gain-of-function research in that lab.
3-A. Fauci knowingly approved funding for the deadly gain-of-function research.
4-The United States government covered it up with lies.
5-The United States government, using the media, persecuted people who told the truth.
6-A. Fauci was instrumental in the lying and the cover-up, and in the persecution of the American people who dissented.
The article states that it was clear common sense from the outset that the pandemic was a Wuhan lab leak, that the government was covering it up, and that A. Fauci was the front man to disseminate the lies. Most people understood this by basic common sense, by Occam's Razor, but were cowed into silence by being ostracized, fired, cancelled, demonetized or shunned by society and ridiculed by the media. Doctors were treated the same way.
Finally the truth is percolating into the higher levels of corrupt government. Even the liars can't lie forever. Truth wins in the end.
I put this under History because if we don't learn from this, it will happen again.
It is already happening again as the Good War in Ukraine.
The current US federal government should be tried and the guilty executed as war criminals and as genocidal murderers.
Those who survive should be tried and the guilty executed as traitors.
Anyone left after that should have their acts analyzed for adhering to the original intent of the constitution and bill of rights.
Those who acted outside those strict rules should be fired and the departments shut down forever.
All executive orders still in effect should also be revoked. This is a republican form, not a monarchy or dictatorship or democracy.
,”We were attacked ! Worse than 911 , Worse than Pearl Harbor! We have never seen anything like it”
“ I am a war time president” that and executive orders (devolution) are why Mara Largo was raided and why they raced to impeach Trump the 2nd time.
We are at war. The fake news will not tell you this, you have to discern it yourself. it is a situation where we have been infiltrated from within . That calls for irregular warfare. it is referred to as the Swamp. The spot light has never been so bright on what these evil creatures do.
When you start with a fallacy and build out the information from that , you should know that you a being manipulated. Once again. Psyop , 5G warfare. Information war .bio warfare, kinetic , NCSWIC. The Deep state Royalty Cabal understands that they are fighting for their lives.
They will do anything to survive. Will we?
It was obvious to me when the fedgov spent the Cold War dividend on more war.
(It was obvious to my grandfather who experienced FDR's treason at Pearl Harbor.
He told me about it, but I was too young to understand then.)
The neocons, banksters, pharma, and the war industry continued corrupting the fedgov
following the examples of the "civil" war criminals, the Spanish-American war criminals,
the WW1 criminals, the WW2 criminals, the Korean War criminals, and the Viet Nam
War criminals.
Not that China's government leaders are less guilty.
Government power attracts sociopathic power mongers.
All governments are guilty as are the corrupting sociopaths.
One of the most infamous characters in modern history is Henry Kissinger. His musings and policy recommendations have shaped much of the Western world today, warts and all; and there are many warts. Population control, nuclear proliferation, Middle East wars, de-pegging of the USD from gold, the rise of China, the impending collapse of the West and so much more can all trace their roots back to Henry Kissinger.
In 1943, Kissinger was drafted into the US Army. He was recruited into military intelligence by Fritz Kraemer. Fritz had an enormous influence on Kissinger, as well as other future politicians like Donald Rumsfeld and Alexander Haig. Unsurprisingly, Fritz also immigrated to America from Germany: of course that was part of Prussia.
Prussia gave up any borders to a state in 1946 , because they had infiltrated all the key nations around the Globe. The British Royalty are actually Prussian. So are most of the European Royalty exceptions mat exist.
The WEF is the Prussian govt. It is leading most countries by the nose. How can that be Sir? Because they own the corporations and politicians and Judges.
But even with all that , the idiots are in a losing battle. That battle is for the mind.
Now because they are just “Figureheads” they can operate with no accountability. Are we to believe they would just give up control?
Just an example The King of England has to approve any Prime Minister. That sounds like some power over government.
The World Organizations have ALL been been funded , created and directed by these figureheads..
The World Economic Forum, the World Health Orgsnization The World Wildlife Foundation
The United Nations , UNESCO ,IMF.All of the creators of these groups are Eugenics Proponents. They want to massively shrink the population. If that is the goal ( it is ) it’s imperative to know the enemy and eliminate ,eviscerate and turn them to dust.
What does that imply? An accident. This was no accident.
But the opinion piece , that it was Created is 2 years to late.
And was censored by these same pukes.
FuQ the WSJ.
I watched quite a bit of it. They said even if you have to lie ,do it. They talked about discrediting dissenting opinions and How to discredit.
Basically teaching them Pillosi’s Wrap up smear campaign. Fauci “predicted” Trump Admin would have a pandemic to deal with and on and on.
China allows people from Wuhan to travel outside of China, but not inside
All governments are guilty as are the corrupting sociopaths."
I always have said only the sociopaths are attracted to running for public office.
It is Media created by patriots with dozens of tremendous contributors.
Link provided