IN THE MEME TYME 3/20/23 EDITION: Don't Bank on it!
Fridays memes got stuck in the weeds, if you were looking for it:
DoBrien put out some good ones too...check em out if you hadn't.
DoBrien put out some good ones too...check em out if you hadn't.
Thanks again for great memes, OUC!
Nov 05, 2017 11:56:55 PM EST
Anonymous ID: FAkr+Yka No. 148186256
US MILITARY = savior of mankind.
We will never forget.
Fantasy land.
God save us all.
And now, his skillset is on full display. (Sans the young male interns).
The amount of pain, we are about to suffer as a country is going to be amazing. I hope to see you all on the other side, with a far more Federalist government as Clif High mentions...
does that count?
Bank on it that our senile CCP crookedly compromised Puppet-In-Chief Quid Pro Quo Sell-Out Joe is by his handlers given notes on his desk to keep saying the economy is sound and that our borders are secure.
His teleprompters tell him to say the same unless his brain freezes to the point he says addled Schiff like about how he handled an imagined figment called Corn Pop when little kids weren't feeling up his leg hairs in a swimming pool.
As you can see, we are in very good hands. Just ask his bobble-headed mopsie topsie spokesperson.
What will it take to wake the masses up?
Take their money.
Bail in-we pay/Bail Out-gov pays with funny money that we will suffer for. The bail in is worse, because the gov TAKES a percentage of our deposits to bail out the banks and puts us right into The digital dollar scam where they decide if we buy or sell.
Note: a bail in is escentually: Communism.
If you have the ability to see the big picture, then the iceberg can be seen for what it is. Various forces for armed succession in 2025, both covert and overt.
When SHTF, I plan to be party to the later.