I haven't read the book yet, but saw all three movies. One question. How did Galt get his motor and equipment to disappear when the security came to get him in his room.
There were only 50 people at the theatre for the 8:00 pm show in Summerlin, Las Vegas. I invited more than half of them. What happened to the publicity?
Exactly. Wearing the AS shirts and hats is a great way of getting folks to talk about it. Hopefully they tell more people. Get the conversation started.
It was Super Glue and Lik-em-Aide along with a blend of Jolt Cola and Centrum Silver. Produces exactly the result needed if ignited with Coffee mate and Honey Nut Cheerios. Not to be tried at home.
I saw the AS 3 yesterday at 11:30 AM. I was hoping that it would have shown the machine that blow up things from a distance and how the Taggert Bridge was blown up but that was the only disappointment. It is a very short movie but it shows somewhat what the liberal & bureaocrates have done to the once great country. We can take it back now since most democrates have finally seen what damage they.have done to this country by giving a man a fish instead of teaching a man to fish. "Run Ben run
The motor had the power to reduce itself and much else to dust. Karkar915, as gafisher below said, if you enjoyed the movies, then you need to read the book. In this particular case, you also need to ignore the Three Stooge comments from the people who do not know the answer. therev1953 and ewv were both correct. Galt says that in the movie, though not directly, when he tells Dagny that no power on earth could force the door. Galt's motor is not just a better kind of AC generator: it is a new source of energy. It shields the Valley from view; it renders Ragnar's ship invisible even to radar. It also apparently powers Ragnar's car.
A fuller answer to his question, which is presented in the book as part of the drama, is that the room with the experiments was designed to self-destruct and disintegrate if someone broke in.
Yes, of course, it is in the book that way twice. The first time is in the Valley. Also, in the book are other hints of what the motor is capable of. Of course, it renders Ragnar's ships invisible, even to radar. It also powers Ragnar's car. My direct reply to karkar915.
For crying out loud, it's a movie - JG used unobtanium to destroy the motor.
'way more complex than manurium!!! -- j
early scientists missed it! -- j
I saw the AS 3 yesterday at 11:30 AM. I was hoping that it would have shown the machine that blow up things from a distance and how the Taggert Bridge was blown up but that was the only disappointment. It is a very short movie but it shows somewhat what the liberal & bureaocrates have done to the once great country. We can take it back now since most democrates have finally seen what damage they.have done to this country by giving a man a fish instead of teaching a man to fish. "Run Ben run