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  • Posted by katrinam41 1 year, 9 months ago
    Renting our former houses back to us is just not that far off. The greater Cleveland area is overloaded with strange groups buying up every property they can, yet the number of houses for sale on the market is growing smaller. Signs stuck up on utility poles, signs stuck onto lawns, on corners, in the papers, all proclaim "We will buy your house for cash. Any condition. We do the ckean-up."
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  • Posted by mccannon01 1 year, 9 months ago
    Self righteous control freaks like that remind us all why the French introduced such to guillotines in the late 18th century. Maybe it's time for the people to sharpen 'em up again.
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  • Posted by $ Abaco 1 year, 9 months ago
    "The global elite hate you, they want to destroy your standard of living, and reduce you to a serf, a powerless and dispensable carbon emitter."..and they want you to die. Soon.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 9 months ago
    Key quote: If covid demonstrated anything, it is that indoctrinated people, fearful of death, will do whatever the government demands of them. It’s a template that will be repeated.

    That right there is when I gave up on my fellow Americans. Around April of 2020 I figured out that America is dead. It has about as much validity as DisneyWorld. A land of make believe.
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  • Posted by $ Markus_Katabri 1 year, 9 months ago
    There’s only one problem. The middle class serves as a buffer between the elites and the impoverished. Think of a typical riot. They don’t go to the rich neighborhoods where the levers of power actually are. The impoverished terrorize the Upper Lower Class and the Middle Class. It’s like when Detroit Lions offensive lineman Lomas Brown stepped aside and let QB Scott Mitchell get sacked to take him out of the game. Because he had thrown 3 interceptions. We should all be like Lomas Brown....and just step aside. Let the poor do what they do. To the elites. Good and hard. Why are we all still working anyway. In 10 years we will top 65trillion in debt. According to the CBO. That’s terminal. And there’s nothing that can be done to stop it. You could cut spending and tax everyone at 100% for 1 year and barely make a dent. The money and the system that created it is complete bullshit. Stop propping it up.
    The problem with feudalism. Sooner or later the masses figure out the definition of the word “mass”. ProTip: don’t be where an unstoppable mass meets an immovable force.
    Get out of the cities.
    Grab as much Monopoly money as you can and buy things with intrinsic value while everyone still thinks the dollar has worth. I promise you that’s what the 1% are doing.
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