Our children's future
Posted by GarbageMouth 2 years ago to Science
The facts that I am about to share with you are likely to make you very angry.
Our system does not work, and millions upon millions of young people are having their lives ruined as a result. The following are 13 numbers that show how dramatically we have failed America’s children…
Our system does not work, and millions upon millions of young people are having their lives ruined as a result. The following are 13 numbers that show how dramatically we have failed America’s children…
I want abolition of government-financed, government-operated schools.
Public education necessarily leads to government thought control. It's time we started a campaign specifically for its abolition
We protested and caught hell for it. She said everybody who protested in their cars were putting people at needless risk. 3 weeks later she was marching locked elbows with Detroit BLM in support of Saint Floyd. Now these idiots all ignore the consequences of their actions. I knew everything was going to shit 2 months into the pandemic. Our area used to have a Murder once every 3 years. In 2020 there were 7. Three of them were murder suicides. One incident involved a young mother and 3 of her children. She felt so helpless and scared by a “disease” which she had a 99.995% chance of surviving , that she ran a hose from the exhaust pipe into her car windows and asphyxiated herself and her kids. She was from SE Michigan and drove up here to do it. Local news covered it. How could they not? But I’m sure there was no mention of it in the more populated parts of the state. Another reason I quit my job. I refuse to contribute anymore time and treasure to this state as long as morons are in power. If I don’t see some brains apparent in our electorate a strategic relocation may be in order. Somewhere west of the Mississippi. But east of the Rockies.
Don't get me started.
"President John Adams, October 1787
Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other"
Moral and religious are not specific to any one belief system. Moral and religious are individually held beliefs that govern individual behavior, not laws.
When there is no definitive right and wrong, when morality is gray, a definitive decision cannot be assured, is why the system in place is failing. It can be fixed/restored to a substantial by stretching necks and confiscating familial wealth and holdings to set a clear example for the miscreants.
I agree with only people having a vested interest in the success of the state and nation being able vote. By vested interest I mean property and business owners. And before we criticize, the LARGE majority of people in the US at it time of its founding going forward were white. Since that was the racial makeup it stands to reason that having property ownership would be large white.
IMO Today, those on welfare and social services should not be able to vote. Students, dependent on parents or on other funding, should not be able to vote. Also IMO, if voting is open to all, it should begin at 35 if the requirement of property/business ownership hasn't already been met. That said, a 16 year old who owns property and/or a business should be permitted to vote.
My 2 bits.
1) Are USA citizens
2) Vote in person
3) Pay property taxes or income taxes
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. These nations have progressed through this sequence: From bondage to spiritual faith; From spiritual faith to great courage; From courage to liberty; From liberty to abundance; From abundance to selfishness; From selfishness to apathy; From apathy to dependence; From dependence back into bondage.”
Alexander Fraser Tytler
I recently heard Stefan Molyneoux say something like....The liberals say "we put the children first" then run up national debt over $31T. You can't have it both ways. We obviously do not value our children. In schools I think we actually hate them.
Progressives have no love for children, because they don't even love themselves.
In spite of that shortcoming, I agree that many younger people today have no idea how to survive in reality
and older people can't count on them to care for the elderly.
Many young people believe that their current state should be blamed on greedy "boomers" who were given everything.
Those people have been brainwashed by the Deep State so they don't realize that it's the state that has created
these conditions, not any generation of innocent and hardworking people.
Sensationalistic, psychopathic MSM delights in using a very broad brush to paint scenes of chaos, patriotism, terrorism, lust, disease etc. until our compatriots no longer exist in the real world.
Nursing homes have staffing problems that are well documented. Perhaps what you see is different. What I see tells me that we are in trouble.
At present, many of the young have not accepted any responsibility and are living
on the wealth that their parents and grandparents created through hard, honest, productive work.
imo, many will perish clinging to their degrees in women's studies and african studies
that give them no useful abilities and will make them entirely dependent on the state
when the wealth has been squandered to support the idle.
Same thing here. I'm not sure who the "we" is in that headline, but from an educational standpoint, the system is doing EXACTLY what they intend it to do. The less self-reliant people are, the worse they feel about themselves, the more they don't like the current system, the more likely they are to turn to the government to save them.
but that would only cover certain subjects to be studied
it would not be a strong case, IMHO
Our system does not work, and millions upon millions of young people are having their lives ruined as a result. The following are 13 numbers that show how dramatically we have failed America’s children…
#1 One recent survey found that 40 percent of U.S. parents “worry their children struggle with anxiety or depression”.
#2 During the pandemic, suicide became the second leading cause of death for U.S. children between the ages of 10 and 14.
#3 Suicide is also the second leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 15 and 24.
#4 According to a recent Pew Research Center poll, 46 percent of U.S. kids between the ages of 13 and 17 have experienced cyberbullying.
#5 40 percent of U.S. high school students “felt so sad or hopeless” in 2021 that “they were unable to do their regular activities”.
#6 According to the CDC, “more than 95% of children and adolescents in the U.S. spend much of their daily lives in school”.
#7 At 23 schools in Baltimore, not one single student is proficient in math.
#8 At 30 schools in Illinois, not one single student can read at grade level.
#9 At 53 schools in Illinois, not one single student can do math at grade level.
#10 According to the CDC, nearly 20 percent of all adolescent female students experienced sexual violence in 2021.
#11 According to the CDC, nearly 60 percent of all adolescent female students “experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness” in 2021.
#12 According to the CDC, nearly 25 percent of all adolescent female students “made a suicide plan” in 2021.
#13 The proportion of adolescent female students that actually attempted suicide in 2021 was 60 percent higher than a decade ago.
There is nothing “normal” about these numbers.
Indeed -- and I would wager that TPTB realized that there would be considerable negative fallout / costs associated with the Govt Lockdowns and Dictates. Failure by Design.