Be "As Young As You Feel".

Posted by freedomforall 2 years ago to Movies
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"As a culture, we tend to think of young people as kids until age 25 and put older people out to pasture at 65, cutting a person’s useful lifespan down to 40 years. So much wisdom, knowledge, and experience could be shared across generations if people were judged by their aptitude and ability, not their years on the earth. A wonderful classic movie which deals with this subject is “As Young as You Feel” from 1951.

The title aptly describes the subject matter, since this story is about a mature man’s quest to prove that companies are doing themselves a disservice by forcing experienced workers into retirement at a fixed age.

This movie is a supporting actors’ picture, in the sense that it features character actors in all its leading roles. Monty Woolley is top-billed and plays the main character. The other prominent actors include Thelma Ritter, David Wayne, Jean Peters, and Allyn Joslyn.

The only cast members who were real stars are Constance Bennett and Marilyn Monroe. However, both were supporting actors at this point, since Miss Bennett was a leading lady in the 1930s, while Miss Monroe would achieve stardom later in the 1950s."

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  • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years ago
    I just participated in a 100 miler ultra marathon .... 100 miles of trail running in under 30 hours. I am 57 year old. I fell in with another guy, age 70 and we finished the last two miles together ... he has run 102 of these 100+ milers and is looking good and feeling good... I am only up to 67 or so:) He indicated that running big races really took off in his late 50's. Ultra running isn't for everyone, but it certainly works for me and a few other agile folks. Icing on the cake -- the oldest finisher, age 71, completed the race 30 minutes faster than us. Good times.
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    • Posted by Dobrien 2 years ago
      Qreat feat. You are right ultra running isn’t for everyone.
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      • Posted by $ pixelate 2 years ago
        I hear you -- I got certified in SCUBA 30+ years ago -- but it was not my cup of tea ... same goes for caving and being underground. As for the ultra-running -- most of it is fast hiking for me... back of the pack. I know another "runner" who walks the entirety of the 100 milers that he participates in -- and finishes a couple hours before me. He's got the fast-pace-walk-hiking gig dialed in.
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        • Posted by Dobrien 2 years ago
          I admire you endurance. It would certainly be a good idea for me to get out and walk more, you have inspired me. This winter has been very snowy and unusually icy. The wife took a slip and had a severe wrist sprain late Dec and now with About 3 inches of ice and 15 or so inches of snow on top of the ice. The next month is typically the snowiest for us. 41 inches so far.
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  • Posted by mccannon01 2 years ago
    Working can be fun after retirement from the rat race, but you don't have to work to stay young. Eat right, exercise, and play hard! Have a good time! Get up and move - even if it means shutting off the computer and walking away from the Gulch. My oldest daughter is 50, but I still refer to her and her siblings as "the kids", lol.

    The link forces you to enter your info to read the article - I pass because I have enough crap flooding my inbox every day.
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    • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years ago
      I retired early (61) from health problems related to the Bio-Weapon that I was targeted with in January of 2020. (I have all the co-morbidities.) "Long Haulers Disease" Yes, it's a real thing. And Yes it was done on purpose to cull the old and the weak.
      This is not just our government's doing, this was the work of that tiny group of Baal Worshippers in European Banksters that control, not only our government, but all governments.
      "Only pretty as you feel" well right now I feel like I'm being had.
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      • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years ago
        My unprovable pet conspiracy theory is that the Deep State was in cahoots with that Chinese Bio-Weapon attack primarily because a lot of fat cat sell-outs wanted Orange Man Bad out of the White House as well as wrecking the economy and social norms with government overreach. Knocking off oodles of Baby Boomers such as myself was considered to be acceptable collateral damage.
        Speaking of theories, why teach CRT? It's just a freakin' theory. Actually, I do know why control freak scumbags teach it . . .
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        • Posted by 2 years ago
          👍 Don't forget the hundreds of billions in undeserved profits for the biggest lobbying (government corruption) group in the world: Big Pharma.
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          • Posted by mccannon01 2 years ago
            Ha, after this last "go around" that is still going around, the Mexican drug cartels got nothing over these pros! There was a time I actually believed the American pharmaceutical companies were one of the prime examples of free market capitalism at work. They brought us improved health and longer better life spans. Now I think something has gone seriously wrong - to the dark side they went.
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years ago
            I did overlook Big Pharma. Thanks for jumping in. There'$ a rea$on why they lied and lied about the pandemic and what to do about it from the get-go. Wonder what it wa$$$$.
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            • Posted by Dobrien 2 years ago
              I have a great post that covers these corporations who are being and have been led by the same filth that we call royalty. They absolutely worship a Baal type death cult. They have Always been Genocidal and they have been intentionally attacking our health. Here is the post

              Protecting your DNA (
              Posted by $ Dobrien 0 minutes ago to Education
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              There is a war for your DNA.

              Speaking of food, it’s becoming clear on the other side of the BACTERIOLOGICAL ATTACK called the COVID-19 Pandemic that America’s diet is atrocious.

              We all know fast & junk food contributed to the comorbidities that took way too many of us before our time during COVID, but what if I told you DIET has also been another way our Enemies have been GENERATIONALLY assailing you and your children’s DNA?

              My brother Brian Cates recently did a jaw dropping deep dive on why Vegetable/Seed Oils are absolute POISON to your digestive system.

              Our “Intellectual & Corporate” betters have been telling us for ages that eggs will clog up our hearts with cholesterol, along with butter and eating red meat is a TERRIBLE diet one must avoid.

              Instead we were TOLD a healthy diet needed margarine, whole grains and cereals.
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              • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years ago
                Breaking! SVB is getting a taxpayer bailout.
                The Beatles song: "Little Piggies" Keeps playing in my head.
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                • Posted by 2 years ago
                  "does any one else feel like The Fed is trolling the world by naming this bailout: The Bank Term Funding Plan... BTFP - Buy The F***ing Pivot?!"
                  "What is more notable is that the BTFP facility, will pledge collateral at par, not at market value, thus giving banks
                  credit for all those hundreds of billions in unrealized net losses, and allowing banks to "unlock liquidity"
                  based on losses which the Fed and TSY now backstop!"

                  Bottom line: The entire financial market is a giant gambling den where Wall Street and the banksters
                  gamble and manipulate markets to steal from the rest of us.
                  When they fail, we pick up the tab as taxpayers because the federal government is utterly corrupt.

                  DC, NIFO.
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                  • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years ago
                    Dismantle the FED:
                    They are a Foreign-Owned Banking system called The Federal Reserve.
                    Two blatant LIES: They are about as Federal as Federal Express. And they have no reserves. They print money out of no where, change us a fee to do it. They are totally uncountable to anyone. When is the last time they were audited?
                    The Federal Reserve ACT was passed by three senators on Christmas break, December 23 1913. totally unconstitutional. Only Congress is allowed to create currency.
                    The icing on the cake was the creation of the tax act to pay for it all. Woodrow Willson single-handedly destroyed this Republic. Spit
                    THE UNITED CORPORATION OF AMERICA -since 1876
                    Notice every document you'll ever receive from the government, your name will be IN ALL CAPS.
                    That is because you are not a citizen of the United States, you are the property of the United States Corporation.
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              • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years ago
                23 and Me? Ancestry dot com? Hell, I even suspect the so-called covid tests (the swab stuck 2 feet up into your nasal cavity) was in fact a DNA collection without your permission. Why the hell else would they have to stick a swab so far up your nose that it hits the very back of your nasal cavity? To collect DNA. Duh.
                Having read way too many spy novels (Tom Clancy) and medical thrillers (Robin Cook) and 35 years working for the DoD, I have come to this terrible gut feeling the reason for collecting all this DNA is to create the ultimate bioweapon, one that specifically targets certain individuals or groups of individuals for rare and untreatable diseases and difficult to diagnose disorders. There are other reasons for massive DNA collection, of the rabbit hole sort, I won't go into here.
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                • Posted by Dobrien 2 years ago
                  You are right to Question the swap. Much speculation on that test. Weird that the virus could get someone else infected and masks and plexiglass but they had to go all the way up your nose to get a sample. Bull shit is what I call.
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        • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years ago
          You are more correct than you think: here is documented proof. No Theory. Just the Facts:
          "Presidential Takedown" by Dr. Pail Elias Alexander & Kent Heckenlively. JD (isbn-10-5107-7622-7)
          Subtitled. "How Anthony Fauchi, the CDC, NUH, and the WHO Conspired to Overthrow President Trump"

          This is nothing less than Treason, and/or Sedition. Plain and simple.
          Give them a choice on how to die: Hanging, Firing Squad, Electric Chair, Lethal injection. (In order of my personal preference)
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          • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years ago
            Just looked uo "Presidential Takedown" for $14.99 on Amazon. Going to buy it. Thanks so much for the heads up.
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            • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years ago
              The publisher "Skyhorse Publishing" publishes all the good stuff all the other publishers are too cowardly to publish.
              You my be able to click on "Publisher" and see their offerings. The last ten books I bought all came from that house.
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              • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years ago
                Thanks for the advice. Took a look for price comparisons at that publishing company's listings, which included buying it direct, Barnes & Noble and a couple of others.
                Amazon is the cheapest.
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                • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years ago
                  Unfortunately Amazon has used their considerable bulk to crush the competition. (another reason I think the ScamDemic was more like a PlanDemic)
                  I try, as much as possible, not to use the evil bassturds, but sometimes I just can't avoid it.
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                  • Posted by $ allosaur 2 years ago
                    Me dino may have once been quite active as a corrections officer who could run across a large prison and break up fights during the 80s and the 90s, but health problems in my old age has left me handicapped.
                    Not severely but staying on my feet hurts and it looks like an artificial knee is in my future,
                    So I'd much rather have stuff delivered to my front porch than go to WalWokeMart or go to Barnes & Noble in Hoover way on the other side of Birmingham where the book costs twice as much.
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                    • Posted by tutor-turtle 2 years ago
                      I was a Tower Monkey (100' Radar towers) for many years. Left me worn out and damaged more ways than I can count.
                      Not very healthy for living creatures when they turn on the maga-watt transmitter while you are down range. (or worse yet, when you are on the tower)
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          • Posted by 2 years ago
            They don't deserve a choice, once proven guilty on verified evidence.
            Impalement on the national mall is my favorite punishment for traitors, as an
            example for anyone who might consider turning traitor against the People
            in the future. Broadcast it live on every channel and on the internet.
            Put pictures in every history textbook and video in every history class.
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  • Posted by Stormi 2 years ago
    My CPA husband did not retire until age 80, and we continue our personal acctg. home business. We will celebrate a coffee pal this week who turns 92! We have a regular group of oldies who meet daily for coffee, politics and seeing who remembers what music! We take lots of vitamins, but I still love junk food, working in the yard, and sports cars. I will know when I am old, I guess, but learning mroe is a daily requirement of living. Too much stupidity in the world now.
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  • Posted by GaryL 2 years ago
    I'm beginning to seriously wonder if the next big pandemic we see will be caused by lead poisoning. A very big bank just bit the dust with lots or their depositors unable to withdraw their money. Lots of very big companies are big depositors such as Netflix.and numerous others.
    So how are those liberal democrats working out for us so far?
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  • Posted by katrinam41 2 years ago
    Us seniors don't give up easy. Too many things to see and do. Retired from full-charge bookkeeping to become an over-the-road trucker at age 58. Hazmat endorsement too. Now I have to slow down due to health, but I refuse to sit in a rocker and watch TV all day. Writing, painting, garden, love to drive, walk the beach searching for Yooperite while I teach my grandson about rocks and minerals.
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