Spaceforce and green power from space. Lt Gen (Ret.) Steven L. Kwast

Posted by Dobrien 2 years ago to Education
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This was a comment that was from this interview that I concur with.
I wish I could do a thumbs up 1000 times Incredibly informative We KNOW that we are being led by tired history and exhausted tactics We KNOW the corruption We KNOW there is a third way This was a very inspired piece for me Thank you
Important to note is Jon Howard the interviewer is who came up with the Devolution theory.

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  • Posted by mhubb 2 years ago
    solar panels in orbit can work
    need a place to send the power down to

    super conductors will allow the power to be send anyplace on the planet with no loss

    possible to do this?
    we'll see and not if the likes of the biden cabal have anything to say about it
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    • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 2 years ago
      In my book is a viable and realistic solution, and that was 2012. In short, the moon is coated with silica. We can automate the production of solar panels on huge stretches of the moon. Create collection and transmission stations and beam the generated electricity to earth in microwave form to man-made collection islands which relay the microwave-electricity to land based plants to convert it to tangible electricity around the globe 24/7/365. These man-made relay islands can be placed around the globe aligned with dishes aligned with the moon. The conversion from microwave back to usable electricity was about 80% back in 2012.

      Everything else, aside from nuclear, is a bullshit control and money grab. We cannot generate enough electricity to meet demand, particularly now.
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      • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 2 years ago
        I'll add, so I don't sound smug, my speculation was based on extensive research going back decades to understand what we had, how we didn't use it, and what we could have done with it. Flying craft are shielded from microwaves and the man made island could be similar to oil rigs or perhaps even ships,
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        • Posted by mccannon01 2 years ago
          At the risk of sounding ignorant, what happens if the microwave transmission from space misses the targeted man made island and hits Miami instead?
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          • Posted by $ AJAshinoff 2 years ago
            Not at all. It’s been a decade or so since I did the homework but my understanding is/was that the microwave is only a little more than we get from the sun. A microwave unit cooks because it traps the microwaves within and bounces them across the food many times.

            The earth is constantly turning and the moons path is generally fixed and recorded. Microwave tech is point to point so the receiving relay dishes should be much bigger that the transmission band, like tossing baseball into a king or queen sized mattress.

            The constant power endlessly coming from the moon makes electricity abundant and plentiful using solar. Storage of power, batteries or something akin to batteries, would be needed to get through the times between reception, roughly 24 hours.
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  • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 2 years ago
    Save it for the next 12K year cycle, it's too late to do that now. It would only get ruined in a solar flare, CME and definitely by the Micro Nova; not to mention the charged dust arriving from the galactic center right now.
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    • Posted by 2 years ago
      Always the optimist my Swedish Brother lol.
      Did you listen to the Gen.?
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      • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 2 years ago
        Yes, It seems he doesn't know or thinks we can dodge the inevitable...there is no way to dodge whats coming. It's doubtful that even a Star Trek like force field, if possible, could protect a satellite, much less the Earth.
        The solar micro nova will take out everything! on every planet, on Earth and in space...and at best, if we make it that far, we have maybe 20 years before the magnetic reversal, earth tilting 90 degrees, earth quakes, volcanic eruptions and ultimately the solar micro nova happens.

        Spend the time and money on saving valued, consciously introspective, productive Human life and our technology. Figure out how to save our best tools, knowledge and philosophy from being melted back into raw material once again.

        I did think his take on Eisenhower's speech (military industrial complex) was an interesting one. If in fact that they are or at least willing to put all their best efforts and technology to save the best of mankind in all aspects then I'm all in.
        He sounds like he's one of us.
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        • Posted by 2 years ago
          Glad you heard him. So I am aware of the potential danger of a micro nova and have clearly seen the timeline of the Earth changing catastrophes but I am not sold on this magnetic reversal violently flipping the planet risk. The poles have been rapidly moving away from what we know of them to be already . Far as
          I can tell only some birds and animals have shown some effects from the magnetic anomalies.
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          • Posted by $ Olduglycarl 2 years ago
            We all though of the "Violently flipping" pole reversal but it seems it doesn't happen that way and we are not sure we actually rotate the opposite way every 12K years but the rest of it: the crustal release, the tilting 90 degrees is self evident in geology.
            The real consistent danger of the magnetic pole movement toward each other is the weakening of the Field itself. It plays a big role in the crustal release and the health and well being of life on the planet...including ours.

            I posted a video by Ben, helping us deal with "the knowing". It's worth a listen, much wisdom there.

            I plan on being productive right to the end. Prepare as best I can...should my demise not be in the big plan.
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